
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Bosie Tea Parlor

BOSIE TEA PARLOR Where are we..?BOSIE TEA PARLOR What's your first guess?
BOSIE TEA PARLORMe too. Just like Paris no?
BOSIE TEA PARLOR But no, it's New York City!
BOSIE TEA PARLOR We're at Bosie...
BOSIE TEA PARLORBosie Tea Parlor on 10 Morton Street in the Village.
 Kathy YL Chan of A Passion for Food told me about it.
BOSIE TEA PARLOR I doubted real French pastry could be found in NYC but I have been proved wrong again. Voila! L'eclair de creme with Chamomile tea filling.
Chambre de Sucre Gourmet Sugar Kathy brought along these exquisite Japanese sugars, Chambre de Sucre fit for a king. They have been supplying the Emperor for centuries and perfect for my mint tea and Kathy's Matcha Latte...
BOSIE TEA PARLOR Et oui, Bosie has a full array of fresh macarons...
BOSIE TEA PARLOR A darling shop just the right size for a friendly cuppa - very French in size and ambience - New York needs more tea salons like this.
BOSIE TEA PARLOR At least 80 kinds of tea brewed to order...
BOSIE TEA PARLOR How does one attack such a pretty eclair?
En garde! Touche!
Bonjour Bosie Tea Parlor!


  1. Does this mean you'll be selling your suitcases on Ebay??? Somewhere in Paris a Frenchman is shouting, "Sacre blue!"

  2. Sarah W1:49 PM

    Those sugars are just lovely! :)

  3. What is their secret? A french oven in the kitchen? La Vie en Rose on the cd player?

  4. Julie,
    The pastry chef studied in Paris at P Herme and Laduree I think :)
    Pas mal non?

  5. Super merci Carol!
    What a lovely post,

    and I love how you incorporated the sugars.
    It made my day!

    Kathy :)

  6. Shelley4:30 PM

    To your opening questions "Where are we?" "What's your first guess?" I was able to confidently shout out "Idaho!". Due to reading without glasses, I imagined you at a family wedding out West. Glad that this delectable-looking pastry shop is closer (to some!) than Boise.

  7. Shelly-
    I did kind of give it away in the title didn't I..
    Bosie - Boise ID
    Maybe they will branch out?

  8. Hahaaa--yup--that's just about how I'd probably attack that thing. Looks good!

  9. HI Carol!
    I will pass this along.... Loved attacking the Eclair!!!!!Maryanne xo

  10. I am the demolition crew when it comes to pastry Beadboard!!!


  11. Tea! I love it so much!

    The Wanderfull Traveler

  12. It looks like a great place - and the pastries look perfect!
    With all of those tea canisters, I hope that you can get a cup of coffee there!
    (Nice job on the eclair :)

  13. another reason to head to the village...I did read about this place and it is in my notebook to I really have to find it!!

  14. Oh Carol, this place looks absolutely charming.

    I have got to find time to get over there. Many thanks for the tip.


  15. Bosie Tea Parlor was the perfect setting for a grand Franco. The awesome thing about their afternoon tea service is the balance between sweet and savory.

  16. I would have guessed you were in heaven but it was NYC.

    Looks so delish, I would have to sample one of each.

  17. You are such a tease, Carol! :-)

    A knife to cut pastry? Big no, please!
    That's what pastry forks were invented for, with the left tine wider, giving you an edge with which to cut off a tiny piece of pastry, daintily. ;-)

  18. Looks like your eclair is spreading its wings and taking off! (That's exactly how I would have tackled it, too.)


  19. Anonymous12:24 PM

    I guess the other guests would have been frightened if you yanked the electric knife out of your handbag. :)

  20. Anonymous1:44 PM

    On my next day off I know where I'll be :)

  21. Gwendoline4:05 PM

    Ahh the French patisseries are just that little bit more sophisticated. They wouldn't ice an éclair in green (would they?) or fill one so full of things that you couldn't pick it up and bite into it. But 80 different teas? Now there's sophistication..à l'anglais.....

  22. Parisbreakfast5:25 PM

    You are quite mistaken Gwendoline,
    Regarding iced eclairs.
    Have you been to Fauchon or Sadaharu Aoki?
    Green green green!

  23. Bosie Tea Parlor is an oasis for those of us who aren't up for the bar scene for one reason or another - I love their lunches too.

  24. Looks Perfect!!

  25. Rebecca8:13 AM

    I'm drooling!


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