
Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Chateau de Sceaux


Nothing like a day in the country is there?

I have been wanting to visit Chateau de Sceaux for years.

On Sunday, I convinced Rosemary to come with me.
She visited ages ago, but is always ready to get outside Paris.
Getting there was a bit of challenge since RER B is not accessible at Place Michel on Sundays, but at last we connected. 
The ride out to Bourge-la-Reine was around 20 minutes and
 about 10km (6 mi) from center Paris.  The bus 392 is a short walk from the station. We chatted up some Frenchies who helped us easily find the bus stop. 
You can also walk to the chateau (around 15 minutes). 
*Fortunately I have ‘Bus Luck 🍀’ as Rosemary called it. 
Some people are lucky in love or work or with the lottery. Me, I show up at a bus 🚌 stop and immediatement a bus arrives 😳 I’m good with Elevators too ❤️. Go figure. But I digress comme d’habbitude. 
Dogs are allowed. Carrying is optional.
Once at the Parc, we entered through the tulip garden
Then we tried to figure out exactly where the chateau was by the random maps provided 😵‍💫 
This is a big parc. More complicated then Chateau de Versailles or FontainebleauThe park was designed by Andre Le Notre, who designed Versailles and the Tuilleries gardens.
Enfin we found the main Chateau (there are several in the parc). 
It’s the main museum. I wanted to go in. 
Rosemary wanted to nap in the grass. It was a glorious day 🌞 perfect for picnicking. *There are a few cafes onsite (quelle ordinaire). Much better yo bring your own eats. We found a tiny grocery near the bus stop & got clementines 🍊
sandwiches 🥪 

The museum, known as musee de l’Île-de-France is your classic chateau musée…
No major masterpieces, 
But lovely nonetheless.
We went searching for the boutique/gift shop - always a must. Not easy to find. Rather vague signage,
 but beautiful, unusual things like these candle spoons. Somehow I resisted..
All in all, a lovely day in the country at
Chateau de Sceaux. Getting back was easy. It always is, isn’t it 👍
I had the perfect Berthillon tarte au pomme 🍏 once home. YUM
             ❤️Please visit my shop on Etsy dear PBers ❤️


  1. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Thanks for this delightful armchair tour. You are always very witty and amusing, and I love the French vocabulary review!

    1. Anonymous5:56 AM

      Very kind indeed 💋❤️

  2. Anonymous4:02 AM

    It's Bourg la Reine et Château de Sceaux.

    1. Anonymous5:45 AM

      To the rescue! Grand METCI !!!

  3. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Carol, one c is missing. It is Sceaux. Do yo know that Désirée Clary lived in the town when she married Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte before they were King and Queen of Sweden. Love, Chiara

    1. Anonymous5:46 AM

      Honestly, I had no idea! Great nugget of info 👏👏👏

    2. Anonymous5:57 AM

      Being ADD + dyslexic does not make for championship spelling 🤷‍♀️

  4. Looks lovely and a great place to picnic and so close to Paris, despite the adventure to get there! Though you having the lucky buses it sounds fine.
    I like the big vase of flowers and ceramic cauliflower.

    1. Anonymous5:59 AM

      Thank you Kirra ❤️ Yes lovely ceramics always in France.

  5. Bonnie L6:38 AM

    Lovely Sunday in the country, Carol! So conveniently close to the city yet so delightfully removed from all the city hub-bub. Thanks for showing us yet another do-able day trip from Paris. ❤️

    1. Anonymous9:50 AM

      You’re welcome ❤️ Going early is a good idea

  6. What a beautiful Sunday in the Parc! Andre Le Notre was very talented. Must read up on him. I’m like you, making a bee line to the gift shop. I think those candle spoons are interesting. Have not seen anything like them before.🗼❤️

    1. Anonymous9:49 AM

      I know…very unusual gift items

  7. ' comme d’habbitude' - I like this phrase.

    1. Anonymous9:48 AM

      A favorite ❤️

    2. Only 1 b in habitude(!) You know I met Henry Winkler ("The Fonz" from Happy Days) and he told me he is dyslexic - so I am noting this for those who need to know! Lovely article, Carol! When I first saw that diagram of the gardens I thought - oh, this is Versailles ! - But then you commented on Le Nôtre - no wonder! He was the landscape architect extraordinaire during that epoch - and he must have made many similar designs before that Grand Versaille Jardin!!! I agree - bring your own lunch! Way to Go, Carol! Love my little excursion out of town for the day!
      P.S. The Gift shop is always on my To-Do-List!

    3. Anonymous4:43 AM

      I did a post on the Andre LE NOTRE exhibit at Versailles in 2014 Mary.
      I wish i could go back…

  8. Carol, thank you for a lovely day. I can imagine it all!

    1. Anonymous4:44 AM

      Thank you Cindy ❤️ really a thrill for me 😊

  9. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Carol, Great timing. I will be in Paris next week and Chateau Sceaux is on my list of places to visit. Do you know if the RER B stations "Sceaux" or "Parc de Sceaux" would be closer to the grounds/chateau? I for one don't have the same luck as you when it comes to buses. Thanks. Bonne journée:

    1. Anonymous9:47 AM

      Both stations are closed.

  10. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Tres excellent! Anabel

  11. Anonymous10:42 AM

    How did we miss this one? The gardens just have Le Notre written all over them! I love the past and present photos and paintings of the picnics complete with dogs. The good things stay the same. R.

  12. I love your tours and this was a lovely Sunday in the Parc.. Thank you, Carol

    1. Anonymous4:21 PM

      Thanks Suki ❤️ I need to get out more often and plan ahead !


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