
Sunday, April 19, 2020

Creating April's Eiffel Tower letter + Paris Cats

I see things I want to paint on Instagram all the time.The view out @Solli_K 's window is spectacular. Frenchie blue-grey rooftops, bunches of red stubby chimneys. And the Eiffel tower.

I saved it and did a line drawing. Easter thoughts got me thinking what about butterflies and bunnies in the sky? 

Under Lockdown haven't we all become Cats looking out our windows waiting..

In 2017, Statista estimated that there were over 13.5 million cats in France. 29% of all French households own a cat.  Voila. 

Next step - whether to add PARIS in big letters or not? You tell me😄 

This has been a catty week - I just finished Ivan's portrait for Becky. Does your cat need a visit to Paris? 

Cats in art history led me to this essay. 

And to this fun, arty cat video.

Do you follow the 
@dailypurr on instagram? Good for a daily giggle.

NEW YORKER did a wonderfully silly video on 'How Cats Tamed Us'. Watch and smile. Next view to paint is out my own window. It was 75 degrees yesterday with the fluffiest clouds...till it rained. My SHOP IS OPEN. All images will be mailed out mid-May🙏🏻 🤞🏼Until then I'll send images by email💌 Quand le chat n'est pas là, les souris dansent. – When the cat's away, the mice will play. Stay well dear PBers ❤️💋🐻


  1. Love the aquarelles of course!
    So allergic to's impossible for me to get close.I was once at a dinner party at my daughters over 20 yrs ago..a Murder Mystery Night..they had cats at the time..I had to do outside..:( Couldn't breathe..
    A great book about cats..Guardians on Being..Eckhart Tolle.
    I think the life of a cat seems idyllic.

  2. Can’t wait till May to get it. I love that rooftop one with all the cats!

  3. Carolyn F10:46 AM

    No paris in painting ......we know where it is

  4. Good Morning from California
    Loved waking up to your post. I am one of those who is totally owned by a cat. I, too, have always had a cat & I love the videos you sent.

  5. IMHO.. since you asked... I like the letter w/o the Calligraphy... but I love the Calligraphy so maybe use it somewhere else?

  6. As usual, your work is delightful! I am enough of a hermit these days that a cat cuddling would ruin me in terms of leaving the apt! Hope this whole COVID19 thing isn’t too difficult for you. I am only out, with a mask donated by the love of my life only when necessary. By the way, you don’t need the word Paris. Everybody knows La Tour Eiffel is there, I think. So that is my two cents.

  7. Jennifer10:58 AM


  8. Absolutely ❤️Love your art work always! DO NOT ADD THE LETTERS PARIS! My family that I sent
    A subscription to LOVED every one! I need to re sign up with etsy and get
    your letter going again! Always look forward to you email!! Stay safe!

  9. Lois Flowers11:08 AM

    THanks for all your great Posts!!!!
    Holding down the Fort in NYC !!!! Stay well!!!
    Gorgeous cityscape!

  10. Love the cats. We have a French Chartreux. She’s 17 and winding down. Hope you’re well and staying safe.

  11. Bonelle11:17 AM

    Solli has an incredible view from her apartment...les Invalides, la Tour Eiffel, the setting sun...sigh! Your sketch of it is lovely. Adding the cats...ingenious! How I envy their freedom to roam. Love the béret on Ivan!

  12. Dorrance11:20 AM

    Thank you for adding the hyperlinks on cats. Fun! Ivan is adorable. Is your beautiful watercolor your next Paris letter??

    1. Yes thanks, it is the April Paris letter 💌

  13. We love Ivan's so much! Can't wait to see the other one with the orange guys.
    P.S. You captured him well. You even noticed how pink his nose is -- I've never seen another cat with a nose as pink as his. Lovely, lovely job.

    1. I love drawing cats with character...Maybe they all have character 😺

  14. Gorgeous!!!!!! Wow!
    I would say without

  15. Love all the aquarelles, especially the rooftops with cats. The word Paris looks intrusive, please leave it off.

    1. Agreed Suki. And general consensus is NO writing on the letter! 👍🏻

  16. no to the PARIS in letters all my cat does is sleep so she would find a nice window and sleep she even sleeps on her scratching post

    1. Hahahaha cats are funny.
      I wonder if they dream with all that sleeping?

  17. I’ve just forwarded this to all my friends with kitty cats. I don’t think you need ‘Paris' on your pretty pic. Ir’s beautifully rendered and everyone should know where it is…

  18. Linda L1:40 AM

    No, don't put Paris in the drawing. The Eiffel Tower tells it all. Thanks for your post, I 'm a huge Francophile and travel there from the states twice a year, but not this year and your post makes me smile.

  19. Fun post! I love the prowling cats. Don't add Paris, but maybe a tiny bit more dark blue at the top, echoing some of the rooftops would be another way to balance it. Favorite cat books, well, The Cat Who Went to Paris, of course, and Homer's Odyssey, A Fearless Feline Tale.

  20. Oh, of course I adore the cats! All of them. I like the one plain (without Paris -- it seems redundant, given that the tower screams Paris as is! I so love the bliss of sweet Lizzie who has kept me sane during all this. She is ignorant, so in the moment. We can all learn from that. I am loving your rooftops. It reminds me of my apartment in the Marais several years ago (well, now more than several) and how I loved to wake each morning and look out the window. Many smiles to you!

  21. Bugs is here5:41 AM

    Charming beyond belief.
    You have a magic touch,
    I hope all is well and you are keeping safe

    1. Believe me I wouldnt be posting if I was ill ❤️

  22. Emily Bay Area6:17 AM

    Stay safe in Paris! The Bay Area here in California has been on lockdown for over a month. It’s been very trying. I love people like you who post ‘escape’ pics since we’re all stuck in our houses here…so that-you always and especially now…

    1. Same deal here too Emily - over a month, with 1 hrdaily for going outside with a document...must go write today's. I need onions, garlic for the brocali/anchovy pasta and big salt for the clogged drain😳


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