
Sunday, October 28, 2012


 You MUST go to Deyrolle when next in Paris.

 At 46 rue du Bac 75007

 Deyrolle is one of those secret places in Paris. You walk inside and step back in time. A taxidermiste, un cabinet de curiosités Depuis 1831.

 Downstairs is the boutique, where you can buy beautiful facsimili of old French school posters.

 Upstairs are the animaux!

 I did not realize that upstairs is also a shop...

 And not a musee...

 Then I saw the sign - NO PHOTOS without the express permission in the shop. And everything is for sale.

 Oh la la. I am in the shop.

 Do please visit Deyrolle PBers! Because je me trompe/I made mistake taking photos.

 And please buy this beautiful calendrier to support them. 2012 is on sale for a mere 5 euros.

 And make up for my bad behavior...

 You won't be disappointed.
Je te promets/I promise.


  1. A neat thing to do when upstairs in Deyrolles is open all those little drawers (you can see some of these in your pics). Inside are glass eyes of all shapes, sizes and colors...for taxidermy needs, of course!

    1. wow I didn't know you could touch things?
      I thought it was a musee...
      idiot moi

  2. And to think the place almost burned to the ground a few years ago... So glad fire damage was limited to a couple of rooms, and Deyrolle reopened fairly quickly... for everyone's enjoyment! Looks like cold, wet weather in Paris today... Brrrr... Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

    1. Yes it is brisk but the sun comes out to flirt now and then and it is not impossibly cold yet

  3. The store looks fascinating - I'm glad that you took pictures :)
    I like the shots of the outside, too - the "in style" girls rushing about in the damp weather...

  4. Wow. What a great place! The Rue du Bac is the cutest street, n'est-ce pas?

    1. I LOVE rue du Bac...
      one of my favorite Paris streets of special shops

  5. I was wondering how you managed to take photos! Every time I have been there there are huge signs all over the place not to mention people walking the store telling you not to take photos. Lucky you!

    This is a fabulous place. How did you like the lobsters?

  6. Your photos are terrific..thank goodness you were ...well..misinformed:-)
    How could I have ever known without your post and pics..

  7. if you ever make it out to San Francisco the store Paxton's Gate is just like this!

  8. I love love love ParisBreakfast! I have been following for 3 years now and the best part of my morning is checking my email to see your new posts! I save every one of them in a email folder titled "Paris Dreams".
    Thank you so much for all the lovey post and amazing Paris centric art for us who can't get to Paris just yet! Again thank you for the work you do, we greatly appreciate your passion!

  9. Your secret is safe with me...and a few thousand other readers. We would never turn you in for improper photography. Just stick to your story when they stop you and say you thought it was a museum. We'll have your back.
    David Sedaris is a big fan of Deyrolle.

  10. Almost like Aladins cave..How facinating, even though photos were 'Interdit'...what better publicity could they have to be advertised on your blog & for free.

  11. How extraordinary. Although I can see Australian customs taking quite a dim view of stuffed animaux from France, and confiscating them actually. I'm glad you took photos too. Such a fascinating shop.

  12. Where's the room where they keep stuffed tourists who take pictures?

  13. LOL at Amy- where is the room of stuffed tourists !

    I loved Deyrolle but my husband has this "thing" about "rooms full of dead animals" ... silly man.

  14. Hi!
    Big fan of yours from Boston!
    There is a great article in a recent New Yorker magazine by David Sedaris about a trip he takes to the taxidermist! It is so fabulous... Wish I could remember the title.. definitely worth a google and a read.

    Thank you for sharing all of your adventures!!
    My best,

  15. On my many trips to Paris I have never been to Deyrolle, so it is now on my list.

    Are you stay8ing in "our" studio?

    Love Denise

  16. I didn't know about 'Deyrolle'. It looks quirky and mad, just what I like. Great find. Thank you!

  17. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Interesting, if not only sad to see these once beautiful living creatures now lying stuffed around this dusty shop :(

  18. thanks, I always go there when in Paris. I've bought framed cigales and other insects.

  19. What a treat! I must have one of those birds.

  20. Elizabeth6:43 PM

    Thanks so much for the entry about Deyrolle. That place just blew my mind. I made sure to visit today...before the end of my trip. Would have never known about the place or been drawn inside otherwise. I found a nice paperback (activity book for children) for 13 Euros which is full of beautiful drawings and useful vocabulary. Loved the expensive gardening clothes...and even tested fragrances. Only in Paris. :)


  21. For you, I will go there...(and for the French school posters!!!)

  22. JennyS3:22 AM

    Great photos! Do you know home much a small single framed butterfly would cost?



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