
Saturday, June 10, 2023

Liz Steel’s painting tea cups class


Still cup crazy after all these years

You gave so much love ❤️ to the Breakfast in Paris post (15k views 👁️) 

The wheels started turning like mad comme d’hab, since I LOVE ❤️ painting cups☕️

Plus I have a BIG cup ☕️ collection waiting patiently 🙏 to be painted 🎨 

I thought why not work on my cups ☕️which I’m working on all the time anyway 

Voilà! Deep dive 🏊 into Cup Country.

In 2015 musée Cognacq-Jay had a terrific tea exhibit (plus coffe & chocolate). 

And this exquisite design study of a 17th century teacup among others.

Paris fleas
are the best route teacup country. Why didn’t I get this lovely blue cup last Sunday? 
Would you believe I went looking for THAT BLUE CUP yesterday?! There are brocantes everyday in Paris.

I almost bought one (both a tener) of these yesterday…should I go back? TELL ME🙏 SOS

Right now I’m tempted to run 🏃‍♂️ off right to Porte de Vanves, the Saturday biggie 🤔 Bus 70 goes there directly from Odeon. 

I found this cute mini cup there for a song 🎵 (see above yet to be painted). Isn’t shopping in Paris wonderful ☺️

so easily distracted…back to Liz’s cup painting class. Just scroll & watch the introductory video 👍

To quote Liz, 
By doing a deep dive into one object (teacups!) you’ll learn skills you can apply to anything you paint. You’ll love creating beautiful paintings that will fill you with joy — using everyday objects!

Here I’m doing important research 🔬 on teacup handles as instructed.

It’s amazing how this detail-oriented, almost myopic approach gets you past fear & frees you up. I’ve been terrified to paint this rose 🌹 teacup from MR for years 🙁 But I plunged in and enjoyed doing Mini thumbnails.

More blind contour method drawings ✏️
involves carefully observing the outline and shapes of a subject while slowly drawing its contours in a continuous line without looking at the paper. Have you ever tried this? Another freeing drawing technique.

I’m using basic materials (not on the recommended class list). Canson XL aquarelle paper. I love ❤️ Pentel Arts Aquash water brushes to draw with rather than pencil or ink (as recommended). And a basic W&N Cotman 12-set of watercolors = KISS 💋 
As usual I’m all-over-the-map 🗺️ jumping from thing to thing. Sticking to a structured format is not my MO 😵‍💫
These are some samples from the 1st week’s class. Maybe it’s not to late to join in? Do you  want to hear more  about the 4-week class? Let me know in the comments 🙏  Otherwise check out on Instagram hashtag #sketchingnowteacups & @lizsteelart .

Do s
hare with a friend & please stop in my Etsy shop for a look ☺️ I’m b
ack painting 🎨 the ever beautiful Mariage Freres tea ☕️ cup now on Etsy. Have you been to their fab tea salon? ❤️


  1. Sin duda alguna te gusta mucho las tazas y pintarlas y qué bonitos quedan esos dibujos. Y también qué bonito poder tomar un café y ese delicioso desayuno en la mañana en una terraza en una cafetería en París.

    1. Anonymous5:08 AM

      Without a doubt, you really like the cups and painting them and how beautiful those drawings are. And also how nice to be able to have a coffee and that delicious breakfast in the morning on a terrace in a cafeteria in Paris.

    2. Anonymous5:10 AM

      Gracias, that’s exactly what I want to do is paint coffee cups ☕️ onsite 👍
      I went out yesterday with all my gear to CAFE DE LA MAIRIE but arrived too late. It was lunch time 🙁 I must get out there earlier ⏰ !

  2. Anonymous6:23 AM

    That is a lovely job! Paint watercolours in Paris. It is a great way to spend your life and get a lot of memories. Live your life!

  3. I have a friend who, when you arrive at her home for the first time, hands you a piece of paper 4" x 4" and asks you to close your eyes and draw a self portrait. I'm
    the only person who drew my whole figure--all the others have drawn heads only.
    She has a wall covered in the self portraits of all the friends who have visited her home. She is so clever!

