
Friday, August 20, 2010

Rooftops of Paris

"Je peux resister a tout sauf a la tentation"

Oscar Wilde

Translation: I can resist everything except temptation..
Paris if full of tentations...
And one of the hardest to resist...
Is getting your nose out of the windows/leche-vitrines...
At street level...
And looking up...
At the glorious roofs of Paris...

It usually takes me...

A full week before I can tear my eyes away and look skywards...

Thank god for artist Fabrice Moireau's newest sketchbook, Roofs of Paris
Evidently Moireau perches himself on the rooftops to make his drawings, something I could never do.

I was lucky to see his exhibit last April...

At least I got my nose right up against them if I can't always take it away from Paris windows...

Lovely to see his drawings as well as watercolors and if you can't get yourself to look up, you can do so in his book...

Why is it when I look skywards...

I see Paris dogs...

This one and I had a little tete a tete...

There are worse things than just seeing what's right in front of your nose I suppose...



  1. I have to say your blog is like a mini vacation I take every morning just for myself. I live in CA with 2 daughters and am a single mom - so my mini vacations every morning to my favorite place in the world, are so deeply appreciated. I try to get my girls to Paris every year. I want them to be comfortable with the city when they are grown women and adore it and it's magic as much as I do.
    Merci beaucoup

  2. Patricia1:15 PM

    I was taken by a bistro table you had a photo of in one of your last posts - It was a small round bisto table with an Eiffle tower motif on the top. Do you remember where that table was and where it could be purchased? It is a perfect place for a Paris Breakfast n'est pas?
    Thank you for always being there in my "in" box - you are a true delight.
    All the best,


  3. Thank You Patricia,
    I knew someone would ask me about the Eiffel Tower table
    Paris Signalisation
    et voila!

  4. Frances1:27 PM

    I ordered the Fabrice Moireau’s book and just this week received notice from Amazon that it's being shipped.
    Also, we are coming to your Alliance Francais DC opening on 9/17.
    Looking forward to meeting you!

    Best regards,


  5. Lovely, whimisical entry! I loved it-especially the adorable doggie :)

  6. Whoops try this Partricia,
    for the Eiffel Tower table-

    3 Rue Sédillot
    75007 Paris, France
    01 45 51 50 09

  7. Gail in London1:42 PM

    Loved your posting.
    You may recall that Polly and I are Hermes scarf addicts (Polly has over 800) and that is how we met.
    Hermes did a design a couple of years ago called: Les Toits de Paris Thanks for the info on the book!
    Gail in London

  8. Thanks so much for you heads up for Fabrice Moireau's newest sketchbook, "Roof Tops of Paris."

    Channuka is coming!

    Stef in sunny Chicago

  9. Looking up is always a good idea,
    unless you want to cross the road, that is. ;-)
    Beautiful sights all around!

  10. Carolg:

    Lovely whimsical and capricious idea.
    Very nice walk about the Paris streets. Sweet dog, seems he was happy to have someone notice him and chat awhile.
    I have the Paris sketchbook (paintings edition 2001) by Fabrice Moireau, and been meaning to get another one or two of his books but have not even mastered this one yet. And he has one out on New York. Wondering if you have that one?

    His books are a sumptuous collection of luxurious sketches and watercolors, just like your beautiful blog.

    Now to cyber join you in tea and one, or two macarons,
    Merci Beaucoup.

    Have a lovely week end.

  11. Lovely, Carol! I saw his newest book--it's great--he has such an entrancing style. Love his work. Your dog watching the world go by is a sweetie, too!

  12. What a great post to start my day - roof-tops of Paris and Macarons!!
    I love the little terracotta chimmney pots and Wow that artist actually sits on the roof - he is dedicated.
    Merci Beaucoup

  13. Temptation is everywhere! Even right here in your post! That book! I must have it! that dog! I must pet it! And the macs and the windows! I want it all!

  14. I really love those rooftop sketches - beautiful!
    Have a great weekend.

  15. Lovely rooftops Carol....always best looking up....xv

  16. Hi could you tell me what/where the 4th picture is? Just beautiful

  17. @Les Reves
    That's La Charlotte de L'Isle on Isle St. Louis
    On 24, rue Saint-Louis-en-l'Isle 75004

  18. I absolutely love your blog. It was the first one I've ever read and it remains one if my favorites. The photos of the French cafes were so inspiring. I co-own a boutique flower shop in Westchester and French cafes are always my inspiration for the exterior of the building and my displays though I've never been to France. Paris Breakfasts is sort of a life line to my aesthetic. It never disappoints.

  19. Merci! Your blog is très utile for French tips Carol. I look forward every day to reading it.

  20. Anonymous2:42 AM

    Bonjour - I am delighted to discover your lovely blog today - a fellow Parisian fan - I am visiting soon.
    You will be a favourite look in daily - thank you.

  21. This Artist is great and his book looks fun. I love rooftop paintings but man what a lot of work getting all those angles right.

  22. J' aime ce monde mystique!

  23. Fascinating rooftops and love the dogs too.

    That Paris Sketchbook looks like something I need to check out.

  24. Anonymous2:08 AM

    Gorgeous sketchbook, thanks for sharing with us!

  25. i would love to be on a paris rooftop right now, sipping tea and wolfing down macarons, not to mention a tarte or two......a girl can dream!


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