
Sunday, May 16, 2021

How is Notre Dame?


Who can forget that terrible day April 15, 2019. The whole world stopped and watched.

 PBer E. just wrote me, “I appreciate your recent shot of Notre Dame.  Cathedrals have been an important part of my life - I worked for 20 years in the National Cathedral in DC. It’s good to see that crane sticking up towards the sky. That means the long process of rebuilding is beginning.”

On my
 way to the Prefecteur May 7 for my visa appointment, I had to walk by Notre Dame

I’m so happy Paris, with assistance from JC Descaux, have put up these big billboards. 

Its keeps us all informed on the day-to-day details of the reconstruction. 

I thought you’d want to see them.

 I didn’t keep count.  But there are many photographs.

The photography is from Magnum Photo Agency. They are beautiful. Often astonishing. 

Plus detailed interior diagrams and boards of written explanations. Thankfully in both French and English.

They are all along rue du Cloรฎtre-Notre-Dame. Its a don’t-miss when you come over, which could be sooner than you might expect ๐Ÿคธ๐Ÿพ‍♀️

 I asked my Landlord/proprietor if he had seen them yet? “Oh yes” he assured me, just like the cherry blossoms at Jardin des Plants

Hmm...someone is late to the soirรฉe/party☺️

Thank you Mary for your fun photo and review in my shop๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

And thanks everyone for your jolly response to the newest single letter, the Paris bookshop map. You might like the Shakespeare and Company letter too. A nice set for Father’s Day? Or for anyone ‘bookish’๐Ÿ“š If you have any other favorite please letters let me know.
Enjoy your Sunday PBers where ever you are ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ“๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿป


  1. Sybil T.6:56 AM

    Thank you for the update Carol.
    It soothes a lot of worries

  2. That sad day still brings up so much emotion. The fear that we would lose Notre Dame. So thankful the reconstruction is progressing. We are all rooting for the completion and reopening. Won’t that be a happy day! Thank you for the update.

  3. I dont think they can rush things. A lot of work was required even BEFORE the fire.
    It must he quite the puzzle to solve ๐Ÿ™

  4. I had the TV on when the disastrous fire was happening. Thanks for sharing these photos of the remarkable work going on the restoration.
    Never missed a visit to light candles on my trips. After a lot of coaxing I finally agreed to climb the steps to the top! I was a LOT younger.
    Stay well.❤️

  5. Terrific. Absolutely terrific.

  6. Wonderful up date, please keep us informed on the progress of restoration

  7. Love the ND pictures. The Saint statue should smile!

  8. Progress!

  9. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Please verify the status of the cherry trees on left bank side of Notre Dame. They bloomed the length of the park and side chapels. Were they destroyed in fighting the fire? Is that why Jardin des Plants is showplace now?
    Thank you and keep up with these informational posters.

  10. I so enjoy your blog! Thank you for keeping us connected to Paris with such charm and wit.
    Do you sell the individual letter or map of Ile St. Louis?

  11. Good idea Liz
    I will this week

  12. Thank you for the wonderful update on ND. I think the way they are doing the repair is fascinating and look forward to seeing all those photos.

  13. I put it up Elizabeth ๐Ÿ˜ƒ. Thanks. I needed a push

    Ile Saint-Louis Paris Letters Paris map single letter Paris on Etsy

  14. Merci, merci, merci for this report! I hope other PBers enjoy it as much as I have. That’s solid info on those billboards, too. thanks for including them.
    A BIG cheer to you

  15. Jerry Ann12:56 PM

    Thank you so much, Carol.

    Love your pictures of daily life.

  16. Thank you for all the news and photographs of Notre Dame reconstructions. Together with the news of improvement of Covid situations at least here in California, they definitely uplifted my mental.

  17. Dekalb GA I have never climbed those stairs :((
    Nor the Eiffel Tower either...
    “You’re a better man than I Gunga Din”
    Rudyard Kipling

  18. I have been waiting patiently and yours is the first sign of progress, my heart is singing! Thank you so much! I enjoy your blog post, art, food pictures and I hope you never stop! Take care and God bless!

  19. Thank you so much for letting us know about restoration progress!!! Besides being a remarkable artist, dear friend, you are a great story teller.

  20. Oh, that was so terrible! I cried... I love old buildings, the older the better! Something has gone forever. But restauration is wonderful of course. Thanks for this.

  21. Maureen10:47 PM

    These are great! I watched a fascinating programme on the company making the enormous wooden braces . Their work is amazing, so precise to the millimeter. I think it was on UT..

  22. The drapery on the statues is so artful. Thanks, Carol.

  23. Isn't it odd? Usually seeing scaffolding is so ugly and a reminder of building where you sort of wish they weren't. But here -- it is beautiful -- almost architectural in itself -- because we all know it is there to restore Notre Dame. The billboards are a fabulous idea and fascinating. Thanks for sharing them with us. I'm aiming for fall of 2022. I suspect the scaffolding will still be there but oh, I long to see it again!

  24. Thank you so much for your marvelous newsletter full of interesting and glorious Paris tidbits and wonderful art!!! A special thank you for the update on Notre Dame. So happy to see progress, no matter how long it takes! Just think how many years it took to build it!!! Building started in 1163 and now it will be restored. I hope I get to see it in my lifetime!


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