
Friday, November 20, 2009

Marché Raspail

I finally made it to the Marché Bio Raspail with M.

Held only on Sundays from 7am - 3am
Metro - RennesEverything is organic or bio pronounced B-O or biologique.

They have great hunks of my favorite soap, Savon de Marseilles, made of pure 100% olive oil. This soap goes everywhere-bath and kitchen. This soap refuses to die. After a year, you look at the block in disgust and toss it. Enough! Then you immediately replace it with a new block. It's unscented - hard to find these days and way cheaper here than in New York. More great hunks, this time cheese bigger than your head.
Hunky bread. There's a rustic quality to this marche that's very appealing.
You can pretend you're in the country.
 Potted herbs to put on your apartment windowsill or balcon?
Did they go into this delicious salade? We bought some for lunch.
What about the guy in the background with the red beret and red neckerchief? I'd love to know his story.
More lunchtime goodies - freshly made soupe.
No way could I pass up the hot chocolat l'ancienne. You have to add your own sugar. It's organic!
Markets Of Paris Alison gave me this book to read on the bus up to the Boston - they had exact descriptions of the Marché Raspail venders.
"At the end of the market, a young man is frying potato pancakes with onion and cheese."
We ate those right on the spot. OMG Sinfully good even if organic.
 A chic back view of a marche vender. Note - purple scarf.
M.'s bread from the market to go with our market soupe de lentilles à l'indienne.
I picked up macarons on the way home from Sadaharu Aoki on 35 rue de Vaugirard. They're open on Sundays. Isn't it wonderful!
A very fun and unique experience.
BONJOUR Marché Raspail!


  1. I would love to know the "red beret" story, too! :) The market looks wonderful! What type of bread did you purchase to go with your soup? It looks yummy!

  2. bookmarking this....haven't been here yet!

  3. Just to clarify, it is exclusively biologique/organic on Sundays; the regular market (with some organic stalls) is open most of the rest of the week and certainly worth a visit. But if you want to enter vegan heaven, Sunday is the day to go.


  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog :)
    Your macaron looks much more appétissant than the ones at Payard in NY. Luckily we have decent ones at Macaron Cafe or Madeleine for eg. !! But sadly, no Ladurée for us...

  5. Absolutely stunning pictures!!! I want to go to!!!

  6. I would go for the soup alone...even though I don't know what flavor. Love the soup. Imagining wild mushroom with brie.

  7. Yum--that all looks/sounds wonderful, Carol. I haven't been able to check into blogs for a day or so and this is a treat.

  8. I love markets and the veges look so fresh! That rustic fruit & nut bread is so delicious looking too. Thanks for sharing this lovely secret with all readers. Will definitely check out this Metro stop when I visit Paris ;)

  9. OH! !!!!!!!!!!!!! Ca donne envie! Chocolat chaud AND soupe aux lentilles a l'indienne au marche!

    I was there once in the rain years ago and they did not have all this prepared food. I ended up eating cold "nems" from a vietnamese takeout place. It was very triste.

    Thank you for many good new reasons to go back! Great good luck with the new expos!

  10. That whole area is one of the best in all of Paris, and that's saying something!
    Thanks for the post, esp. those great visuals, Carol.

  11. Great selection of photos, Carol. Very colorful and the food looks great.

  12. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Yes yes yes, I am so happy that I have found your superb blog. Your photos are extraordinary and I love them!

    Peace & Love

    Agneta & Sweden

  13. AH le marché bio du bd Raspail ! a pleasant meal
    Très parisien ...

  14. Hi Carol,
    I came across your blog via chowhound and may I just say I wished I had done it sooner!.
    Love your photos and paintings =)

  15. What a unique way to serve hot choc!

  16. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Just finished reading French by Heart, what a lovely tale - thanks so much for the recommendation. Quick question - I found your blog through a link from Bailey Zimmerman - an artist and wife of Paul Zimmerman, a writer for SI who suffered a stroke a year ago; I also read tongue in cheek by Corey Amaro - same link - and noticed you credited her with a pic recently - quelle coincidence! What's the connection! If you are ever in Columbus, OH Pistachia Vera has incredible macarons!

  17. What a lovelt palette in your photos. Like paintings.....

  18. Ohh, the picture of that delicious chocolat chaud just had me heading to the kitchen for my very own! Looks like a great place, full of fresh produce and bright colours!

  19. I love your blog! Looking for inspiration for my own Paris site, and here I found a lot of it! Thanks..

  20. Bonjour, I read w/ interest your blog about the marche Raspail. Which is the nearest metro stop? Does the Marche Raspail carry on throughout the year or at specific times?

    Thanks, merci bien

  21. One of these days your blog will suck me in and I'll come out at a Metro station in Paris! After all those years, you still floor me with every post. I am saving my cents to one day actually travel to that place I basically got to know through you. Grande Merci! :-)))

  22. Don't you just love the French food markets?


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