
Monday, August 01, 2022

Cats in windows


Changes, changes..who likes them but sometimes they are necessary.  Parisbreakfast is switching email πŸ’Œ providers.  Delivery will be as usual. You don’t have to do a thing. Hopefully we’ll all get used to itπŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ™ Another change—my latest obsession with cats in windows

I imagined in London, I’d see cats 🐈‍⬛ everywhere. Riding the red double-decker buses. 

I looked for cats 🐈‍⬛ taking the Underground at South Ken Station. 
Sitting in William Morris-style London flower boxes..
Or resting in any classic London doorways..
Cats 🐈‍⬛ sitting in shop windows like the excellent art store, Green and Stone in Chelsea.
Finally I saw a cat 🐈‍⬛
A portrait of former resident cat, Tom in the reception area by Nicholas Hely Hutchinson
Orange Tom was a big helper in the past. 
And a constant companion 
When I had an exhibition at the club a while back.
But this time I never saw hide nor hair of the new resident black and white cat 🐈‍⬛ on the premises. 
Not even at ‘full English breakfast’ did the new cat show up for a sniff and a snack… 
I did this cat in a window in 2009 and it landed on the cover of a book I forget the name of…so there is cat 🐈‍⬛ history here.
Happily Mary sent me her sister-in-law’s orange cats 🐈‍⬛ to put in a Paris window. You too can have your cat sit in any window of your choice. Just say the word and visit my Etsy shop. Do dogs 🐩 sit in windows? I don’t think so.. 
πŸͺŸπŸˆ‍⬛☕️πŸ₯‚πŸ‡«πŸ‡·πŸ’‹Bonne Tuesday dear PBers πŸ’‹πŸ‡«πŸ‡·πŸ₯‚☕️🐈‍⬛πŸͺŸ


  1. How lovely Carol. The cats in the window are darling. Sometimes change is a good thing.

    1. Yes of course, change comes whether we want it or not. All about acceptance. Thank you for commenting. Much appreciated ❤️

  2. I definitely think Tom & I could be BFF’s -although Tom & Bear seem to be getting along. I love the photos of sweet Tom -I’m sure he was a big help to you. Love that photo of all your framed watercolors from 2010 too.

    1. Yes Tom cat was enormous help to me, especially walking on top of my watercolors 😊kind of to smooth them out. Having someone on the team is an immense aid when you’re putting on an exhibit!

  3. Annabella Bray12:38 AM

    I have just started listening to A la recherche du temps perdu as my bedtime book to put me to sleep, lol. Which it does beautifully :) But I am also enamoured of his style and detail. I had no idea it was the 200th anniversaire this year so lovely synchronicity. Hard to get madeleines here in philistine Oz but there is a Frenchman at one market who does them - such a treat!

  4. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Many years ago, I lived in Chelsea with a bathroom chinz wallpaper . Never forgot it.

  5. Anonymous1:02 AM

    Love kitties in windowsπŸ˜πŸ’œπŸ±πŸΎ

    1. I know…there’s something so wistful and if they were longing to return to their original wild and naughty ways..

  6. Love your idea of kitties in the window. Tiger and Lily have not been to Paris (except in the watercolor you painted of them), but they’re content admiring the hummingbirds and squirrels on the other side of the glass here in Pebble Beach.
    I always look forward to reading about your adventures. Hope you’re keeping cool.

  7. Cats are in Italy, si! Pictures follow.

  8. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Thinking your Cat in the Window looks just like a croissant. ❤️

  9. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Love the kitties Carol, and the london photos. You are so talented, you should write a children's book- the artist's apprentice.

  10. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Ga..Enjoyed all the photos of London. I grew up with cats. They certainly march to their own drummer. Love the water color of the cat in the window 2009. Perhaps you should get a cat to grace your window.πŸ—Ό❤️🐈

    1. Parisbreakfast11:47 AM

      I have been thinking about it…but I must find a rescue cat GA

    2. Anonymous2:06 PM

      The Societe Protectrice des Animaux (SPA) animal shelter at Gennevilliers is not too far from Paris. Accessible by metro line 13, if you don't mind walking a bit. They have some lovely kitties. If you are interested, be sure to look at their website first to find out what paperwork you may need to bring with you to adopt.

    3. Parisbreakfast4:34 PM

      Thank you for the suggestion πŸ™I will look into it ❤️

  11. Love your work so much! <3333333

  12. Jeanie has to go to Green and Stone -- and buy everything in the window. Love the cats, all of them. I'm always painting cats from the backside, as it's much easier than tackling their enigmatic faces! I'm loving each and every one of these and of course the photos of my favorite city. (Sorry, Paris -- you are second fave city!). I really like the South Ken tube entrance. Big smiles!

    1. Parisbreakfast11:40 AM

      So fun to read your comment Jeanie…agree, agree, agree!

  13. Anonymous10:35 AM

    The new format is better. The old appeared jumbled on my screen sometimes ! Change is good!
    Love seeing felines pop up in unexpected ways!
    Your forever chat-amour!

    1. Parisbreakfast11:43 AM

      Thanks Ann..very nice to get the feedback πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  14. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Love your cats in windows Carol. I just realized I have not gotten your newsletters in some time. So happy to see it in my inbox again. I signed up again just in case as I love seeing your photos and reading about your adventures. I have kept up with you and commented via Instagram. This is Suzanne P. Love London and was there many years ago. Same with Paris. Best memories ever of both places.

    1. Parisbreakfast11:44 AM

      So happy to hear Suzanne…I had a feeling you were MIAxxxx

  15. Anonymous11:06 AM

    I have traditionally been a cat person but the past several years have had two Westies grace my home. They LOVE sitting at the window - and barking their sweet little heads off whenever someone dares to walk by. Oof. Noisy. Thank you for sharing your art out in the world.

    1. Parisbreakfast11:46 AM

      This so funny to hear. I think only Westies carry onlike this! :))

  16. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Cherchez les chats

  17. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Love the cats in your watercolors, Carol! I second the suggestion to get yourself a cat. It would chase all the pigeons off of your roof and be a great companion for Bear when you are off on your adventures. ❤️

  18. My dog sits by the front door looking out the window at the side most of the day - do you think she might be part cat?

  19. Alaina Warren Zachary3:03 PM

    I noticed your partially hidden green and black porfolio with elastic. I ADORE THESE and have a few still from a Soho US shop back in the late 70’s!!!!!

    1. Parisbreakfast4:31 PM

      Those portfolios are classic here…al you can get really. I love them too,!

  20. So happy to receive this e-mail post. Somehow, I had slipped off your former server and did not reconnect. I was concerned about you with covid issues, winter cold and summer intense heat. I've been reading all the blog entries for 2022 and loving sharing Paris and a bit of London with you. The new server is very nice and has reconnected me πŸ‘

    1. Anonymous12:25 AM

      Where I live in woodsy No. Calif. we have to keep our kitties inside (hence window watchers) because of coyotes!

  21. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Hello, hello~~~marvelous what you can do with cats. I love 'em. (Bugs)


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