
Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Lunch In Paris

I picked up Lunch in Paris to give it a quick look and quickly walked out of the Strand with it. Exerpted from Lunch in Paris
Read a bunch of pages on Amazon if you have any doubts - witty, full of fun, a bit like Almost French, another fav book on American or Aussi girl goes to Paris and meets sweet French boy and.

22 delightful chapters = 22 delightful recipes. Author Elizabeth Bard has a blog with even more mouth watering recipes and photos of her daily life in Paris.

I was looking for appropriate Paris lunch pictures

I tend to eat ethnic, not French in Paris

Christian of Le Banc Moussu and I ate Middle Eastern fare


Inside the Marché des Enfants Rouges.

More miam


Italian fare on rue de Bac. To be honest lunch is usually just a macaron. Researche...researche.


  1. macarons are the best lunch ever!

  2. Foodwalker10:15 AM

    Paris is like New York-tons of ethnic restos-so very easy to not eat French.
    All looks tantalizing..
    Very busy drooling here
    No Chinese?

  3. Janinne10:16 AM

    The book looks divine too
    very bus reading pages on Amazon..

  4. Love her sweet watercolors--and your lunches look delicious!

  5. Yummmmmmmm. I love the tiny olive oil bottle that they place next to the salad, great idea. I love it that no matter what you are writing about, you never neglect the French macaroon :)

  6. PB readers have such SHARP EYES!!!

    How right you are SEE YOU SOON PARIS - those mini olive oil bottles are highly collectable, but liquid, so probably not transportable :(
    they are 1/2 the reason I buy those salades..granted the salad is terrific too!

  7. I couldn't hold out any longer and needed to tell you how much I enjoy your postings, I look forward to greeting the day with them so much!
    They are colorful and witty and I especially enjoyed the one about the trash as I collect napkins, bags, sugars etc from French restaurants as well (so nice not to feel alone with that obsession!).
    Thanks for creating PB and may you continue for a very long time. :-)

  8. Deborah11:54 AM

    Do you have an opinion regarding the macaron offered at Madeleine Patisserie in NYC? I felt they were overly sweet but everything else seemed perfect. The lemon were especially wonderful. What do you think?


  9. Definitely burst out laughing reading the excerpt! Looks like another book I have to add to my wish list!

  10. Thao in London1:14 PM

    Congratulations on a beautiful blog and art work. Your enthusiasm for Paris and the sweet things in life there is delightful and contagious!

    I'm also looking forward to seeing your artwork in London in June.

  11. Oooh La La, that book is on my "To Read" list. While like you, I tend to eat ethnic rather than French while in Paris, I never eat on the run. For me, part of the experience is to sit, savor and people watch....with a proper glass of vino, naturellement.

  12. I haven't eaten yet and I open your blog and boy it looks great :)
    Love the book even though I don't know what a fish fork looks like......

  13. The pictures make me hungry, for anything "except" what is in my fridge. Oh well, I will just have to remember what it tasted like in my memories. There are so many wonderful places to eat in Paris.
    Also, your watercolor painting are just beautiful.
    Talk to you later.

  14. Bonjour Carol,
    I love your blog, which I found quite by accident, not to mention Paris!
    Enjoy and thank you for writing.

  15. IMHO, you could have macs for lunch every day!

  16. Look at all the goodies. I love your paintings in the last two posts too.

  17. Kevin in AUSTRALIA5:17 AM

    Dear Carol

    I live in Sydney,Australia, and , like you,adore all things French. I love reading your adventures and seeing your colourful photos and charming watercolours.But I really must object to your claiming Sarah Turnbull who wrote "Almost French" as an American in your post today. She is definitely an Australian who worked for a TV station in Sydney! I guess its an easy mistake to make but it's not only Americans who love Paris. As i speak French fluently, I would love to go back again but ,in the meantime, I shall continue to enjoy my daily Paris Breakfast.


  18. Good thing I already ate my cabbage pasta!

    Well, there you have it: Five a day, in a variety of colors! Looks like a balanced meal to me. I bet you managed serving #5 before nightfall. Which color was it? ;-)

  19. Mervat in Australia6:42 AM

    Oh my dear Carol, you have given me a whole new reason to look forward to our trip to Paris in May even more...
    Behold, The Mac!
    I was searching the web for what to wear to Paris in May and am now nursing a watering mouth just seeing images of these delectable delights! Merci, merci!

  20. This made me really hungry and made me want to go to Paris right now!!! Thanks for sharing!

  21. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Love to have stumble upon your blog. Great Paris pics. Thanks for sharing ;)

  22. Cher Carol,
    coffee's up! :-)

  23. PLEASE PLEASE Tell me where I can get that beautiful Anti Pasta Plate. I will be in Paris in Oct. and I will walk the streets looking for that platter. I am dying waiting to hear from you.

    Freezing in Detroit.

  24. thanks for sharing! The book looks like a real real nice light treat. And thank you for the daily inspiration on your posts!


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