
Friday, March 28, 2014

Lunch with Coco Jobard

You've heard me mention Food stylist AND Food writer Coco Jobard, also collaborator and creator of no less then 68 cookbooks! Yesterday I had lunch at her place in a village-like area in the 20th arrondissement.
It's known as the 'campagna of Paris'. I quickly got lost, calling out Coco's names under many windows and punching in her code on many doorways. Doesn't look like England?
Did I mention Bear came along? Finally we found the right place and it was full of birds.
I first noticed Coco because of her fabulously exotic necklaces.
I even tried to make my own out of candy...silly me ;)
When I found her stunning collection lurking in the bathroom out came the camera.
I'm sure Coco would love the new exhibition of Moroccan jewelry at the Foundation Pierre Berge
Back to FOOD. Coco is a superb cook if you've started following her blog and you should.
Bear was busy getting acquainted with Willis in the bedroom...ahem
What a wonderful kitchen Coco has! A rare sight in Paris where you're lucky if you have a bar counter and a mini-bar hotel-sized fridge.
Italian Saltimbocca was cooking. It tasted like I haven't had since Italy.
Plus an aubergine tomato gratin and also sautéed red peppers. Miam miam
We were joined by designer Sarah who brought the lovely flowers
I was asked if I would like to eat off the Georges Sand plate? Yes please.
And a Japanese coaster with a little rat artist appropriate.
For dessert I got the radish plate, one of my favorite French vegetables.
Coco made irresistable crispy biscuits called 'Les Seches', her mother's recipe and on her blog here.
To go with the biscuits first of the season cut-up Gariguette strawberries with a touch lemon rind and sugar - perfect. And a perfect Springie lunch. Bear wanted to stay.


  1. Well, the food looks incredible and that kitchen is certainly to be envied, but that rat painting is the best thing yet! I want it! I want it! ( Did you ever read my blog about my taxidermied mouse?) :)

    1. No never !
      But I once passed the rat killer shop that was in the movie Ratatouille
      Horrible ;((

    2. ...not a pleasant image. I prefer to think of civilized rodents painting!

    3. Oh, c'mon! The "rat killer shop" is a perfect slice of Parisian life!!

  2. It is quite near lunchtime and I am salivating over this fabulous lunch. Oh, what a glorious time you must have had, really enjoying delicious food on beautiful china, in a wonderful environment and with friends! Four star!

    And I'm so glad I'm not the only person in the room her takes her camera into people's bathrooms... because you never know!

  3. You girls know how to have a wonderful time!!
    I love her kitchen too:) And her jewelry!
    Delicious food and flowers too.
    Bon Weekend!

  4. Lovely, lovely. Especially the bird silhouettes, and the rat painting! Charming...

  5. It looked like a super time you were having, a taste of French food made by a Frenchie in a real French kitchen what could be better.

  6. Carol, it's been great fun to see this post about that very delicious looking lunch. I will have a look at Coco's site.

    I've also just been treating myself to your just prior the number 5 bus here in NYC, these three posts arrived on my laptop all at once.

    I seem to remember a rather luxurious Guerlein area just inside the 58th St entrance to Bergdorf's. It's grand to see that Guerlein still understands luxe.

    The last snow forecast did not provide more than flurries. We are greatly hoping to see some green leaves over here by the end of the weekend.

    xo to you and Bear.

  7. Guerlain, bien sur.


  8. I love your photos of Coco. What a special afternoon beautifully described. Thank you for sharing it.

  9. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Carol, I love your necklace made of candy. However, I am sure it could get a bit messy in the heat. Thanks for all the wonderful postings and watercolors.

    1. It never lasted through the winter.
      I ate some of it on the Metro!
      The rest I finally threw out.

  10. Magnifique Carol
    Des mots du cœur :-)))
    Beautiful photos !!!
    Lové Bear with Monsieur Willis

  11. fun post. Love those dishes with the green leaves and pink flowers. oh and the birds in her window. you find some fun places. I went thru the last few posts and enjoyed them all. I think you fit in Paris well. :)

  12. Enjoyed this post very much and plan to check out Coco's blog. Fun to see the George Sand plate -- I picked one up as a souvenir when I visited her home in Nohant. Mine hangs on the wall.

  13. I dream of a kitchen like that!!!

  14. cyndi from SD10:21 AM

    What a beautiful experience

  15. Un moment irrésistible !... je vous envie...
    Gros bisous

  16. Johanne3:08 PM

    Fantastique! Vous avez eu de la chance! J'adore le blog de Coco.

  17. Helena3:16 PM

    Thank you for sharing your lovely lunch~makes me smile to read your postings.

  18. Looks like a nice neighborhood - a different look to it....
    The food looks good, too.
    Love the shot of Bear with the cat :)

  19. Per your previous recommendation, I have been following Coco's blog. But shame on me, I just look at the gorgeous pics! Now, I must, try to translate the text!

  20. Another memorable event! What a lovely luncheon Coco prepared. I just love her plates- how extraordinary they are.


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