  4. I would love to have tea or coffee with you any time and sit quietly while you paint our cups. Does your collection include demitasse?

  5. Love the post. I will check out the video. I’ve always loved your painting of cups. Where do you find room for your cup collection in your “apartment de bonne?”!

  6. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Heart-skip when i started to read today's mailing - Liz Steel in the past tense! I thought i was going to be reading a eulogy. Whew - thank goodness that was not the case. I always enjoy your cups and saucers (egg cups, too, comme chez Vincent Van Gogh). As a rank beginner, it's reassuring to know that even accomplished artists like you still take classes and workshops. If you're lucky, learning never ends.. Thanks for all your inspiration, Carol. -k.

  7. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Go back and find that blue cup! There were a couple more you pictured that I would buy too. I love your pictures but would love to have lunch with you. The pastries you show look Devine!

  8. Bonnie L8:18 AM

    I LOVE your cup watercolors…I have several from your Etsy shop. Your cup collection is wonderful and sure to get larger. Looks like you’ve been bitten hard by the Broc Bug. Happy hunting…and painting! ❤️

  9. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Buy the floral cup for sure! When I visit Paris in the fall do you have time for lunch? My treat, of course!

  10. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Taking Liz's class now and loving it. All those Paris teacups would come in handy! Sandie

  11. Love the cup paintings! I also like the first blue teacup you didn’t get, but sometimes that’s the way of things. All the best with future tea cup market shopping. I’m happy to hear more about how you go with the we course, even though I’m not a painter myself.

  12. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Ok, I looked at Liz’s website the other day but decided not to sign up for the class. After read your post I changed my mind. Just signed up!! What W&N set would you recommend I buy if I am only buying one set (I know you have MANY!!). I have the itty bitty travel set but it is too small. Appreciate your recommendation!! Pls. Carolyn

    1. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Great Carolyn 👏 As shown I’m using the WN Cotman basic 12 set. I am not a big fan of Daniel Smith paints (recommended) though I have dozen tubes.
      The class is about seeing shapes and putting them down on paper.
      You can email me directly. There is a lot of information in the course. Almost too much. The #group on instagram is fun to follow 👍

  13. sukicart2:16 PM

    Yes, do go back and get the pretty flowered teacup. The teacupslook easy to draw and paint but I know better.

    1. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Its not about easy/hard so much. More about seeing ovals and form ☕️
      We use cups everyday ☺️

  14. Anonymous9:24 PM

    I have two sweet paintings of your cups, love them . . . . AND ALSO LOVE YOUR CHRISTMAS PERFUME PIG!!! Are you as wild about Christmas perfume bottles as cups or is bear!!?? 😊❤💚 CVH

  15. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Love teacups and please continue. I found them a real challenge.

    1. Anonymous4:01 AM

      Are yiu in Liz’s class ☕️?

  16. Anonymous1:18 AM

    Your watercolor cups ☕️! I have so many of your beauties! MR

  17. I would take a class from You, Carol, any day. You've been painting and inspiring us for so long.

  18. Anonymous11:10 PM

    How fun to see two of my favorite watercolor painters in the same blog posting. I love the way Carol paints your way thru Paris and I’ve taken several of Liz Steel’s sketching classes. I’ve learned so much from each of you! Thank you for sharing your passion with the rest of us, inspiring us to at least try to add a bit of creativity to our lives. Merci!

  19. That blue and white -- wow. I love that cup -- and yours. Liz's class looks great and I bet yours would be too!

  20. I just signed up for Liz's teacup class. At this point the class is not "live", but I will enjoy the pre-recorded lessons at my own pace. It is very encouraging to me that you, an accomplished teacup painter, took the class and enjoyed it. There's always room to learn a few new tricks!

    1. Anonymous1:04 PM

      I enjoyed it and got a different point of view. Inspiring to be sure 👍


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