
Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Paris Designer Fast Food

MIYOU Along with the surprise of so many Paris daddies.

MIYOU I am ever surprised by the innovations of Parisien designer 'fast' food or le fast-food gastronomiques.

MIYOU These newly designed boxes just keep coming.

MIYOU Even Monoprix has gone rectangular for take-away. Cleverly layered boxed salads are created by Chef Guy Martin (of 3-star Grand Vefour) for MIYOU of du Bon Marche, 2nd fl.

MIYOU Layering is key in designer fast-food. It distracts from the portion size. Is this the key to thin French Girls - layering?
MIYOU Even a sandwich bag is jazzed up.

MIYOU At Le Bon Marche cafe.MIYOU The food does not come with instructions.

I discovered Restaurant OH!
on 2 bvd Haussmann 75009
It was lunch. I was hungry. Pas cher. So why not try?
The food designs were aesthetically pleasing...
I got a layered salade de crevettes with grapefruit...
Plus a quinoa and salade du lentils. Miam Quinoa is HUGE in Paris and usually served in savory and delicious combinations.
OH! has a ready supply of the latest art magazines to peruse while you eat. And designerish colorful square blocks to sit on. BEAR didn't mind a bit. A stripped shirt is not obligatory..
Macarons easily fit into any designer fast food resto...
What's not aesthetically pleasing about these lovely symmetrical disks?


  1. As a certified container/packaging freak, you could serve me sawdust in one of those gorgeous boxes, and I would just ask for extra dressing! Miam!

  2. I'll never forget the chocolate mousse I ate from an asymmetrical little square plastic container. It was like a jewel in a jewel box!

  3. First of all: I love your blog!! Et j´adore le fast food parisien!

  4. My son is a chef for a U.S. company that comes up with new "concepts" for many national Fast Food companies
    (MacDonalds, Wendys) but happily, his job is to come up with HEALTHIER
    fast foods. But catching up to the French with the classy packaging, is a lost cause.

  5. "Appetizing Fast Food"... from a Diamond Box, It "CAN'T get any better than that! NOW that your have made me hungry, Off I GO!!!
    Hugs, Donna

  6. Justine11:14 AM

    Which came first?
    The French 'layered' look?
    Or layered designer fast food?
    If fast food in the US looked anything like this I'd eat it daily instead of never.
    So witty!

  7. Never say NEVER William Thomas Ternay.
    If US fast food makers deemed they could make more molah with fancy schmancy boxes, they's be on it faster than a blablabla.
    What's interesting is the clever twist the French have given the concept of US fast food, making it so much more aesthetically appealing for a classier customer.

  8. Merhaba; çok güzel bir paylaşım,teşekkürlerrrrrr..sevgilerrr...

  9. "Designer Fast Food" - you just hit the French paradox on la tete!

  10. Anonymous1:30 PM

    I'll do lunch anytime with you ma chere....YEAH for French Paradox, somethings that american company needs to learn and appreciate... it looks more civilized.

  11. They all looked good--and healthy, too! I love that first little jar, though--put my name on that little sucker!

  12. thank you for bringing Paris and other tres bonne places so close with your pictures and succinct descriptions.

  13. Anna-Maria A.4:05 PM

    I LOVE the dseign of your post!
    And such a nice dessert at the end of it too
    miam-miam et merci

  14. I love the shots of "OH" - the window and the interiors.
    I have to agree with you that fast food in fancy packaging would be a hit here.
    The salads look great - over here a pre-packaged salad is all lettuce, a cherry tomato, and a slice of cucumber.

  15. Oh I need to travel!! What a cool place! Thanks for sharing your lunch with us! I feel like you brought a little taste of Paris to me here in Minnesota, USA :) It is my first visit to your blog & I am really enjoying it Thanks!!!

  16. I'm wondering how much more this costs than typical American fast food?

  17. I do love this post, with its badmitten match across the pond. How to make fast food a les Etats Unis look yummy a la Paris?

    What a question, and clearly the Parisiennes have got numerous answers.

    Is it a matter of taste (all senses) or price, or what? Why is it that these photos you've brought back from Paris are delicious, and my visits to various NYC spots just don't have that spark?

    Bravo to the French for keeping style alive. xo

  18. wow. I never thought i would say this of fast food but ... beautiful!

  19. WAYNE, if you're looking for a $.99 burger here you're not going to find it. The prices are listed on the menu and the little cards.
    The French NEVER hide the prices of stuff like in the US, where they make you ask in an upscale place.
    Maybe it's the law...
    Jeanette - ONE Sawdust coming up with extra dressing!

  20. Love those salad boxes I mean who would want to pack lunch after seeing those divine layered boxes ~ they would have to be the ultimate in take-away!!

  21. We need Miyou here!!!! How gorgeous. Niam niam...
    Delicious, healthy and beautiful. How wonderful! Although the packaging could be hard to toss away. :)))

  22. Delish! I don't think I saw one thing that I wouldn't love.

  23. The packaging is so nice! Oh, how I wish they could have something similar in the US, wouldn't that be great?

  24. Delicious and interesting post Carol. The presentation does certainly make simple salads look even more tempting. Quinoa is huge in Australia right now too- whether you eat gluten free or not- it's the must eat grain of 2010 I think. It is tasty though, you can cook up a big batch and use it for work lunches. Handy, tasty and good for us.

  25. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Interesting about the packaging. Square things are easier to ship. Cf.: melons grown into cubes in Japan. -- Elizabeth


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