
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Palais-Royal etc.

We were just walzing through the Palais-Royal on a drizzly Saturday afternoon and we happened upon a scene straight out of Funny Face.
Hey This is Paris!
*Note this guy's white woolly (maybe cashmere) scarf - I saw quite a few chic Parisiens wrapped up in these FYI...
Ha! Are they reading PB? they say:This historic enclave of Paris is one of the capital's most charming and trendy venues...where pretty cocottes of yesteryear have been replaced by fashionistas!
Later I got to tuck into the tarte citron I mentioned yesterday from Blé Sucré = extreme miam

Master class at Pierre HermeFor more miams sign up for Pierre Herme's Master Chocolate classe in November here!

CV for Pierre Herme Or if you prefer to be around Herme's chocolats et patisseries full time, send in your CV here
They are recruiting. Miam Miam


  1. I enjoyed these fun shots of the photo shoot. If I were the photographer, I would have been laying down on the plaza to take advantage of the reflection of the spread legs of the model in the water glaze on the tiles. Would have become quite a design. A reflection is apparent of the extra model in photo 3 (I think that is the one.)
    Stef, in similarly rainy Chicago

  2. Forgot to mention the model's feet position seem uncomfortably awkward which destroys the overall line of the leg and the design of the body/sculpture.

  3. Hi there
    I really love these photos from Palais Royal - they cheered me up no end
    as I'm sitting here at work. The tarte au citron looks wonderful - I
    love those.
    Keep up the good work.
    Best wishes

  4. Jannice8:21 AM

    Loved Funny Face...thought it was a dreamy movie
    So this really goes on in broad day light!?
    Bravo for catching it up close

  5. Lucky you! You arrived at Palais Royal at the perfect time! I wish I had enough money to take this class with the famous Pierre! Another year.... Thanks for these pictures; you are a real fashion photographer!

  6. HA!
    I might be a REAL photographer of other photographers...ahem
    I think I'm best as a "stalker" photographer. Insist that I can not take a picture and I will do just fine :)

  7. I had the urge to put my finger right into my monitor screen and get some of that tarte citron! I'll definitely be tasting these on my next trip!

  8. Valérie-jeanne11:26 AM

    The Palais Royal always brings to mind another Audrey Hepburn movie, Charade. There's a scene towards the end of the film shot in the Colonnade in the Jardin du Palais Royal. Love that film. Love that lemon tart too!

  9. Very comical post, Carol. I love the satire (to me, anyway) of the "lab-coated" fashion photog.
    Great piece.

  10. Great!!
    I'm going back in January for that lemon tarte and then off to Cannes for a conference can't wait!!

  11. Carol T.2:07 PM

    Did you notice (of course you did) that this "study" is completely done in black/white/grey???
    No colors in Palais Royal that day...even rain it looks like?!

  12. Matilda2:12 PM

    I covet that white wooly scarf!
    Very chic!!

  13. Anonymous2:14 PM

    The photographer seems here the far more interesting subject - not the model...Ahem

  14. How they are suffering for their art! Love the Palais Royal.

  15. my mouth is watering.... yummie

  16. her legs are spread pretty far apart there...

  17. oho! If only I could afford to go to M. Hermé's chocolate cours...

    So the courtyard of columns is still blocked off? What gives?


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