
Friday, March 13, 2009

Do French Dogs...

jour du macaron French Dogs eat macarons,original art, 5" x 7"

So do you think French dogs...

jour du macaron French Ballotin,original art, 5" x 7"


jour du macaron Do they eat macarons because the BIG DAY is coming up!

Pierre Herme Jour du Macaron

Exactly ONE week from today, next Friday, March, the 20th will be MACARON DAY! Why else would I go to Paris in the freezing cold do you think?

jour du macaron On La Jour du Macaron you get THREE FREE macarons at Pierre Herme
+ one more for charite. You donate what you wish. It is well worth being generous too for a very good cause. So get on your best "Paris line" outfits gang!
Here's what I'm wondering...
Since dogs RULE in Paris, if you bring along a doggie, does the dog get free macarons too?
Your astute opinion is requested...
Have you ever even seen a Parisien dog eat a macaron?
I have to admit I have not.
But dogs are SO well loved in Paris this may not be an issue!
Where do I rent-a-dog-for-a-day in Paris? Please rack your brains, faithful PB readers. You always come up with such good solutions.
Even YSL had a dear little doggie. I'm sure it is not rented...
I shall await your response and thoughtful advice with anticipation...



  1. I would never give a macaron to my dog, my God! Fortunately, you will be here for this Macaron Day! Have fun! Macarons make people get thin!

  2. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Ah, Carol,
    I must make do with California macarons next Friday while you and your rented pooch will be downing the real thing.
    Such is life!

  3. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Will we hear from you while in Paris???
    Have un voyage magnifique!
    Rent-a-Dog Option

  4. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Bon voyage, Carol. Sweet pups here. Have a great trip!

  5. Delicious, cute and beautiful... love those dogs! By the way, an introduction has been made to the "Prolific Paris Painter, Poster, and Photographer" on SparkleMirror. And yes, ahem, no more triad related pontifications.

  6. I should loan you my dog Gigi. Even her name is suitable!

  7. I know a Golden Retriever named Maya who ate two boxes of assorted macarons from Laduree. My wife and I had stopped off at our friend's apartment on Rue de Gramont to drop off our armloads of purchases and went out for more shopping. When we returned we found little pieces of pretty green boxes scattered everywhere; not a crumb of macaron to be found. Poor Maya was sick as!

    M. Baker (who just bagged your new and improved Paris Opera watercolour. Splendid!)

  8. Oh WENDY!!!!!
    I'll pay ya BIG TIME for GiGi
    How perfect...sigh
    Come here Gigi!

  9. Anonymous12:04 PM

    I do not believe that the shop keeper will offer your dog a macaron or three, but I daresay if you have your little dog in your arms when you go up to the counter, and hautily intimate, when handed three macarons, that perhpas monsieur didn't notice little Fifi, but if he had, well of course he would have offered her three as well, non? And I'd imagine that you would surely get three more, just for the comedy of it all. I think that would be appreciated by even the shopkeeper.

    Good luck!

  10. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I learned last year that YSL had bouledogue français one after the other, keeping the name Moujik.
    YSL secrets

  11. That is such a cute series - and I love the roof on the opera house.
    Have a great weekend!

  12. Rendez-vous rue Bonaparte next week? Bon voyage!!

  13. Anonymous1:30 PM

    maybe you can rent a dog in Paris via Craigslist:
    click on Paris...
    place a free ad...
    I'd do it under a 'pets' heading if they have it,
    and see if you don't get responses.
    photos help (like your doggie photos here).

    bonne chance

  14. Anonymous1:31 PM

    There must be an elderly person who needs their dog walked!

  15. Anonymous4:23 PM

    I have only been to Paris once, 6 years ago. It was the MOST WONDERFUL trip of my life and I so NEED to go again. My daughter and I had nearly a month in Europe, a week of it in Paris, she had been there before and speaks French, one would have thought a week was plenty, alas, it really was not, although every second was Wonderful.

    I did not see a Parisian dog eating a macaron, but then, I know this may sound like hearse, but we did not eat one either. At that time I did not realize the ethereal qualities of a French macaron.
    Another reason to go again. :)
    I LOVE "Paris Breakfasts" - it is a hi light of the day, and to think I just sort of "found" you. Have a wonderful time, and if you ever need a nurse to travel with you......I am available.
    Bon jour,

  16. Anonymous4:30 PM

    This is just my opinion of course, but having been around these beautiful babies for many, many year, I can tell you for sure that doggies LOVE yummy treats. and what could be yummier than mounds of macarons??!! I would share some with my doggie btw. How could you anyone possibly turn down "4" big, sad, hungry macaron eyes staring at them adoringly? So walk in happily with GiGi and tell us the tale :} I LOVE your doggies Carol!!!! ...need to speak with you.

  17. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Macaroon day in Paris-I am on a flight-do you get extra macaroons to enjoy for your followers back in the US. Do enjoy.

  18. Crapalooza...I just put a little French package for you in the mail TO-DAY :(
    Well at least it will be there when you return.
    My American dogs eat French macarons...does that count?!!
    Have a great time!

  19. Anonymous1:54 AM

    How little you know of dogs! Yes, of course, you PAINT them beautifully. But if you need to get a dog in Paris (or anywhere in the world!) you need to offer treats! No self-respecting dog would decline. I have this straight from the dog's mouth!

  20. Bon Jour du Macaron!

  21. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Have a wonderful trip and eat some macarons for me!

  22. Anonymous7:05 AM

    I used to have a lovely Bichon Frise named Lola who would fill the job perfectly!
    But alas, I developed an allergy and now it is just us and our lovely cat.
    Good luck.

  23. Anonymous6:56 AM

    LOL. From the look of them I guess they do :-)

  24. Macaron Day? How on earth did I miss that? I LOVE macarons. Caramel my favorite. Enjoy and eat some for me.
    Love this blog!!!

  25. Of course they eat Macaron. They are spoiled rotten :)

  26. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Oh carol, your photograph on Etsy- PRICELESS!!
    Uzbekistan indeed. Weather looks so beautiful by the way:)

  27. You know, I have never even seen a macaroon, let alone tatsed one. How can I fill this gap in my life?
    I am enjoying Paris with your blog thanks.

  28. Hi there - if you want to borrow my dog for an afternoon just let me know - guaranteed attention getter mine is, froufy hair and very friendly!

  29. I love puppies. All pictures are very cute

  30. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Did anyone ever find a service for dog rental as I was just asked by someone going to Paris if that existed.

  31. I have a dog and am wondering if someone knows a dogsitter or dog walker in Paris, particularly in the 2nd or the 9th?! Any info would be greatly appreciated!


    1. Maybe I can walk yor dag Leah?
      I'd love to


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