
Sunday, September 25, 2022

Food Temple Portugal

Does this say Portugal to you? It does to me.

Another weekend in Paris, another foodie  festival. One has to go right?

Saturday I went over to 
the Carreau du Temple  in the upper Marais even though it wasn’t the nicest of days. 
Inside you’d never know it with all the happy eaters.
The joint was jumping. 
For this 6th edition, the festival honors Portuguese cuisine, on the occasion of the France-Portugal season taking place throughout this year 2022
I love pastel de nata—those creamy little custard tarts in the crackly pastry shells and buy them whenever I see them
Somehow I managed to miss out THREE TIMES going to Portugal 😬😳😒 
And I have been to Brazil FIVE TIMES, (very long ago admittedly) once staying for 3 months, naturally because of a Brazilian (really an Argentinian) I met and ran away from after a week
But that’s another ancient history story 😊
So I can say ‘Obrigada’ and other tidbits of Portuguese…
Naturally I had big plans not to eat or buy as much as at last weekend’s MarchΓ© Flottants
I even ate a slice of pre-fete flan (always a good filler-upper in a pinch) as preparation for abstaining
That was all totally forgotten once surrounded by all this yummy Portugeuse food and so many tastings. 
Fortunately or unfortunately, the long lines for all the delish custardy things from Canalas were daunting so I abstained. I do not have French patience. 
And there were plenty of tempting crafts, books and pottery calling my name. 
What I brought home: almonds and dried figs, not counting the fig ice cream eaten on the spot or endless other tastes. 
*By the way, if you would like to own the limited edition πŸ‘‘ Queen Elizabeth commemorative letter make haste. I will be removing it soon from Etsy. And if you would like to buy a selection of any 6 Paris letters/maps, and have them mailed out flat (not folded) you can find 6-packs (6 for $68)  in my Etsy shopπŸ‘
πŸ’πŸ’‹❤️πŸ‘πŸ₯‚Isn’t that exciting πŸ₯‚news PBers!πŸ‘❤️πŸ’‹πŸ’
                                BONNNE MONDAY PBers !



  1. I don't think I've ever eaten any Portuguese food but those custardy things look really good.

    1. Anonymous2:02 AM

      It is all SUPER delish Suki…very savory and very good sweets

  2. I think running away from the Argentinian was probably very sensible! lol At least you have that week to remember ;)

    1. Anonymous1:57 AM

      Hahaha so true AnabellaπŸ‘But I had to quickly figure out what to do for the other 11 weeks I had sublet my NYC apartment! I traveled around Brazil for a while to Brasilia and Bahia, then to Peru including Matchu Picchu, and Bolivia. Then friends (who had introduced me to the dreaded Argentinian) let me stay in their lovely Ipanema penthouse by the beach for a while. In Brazil you can come over for drinks and stay a month - very relaxed, called horario Brasiliera (Brazilian time). On the plane home I met an Amazonologist who invited me back for Carnaval etc. etc… Carolg

    2. Anonymous2:01 AM

      Brasileira !!!

  3. Anonymous1:48 AM

    πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹ Portuguese tarts…… delicious!

    1. Anonymous2:38 AM

      They truly are delish. Fortunately they are always at the Bastille marchΓ© and on rue Roi de Sicile at Comme Γ  Lisbonne

  4. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Was so sorry to hear the main food market in Paris burned yesterday. Hope it wasn’t too badly damaged. The variety of Portuguese food is amazing. My totes would have been filled to the brim!

  5. From what I read Portugal seems to be a popular destination currently. The food looks wonderful. I, for one am fascinated by your grand escape from the Argentinian & other South American adventures. You certainly have covered a lot of territory in your life…more to go!πŸ—Ό❤️

    1. Anonymous11:16 AM

      Tourjours la meme Ga 😊 I have never lacked for adventures. Stability has eluded me although I am fairly stable in Paris…

  6. Bonnie L8:33 AM

    Yum! Looks fabulous!

  7. Anonymous10:42 AM

    The food looks amazing! I would love the custard tarts.I also really love the Portuguese tiles and pottery. So pretty! . Suzanne P.

    1. Anonymous11:18 AM

      I fell madly in love with the blue and white tiles and wanted to buy them off the table but it was no go 😒 I should have returned on Sunday 😭😭😭

  8. I recently tried the little Portuguese tarts from the frozen section of Trader Joes, they were yummy but I think I would rather have the authentic ones!

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      I net they are very authentic…maybe even come from Portugal! CG

    2. Anonymous11:11 AM

      Ah ha! They DO COME FROM PORTUGAL! And only 2.99 πŸ‘ Mamamia
      our Custard Tarts may come from less purely practical origins, they are imported from Portugal and prominently feature the same creamy texture and flaky, melt-in-your-mouth crust that have made this dessert a favorite in bakeries the world over. Preparation is as simple as 20 minutes in the oven, 15 in the air fryer, or 55 seconds for a single Tart in the microwave. Once hot and ready, they’re especially delicious when sprinkled with a bit of cinnamon and paired with a steaming cup of coffee or tea.

  9. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Carol. Love these pictures! Good for you for escaping the Argentinian! I think Portugal is having a moment which is lovely..a beautiful country. Here in San Diego thee are many Portuguese who originally came for the tuna industry but have created a great community, churches, festas and spread their love of gardening and family to all.

    1. Anonymous11:12 AM

      Thank you ❤️ I Must go next chance πŸ‘

  10. Anonymous11:33 AM

    I stand in awe! Wherever/however do you find out about these these wonderful festivals and expos? As a subscriber of long standing, I avidly await your delicious reports/glorious photographs. L’Officiel doesn’t seem to feature them. I live in the 12th and would love to be able to plan weekend excursions around these delights. Parisbreakfasts is the best!

    1. Anonymous1:33 PM

      Sally, get in touch. L’Official is all fashion. No good. Subscribe to Sortir Γ  Paris !

    2. Anonymous1:34 PM

      And take the Metro! Posters everywhere

  11. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Boy-don't these Parisians look cold! E.

  12. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Come help πŸ™ not kidding

  13. Anonymous2:24 PM

    I’m sure you have ALWAYS lived a LIFE ‘WELL LIVED’!!! CV

  14. Anonymous2:26 PM

    We need to hear more about the Argentinian saga! :) And yes, you need to write your memoirs,…..with your wonderful illustrations! Am headed for Trader Joe’s today and will get some of the tarts. Love your blog!
    Suzanne in San Diego

  15. Yum! Good on you for going out on the weekend on a bit nice day, I would have been tempted to stay at home. I have been to Portugal and the food is great. We are lucky and have a shop that makes and sells authentic Portuguese custard tarts here in a South Australia…..far away from Portugal. They are delicious!

    1. Anonymous7:58 PM

      My bag is packed Kirra…coming to taste your local fare :))

  16. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Very playful and those custard tarts look amazing. Anniebel

  17. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Thank you dear Carol for a beautiful blog that gives me a continual view of wonderful Paris and France Penny

  18. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Yes in reply to a couple of comments - Portugal is certainly “on the map” with all the Camino Pilgrims walking the Coast route to SDDC from Porto and other places. And enjoying all that wonderful fare along ‘The Way’.


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