
Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Peggy Porschen, Chelsea in Bloom

I’ve been MIA. I went to London last Thursday c/o the Eurostar (at 7:30 very short lines). 


London was absolutely bloomin’ 🌸 for the Queen’ Jubilee with moderate temperatures in the 80s. Especially in Chelsea, where I was staying.


Have you been to the Peggy Porschen Cake shop?
There’s a newish one in Chelsea, 219 King’s road. I did a book jacket illustration a while back for Peggy.
The desserts are famously OTT. 
By the way English strawberries are superb. These are farm select Diamond strawbs I found in M&S.
I had the perfect English teatime ☕️ at Peggy Porschen. Dessert is hidding.
What are they wearing in Chelsea for Summer time - lots of long white/pink skirts. 
A voluminous pink dress with ruffles, plus the obligatory straw hat. 
On the corner of Old Church street and Fulham road, the divine Chelsea Flower Stand
They make very lush bouquets, always tied with a ribbon. 
In the evening when they close up shop, they are still as gorgeous as ever.
Flower painting on windows everywhere was an option, if no fresh or faux flowers. 
More pink flower-decked doorways. 
Pubs got in on the flower show for the queen here at the other end of Old Church street. 
Even office buildings went flower 🌸 nuts. 
Another pink tea shop. I don’t think there are any in you know of one? 
Naturally I went inside to inspect. Cute but not in the same ballpark as Peggy Porschen. No way. Do you want a bit of London ☕️to hang on your walls? 
🌸Do visit my Etsy shop and please think pink🌸


  1. Thank you for taking us on your little jaunt across the Channel.
    That was A LOT of fun & I especially love this shade of Pink, so it was a feast for my eyes.
    You rock...!

  2. I'd just love to be in England now, and was supposed to if all plans had worked out. They didn't but maybe next year! It looks like loads of fun!

  3. It was great fun!
    I was a little hesitant about going because its been such a long time..3-4 years at least.
    What was I thinking? Too much time spent reading the Guardian bad news was a deterrent to travel.

  4. It all looks so bright and summery - I've only been to London in the freezing winter or in the rain so this would be a very different experience,

  5. Oh the Spring is delightful in London…or early Summer
    Please go again.

  6. Michelle2:04 PM

    Oh no!
    You spelled Peggy’s last name wrong in your picture! Or maybe that was intent? Personally, when I go in there, it should he spelled Peggy PORTION - because I need to be careful in there!

  7. Thank you, I dislexia…I fixed it…
    Peggy PorschEn

  8. You were in my old neighborhood! We lived in a houseboat in Chelsea Reach, just off the Battersea Bridge and Cheyne Walk.

    Your portait of the PP bakery is quite beautiful and fun - though her surname is misspelled -Porschon instead of Porschen. Oops! This makes it a true original!

  9. I know.
    All fixed now.
    I was at the Chelsea Arts Club. I used to visit a friend on Cheyne walk…divine!

  10. Next to Paris I do love London. Many visits there & to Englands’s country side.
    Thanks for the lovely photos. The flowers are glorious.

  11. Anonymous3:30 PM

    So delightful…so flowery…the pastels…the pastries!

  12. Bonnie L3:34 PM

    Sounds like you had a delightful time in London, Carol. So glad you arrived after that dreadful heatwave. And, you always seem to find the best pastries! You are one smart cookie! ❤️

  13. Lovely to know you’re enjoying your visit. If you have a chance, check out Barnes - it’s where we are living now, just across the Thames from Hammersmith - it’s a village that seems a world away! The Saturday market in the Essex House surgery parking lot is great.

  14. Sounds and looks like you had a ball:)

  15. Did you go on the Uber water taxi on the Thames? I was on it last week when visiting my sister who lives in Chelsea and it was fantastic! £9 for a return ticket from Vauxhall bridge up to Greenwich and back again, a splendid trip, try it next time you are there it really is worthwhile and a great way to see parts of London. Sadly, it is not a hop on hop off but still!

  16. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Stefan…I did not know
    It was a whirlwind as is, but next time I would like that.

  17. Eugenia11:16 PM

    It’s different vibes in London, isn’t it, and fun in a different way. Thanks for sharing these bright, pinky bits of your visit.

  18. This entire post was a mouthwateringly delicious banquet to behold! Love it!

  19. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Thank You, thank you! This has been quite the enjoyable feast of flowers, color, decor inside & out ---and pink! Takes me back to our canal boat stops for ambling along home gardens, village shop windows and the central square all decked out.

  20. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I have been to Peggys (but prefer Fortnums). Its so pretty to walk past in the summer and people watch. x


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