
Monday, July 08, 2013

London Outdoors

Was I the only one who wanted to sit a chilly movie theater in London? Evidently. Where was my Summer print frock? Strapless, sleeveless, halterneck, white piqué were everywhere. Sometimes a black macaron T-shirt will not do save the day.
From Time-Out magazine, which by the way, is given out FREE on Tuesdays.
I hope these people have on sunscreen like 50+.
Picnicking is the only way to eat sur l'herbe.
Some Londoners are sunning on the cement...
Covent Garden was chock-a-block with people roasting...
Street performers were out in force and this French gent was dressed appropriately for the weather.
This performer not so much...
Not a comfortably summer dress in my opinion...
Nor this getup either..
How do they do it?
The Summer sales are on here as well and the shopping bags are huge.
The best surprise was exiting Somerset House on the Strand level and discovering this free-for-all fountain/pool on Sunday
Everyone was having a ball!

But poor Bear, in his cashmere stripes, could not partake of London's outdoor pleasures.


  1. How cute is Bear looking onto his terrace?

    Beautiful view!
    The aquarelle too..I saw litte figurines different poses and wondered if they were used for art..the name escapes me..but the sizes were confusing also?

    I will show you one day..not for you!

    :) Obviously..
    I just thought it might be a good way of learning how to sketch and paint poses..
    The diver.. all of them are so cute in your scene.

  2. What are you doing for breakfast?

  3. Love your sketch, those ladies bearing pique nique baskets are adorable! Wonder whether you spied any crawfish sandwiches?

    Love the fountain, such fun!

  4. jolly olde is glorious in the good weather! if the tiniest bit sweaty and whiffy!

    taking note of "pique" - do i have time to buy me some before i get there? hmmmmmm

  5. Love that view from your window - Lucky Bear.

  6. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Over here in the damn dessert it is 113 to 120 and humid...but our saving grace is air of the news casters fried eggs on the dash board...

    1. Hahaha
      Thanks for the giggle ;))
      Not so funny I guess...

  7. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I have always seen London as sensible walking shoes and Paris as stilettos! I love them both! Pat

    1. Days of British Brevitts are long gone and now is not the time for stilettos in Paris.
      But strappy Sandals yes

  8. Carol, you find the greatest places to visit!
    The only thing I'd miss in such a lovely setting is the AC!
    Lynne, I'm with you.Today is a balmy 108 .LOL

  9. Anonymous4:43 PM

    I've been in London several times in the summer, the english are crazy, the minute it's over 80 degrees they take off all their clothes, weird, what can you say. When's the food convention?

  10. If I ever say I want to grow up and be a street performer that dresses like a bronze statue, please alert the crazy bin for me! Apart from the heat, sounds like a grand time!

  11. You've really captured the heat - I can "see" the heat & humidity!
    Those street performers must have been dying.
    Is that pigeon owned by a friend? He gets a whole half of a pic :)
    Best wishes to Bear!

  12. Carol, it continues to be very hot and humid here in NYC...that ozone changing thunderstorm just won't show up.

    Over at the V&A, the interior garden courtyard has got a great water feature. When I was there in unseasonably warm weather spring 2012, lots of folks (mostly under five years old) were getting cool in their own little wading pool.

    Try it! xo

  13. Love your posts as well as your journal pages. Love that court yard that Bear is looking down on. Enjoy the warmth.. when winter comes you will be complaining about the cold. :)

  14. The garden bear is starring at looks really beautiful. Where was this?

  15. Somerset House with lovely fountain/pool looks great! You really had a great fun in this scorchy summer. Nice post with lovely pics.

    B&B Brugge

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. What was the saying, the coldest Winter I ever spent was Summer in San Francisco (Mark Twain) ...
    Well, mine was in London one year.
    I wore sweaters and shivered for a week, before taking off to sunny Paris. But that said, I would love to be shivering or sweating in London right now .. anything but looking at movers boxes :)
    besitos, C


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