
Saturday, November 02, 2019

Bacon at the Pompidou

What Fall looks like in Paris right now-wet with leaves on the ground. PS the POMPIDOU links below are wrong. Please use this one! Friday Nov1 was All-Saints day. Banks, la poste were closed but the streets were full of people no matter the grey skies. I wandered rue Rambuteau researching ADVENT CALENDARS. for the Nov PARIS LETTER .
This year I'm catching them as soon as they hit for the November
A cute new papeterie on rue Rambuteau?
I grabbed a quick, healthy bite at OBAO at #18 across the street.
The pool left me starving but a take-out box of veggies/tofu did the job.
Ready to face the new Francis Bacon show at the POMPIDOU, Bacon en toutes lettres. Bacon was a voracious reader of Conrad, TS Elliot, Nietzsche,  Aeschylus and his paintings are influenced by them. For a change instead of big information placards in the exhibit with people jammed around reading them, the were none except at the beginning. Instead you went into darkened rooms, sat down and listened to readings in both French and English of Bacon's favorites. What a relief. He said he read rubbish too. Basically anything in print. At the very end is a brilliant don't-miss filmed interview with Bacon.
I was feeling nervous about attending this exhibit, but as sometimes happens when seeing the actual paintings, your perspective is changed completely. Instead of the brutality and violence I was expecting, I was knocked over by Bacon's amazing color and incredible paint application.
As a major slob I  couldn't resist buying the picture book, 7 Reece Mews Francis Bacon's Studio. What absolute chaos. He tested paint colors on the doors and walls. It made me feel much better about my chaotic workspace❤️ I'll go back again. If you're in Paris you should def visit the Pompidou. Full of surprises. Today I'm girl-guide for some PBers visiting le Marchรฉ au Puces in Clignoncourt. On verra bien ❤️ Thanks for reading Parisbreakfast. If you'd like to receive Parisbreakfast watercolors, letters ๐Ÿ’Œ and mapin your mailbox๐Ÿ“ฎ look in my Etsy shop. BEAR ๐Ÿป❤️says Hi from Paris.


  1. Love advent calendars! Loved yours last year..Quel studio:) Nancy my friend is in France today:)

  2. His studio would make any other look organized - I'm messy but that would drive me crazy and it looks dangerous. Love to see the variety in Advent Calendars.

  3. Margaret10:06 PM

    Always so much to see and do in Paris. Gosh I miss the place!

  4. Loved this one, I felt present with you!

  5. Barbara10:10 PM

    Loved the show too. Did you realize Bacon used aerosol paint and transfer letters in the paintings? They amaze me.

  6. You DO have the most wonderful advent calendars in Paris! And I'm a bit relieved to see the messy studio. Makes me feel like Marie Kondo neat -- and I'm anything but!

    1. I know Jeanie,
      I'm a total mess but on a scaloe of 1-10 of messiness I'm a mere 3 next to Bacon..though no one would ever mention arie's name in my hellhole..

  7. Marilyn1:20 PM

    I loved the advent calendar last year.

    1. This year is even better me thinks ๐Ÿ˜„

  8. Can't wait to see the 2019 Advent Calendar !!!

    1. Going into la Poste TODAY!
      Hooray ๐ŸŽ‰


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