
Wednesday, June 17, 2009


"Dear" PB readers...Hmmm

What can I say after a night spent tossing and turning with intermittent beatings with a frozen macaron over the head...

You have not been taking notes or studying up on Paris trivia.

All of you recognized this mini contest.

It's true I have not done a post exclusively on Madame Carla Bruni-Sarkozy. I've been remiss in this area I admit it :( This guy was easy to Google. Even I don't know much about him. This was a reserche question. You did do fine here.
The clue to this question lay within...a simple click would have taken you to a color theory lecon on green and red... A few of you got this one...
This hound prancing through the Metro was a give-away question.
Reader Susan went so far as to identify the Metro station as St. Paul.. Who knew?
Another give-away question..a pullover or cardigan as belt.
Some of you got this - YAY
Many missed this tricky one. Learn your French fashion brands s.v.p.
A black leather jacket, rather mannish in style

Neutral colors
Classic tailoring
All give-away clues to this distinctive French brand...

Agnes B.! The label told the story too.
Too many guessed Sonia Rykiel. Sonia is stripe happy, but in a more whimsical, inventive way than Agnes. There will be more lecons a la mode bien sure! By the way 3 got it. BRAVO!!!

MANY of you got this!!! YAY

Du 6 mars au 7 mai 2009
À l’occasion du 50e anniversaire de la création du Petit Nicolas, la Mairie de Paris lui rend hommage à travers la première exposition jamais consacrée à ce personnage créé en mars 1959 par l’écrivain René Goscinny et le dessinateur Jean-Jacques Sempé.
Petit Nicolas
with art by Sempé and writing by René Goscinny.

Here class only one, Parisienne Anne, who got this right. More Paris department store education... PLEASE visit Peter's Paris post on Le Bon Marché

Le Bon Marché has a decidedly Art Deco look to it, unlike it's Paris sisters, Galerie Lafayette and Printemps which are very much in the Belle Epoche style.

Another give-away question - these are cafe coffee cups.

Another easy-as-pie picture- framboise macarons.

You got it!!! YAY

A classique tabac sign...most of you got this one.

NONE of you got this one and I blame myself. I should have been spent more time on your LA MAISON DU CHOCOLAT education :(

Class, we will be staying after school studying up on eclairs
I am fairly certain that before the macaron was king of Paris, the eclair held that title.

Here is a list, thanks again to Le Figaro, of the top eclairs of Paris. La Maison du Chocolat is neck and neck at #6 with Lenotre near the top. Please learn this list and eat as many of these as you can. This is a class assignment.

For Your Information, Pierre Herme can be depended upon placing a mini billboard on his desserts announcing his creations. Learn this symbol but watch the calories...
BONJOUR and better luck next time Class.

Do you want to do this again?

Should it be way easier?

Do tell PB readers.


  1. French Accent8:25 AM

    I vote yes! Please do this again, even without a prize, it's just a lot of fun!

  2. Elisabeth8:32 AM

    Hi! it has been a long time that I didn't answer to your newsletter ... but I thought it was unfair to participate to the contest ;-))) when living in Paris.
    But if you want to set something similar for New York, I will be delighted.
    Love that city so much !...
    Best Regards,

  3. More quizzes,
    but make them easier!

  4. Ahhh well, it seems I got 11 out of 13. Not bad huh? I too guess correctly Bon Marche as well as Anne.
    So surprised that readers performed so badly!

  5. Patricia8:36 AM

    Please do not beat yourself with a frozen macaron on our account.
    Rather eat it and enjoy!
    Too much fun here :)

  6. At least I recognized the coffee cups, even though there were no traces of Schlag! As for the rest, I apologize for causing you such extrême tristesse. I promise I will attend summer school. Night classes too, if applicable!

  7. Mais c'etait trop difficile! Presque Impossible.

    I had a macaron today - in Melbourne - and rated it 2 out of 10. I was hankering after a proper soft, melt in your mouth tasty Laduree one big time...

  8. Admittedly yesterdays post was going to be about RED accents- note all the bits of red.
    Somehow it turned into a contest.
    Still you should know by now bla bla bla
    Back to hitting myself with a frozen macaron...these do not taste bad by the way.
    Not at all.

  9. Marie-Claire9:23 AM

    Oh la la la la
    it's just a game
    You don't have to win - it's not about winning
    Don't whine

  10. Wendy P.9:40 AM

    Do it again, s'il vous plait..
    Great fun.
    Wendy P.

  11. Again, bien sur! I got most of the answers right but didn't have a chance to post them.

    Another chance, s'il vous plait!

  12. Do another!
    It can be just as hard.
    [I got 8 correct, but I didn't finish looking things up so I didn't write back.
    It was fun!]

  13. Carol, make it WAY easier for us newbies.
    Merci, Page Plus

  14. Every morning I look forward to your blog because you simply outdo
    yourself every day. Trés clever subjects and themes!

    I am now obsessed with macarons and did some serious testing around
    the Washington, DC metro area I live. Hands down, Praline, a little
    bistro off Sangamore Road in Bethesda, MD, does exquisite pastries and
    features macarons that will stop you in your tracks. A dozen flavors
    and 2 sizes (small $1.35 and the preferred large at $3.00). They
    really "got" the texture: perfect shell, tender inside and a filling
    that positively haunts with its perfect unctuousness. I must go and
    photograph the displays for you.

  15. I only got 2, Madame Sarkozy et Le Petit Nicolas. Triste you say, well bien sur. Next trip take me with you, then I promise to do better.

    : )

  16. It was great! You should do it again. I had a lot of fun! Thanks for the Maison du Chocolat class; I never go there. I love PH too much!

  17. Cute post, Carol. I must have missed yesterday's, but surely we can do extra credit or something?? Please, Teach? Don't flunk us--we're just learning. Your paintings distract us from the class lessons, you know. It's unfair.

    Does it help if I noticed Carla B's shoes are Leboutins? Note the red soles.

  18. Sorry, missed the quizz and will not announce the number of correct answers I would have had!:-)

    I can perhaps add that the "clown", Warren Zavatta is the son, grandson... of a famous circus family. He makes at present a quite successful one-man-show on the circus and clown life.

  19. I would of flunked your test totally!!!! Ask me something easy, please.

  20. Barbara9:55 PM

    Perhaps the class should have a field trip.
    Students always learn better first hand.

    How about you take us to Paris?!!!

  21. Beautiful pictures and delicious desserts!

    I'm planning to go Paris this year (crossing my fingers hope everything goes smoothly) so I'm really happy that I found your blog!

  22. I'm sure glad I signed up for the web page as Pass/Fail! I didn't expect to be taking a mid-term!

  23. ton blog c'est genial!


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