
Saturday, November 19, 2022

Why I ❤️ Ibis

 I almost always stay at an Ibis in France

So easy. Très reasonable. No complicated egg-boiling machine either 👍

The rooms are always the same (kind of like a Hilton…sort of)
Breakfast is included in the price! 
Breakfast starts at 6am. Perfect for Larks. i.e. early risers 🐦 
Plenty of jam…if not Christine Ferber. Note the special long-handled jam spoons…only in France. So spoon handle does not get sticky?
OK it isn’t the
Ritz Carlton in Cannes. 
And sadly no Champagne for breakies
Never mind. I like this multi-hot drink machine for making Moka
Back in my room I have Canal Plus 
The new series Marie-Antoinette is playing
I have yet to figure French hotel showers…too complicated. What about you? 
I have lots to report 
Much more to come manana, manana. 
Meantime I’m painting in my room a little bit
À demain!!


  1. I also like Ibis hotel chain when in France. Love your blog & French adventures. You are a Hero!

    1. Anonymous3:08 PM

      Thank you! Inis is all over Europe. I think its basically a businessman’s hotel. You can join Accore and get a discount.

  2. Anonymous4:20 AM

    this is a great post----lovely art, lovely everything

  3. Looks as if you are having a super time. I always like the French style of serving breakfasts in hotels. The long handles jam spoon is a good idea! The hotel showers are something else, I usually get most of the water on the floor. Keep on enjoying!🗼❤️🎨

    1. Anonymous3:09 PM

      A very complete breakfast, though I saw some just getting coffee and toast.

  4. Bonnie L8:30 AM

    My takeaway from French showers…those detachable shower heads! We installed one at home. They are marvelous!

    Glad you are enjoying the hotel life…comfy bed, lots of tv channels, breakfast ready when you are. Enjoy.

  5. Dorrence8:35 AM

    I really envy people who can keep those wonderful illustrated travel journals. Love your madeleine. You’re so talented. 👏🏻

  6. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Lovely Photos--looks like a wonderful place to be. What kind of sketchbook do you use, Carol? Or lots of different ones?

  7. I've stayed in the Ibis hotels many times--love their breakfasts! The location at Charles de Gaulle is great! Though I swear their bathrooms are smaller than the rest.

    1. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Small bathrooms in France are par for the course.

  8. The spoons remind me of "iced tea spoons;" but, do the spoons have skinnier bowls, too? Or are they more like a standard spoon?

  9. Anonymous10:59 AM

    I too, thought the long handled spoons are iced tea spoons, who knew they would be good for jam!

  10. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Loved this post. Always enjoy hearing about your adventures and seeing your wonderful photos.The breakfast at the Ibis looked delicious with such a nice variety of foods. - Suzanne P.

    1. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Hi Suzanne! In future I will always do breakfast photos!

  11. I love it and it looks like, in addition to painting in your room, you're sampling your subject.

    1. Anonymous7:34 AM

      I am always sampling my subject matter - a big problem for me 😳

  12. Daphne Hope7:51 PM

    Ibis has several levels so if you want something a little more special - try Ibis Styles. It is our go-to all summer when traveling - primarily for the breakfast as well!

    1. Anonymous7:34 AM

      I think I was in a Styles…names “Les Artistes” & very close to the conference.

  13. Have a great day Carol ! Try to find Saint Nectaire cheeses, and look at their beautiful labels if you go to the market Saint Pierre for example. Such a beautiful area, I understand why there is the Carnets de l’aventure here, it’s so inspiring XX

    1. Anonymous7:32 AM

      I ate St Nectar with Jambon yesterday! And some at breakfast too but did not see the packages 😳

  14. Ibis hotels in France do look good! When I tested at one in London the breakfast wasn’t this good, but maybe the French have higher expectations?


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