
Friday, January 09, 2009

Demel, Plaza Hotel

DEMELDemel Hot Schokolade, watercolor on Etsy, 9 x11

This has been a week of afternoon teas or rather hot chocolates.
DEMEL Yesterday I finally hit DEMEL'S at the Plaza Hotel, New York.Demel petit fours, watercolor on Etsy, 5" x 7"

A plethora of goodies await you.
DEMEL Demel's corner on the mezzanine...DEMEL It's really quite small, cosy and intimate. There were Europeans on either side of me...DEMEL

There's a nice bar too - casual and convivial...
DEMEL Loads of DEMEL goodies to buy too... DEMEL Like these divinely wrapped candied violets...DEMELLangues de chat - Chocolate shaped as cats tongues.
"Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons."
Ruth Ann SchabackerDEMELCertainly plenty of chocolate bars... DEMEL And chocolate gateaux!!DEMEL Chocolate bundts...
DEMELI got this mini Sacher Tort petit four..mitt schlag (whipped creme) of course ~ luscious.DEMEL And pink whatsits too - I want to paint these... Photo by MerisiPhoto by Merisi... I'll be returning to DEMEL/NYC but
For much more on DEMEL/Vienna please visit Merisi
Bonne Week-End!


  1. That chocolate gateaux is the famous "Anna Torte", named after Anna Demel. It's a perfect marriage of the finest nougat with Demel's own chocolate.

    Will you believe that I am right now working on a post, un invitation au voyage,
    with a link-stop here.
    It will have to be an overnight stop,
    what with all those delicious places
    you are taking us!

    See you! :-)

  2. Ahhh--I love the little petits fours. Lovely watercolor, Carol!

  3. I was so surprised to find Demel's here,
    I forgot to mention that your painting is exquisite! And I see you did order the Schlag on the side. *smile* Here in Vienna the hand-whip the cream, I suppose they keep doing it the old-fashioned way even in New York City (once upon a time they bought electric mixers to do the work, only to find out that only by hand can they achieve just the right consistency).

    I am really excited that you have got your very own Demel's only subway stops away! :-)

  4. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I love Demels--they are a classic--went to the Demels in Vienna a long time ago and it was great!
    Have a Good weekend Carol.

  5. Just 8 minutes away in fact!
    I'll be back...really a fun place to go

  6. Anonymous10:06 AM

    GAWD it all looks DELICIOUS!!!
    Visual calories galore!

  7. Anonymous10:15 AM

    my Viennese mother will be intrigued...
    she's always preferred Demel to the more
    familiar Sacher...

    delicious photos and paintings as always

  8. Looking good. Pink Petits Fours for me please! Oh wait, I am having heart healthy oatmeal, san schlag... But I can dream. Love the paintings. Good going.

  9. a craquer tout celà!

  10. Anonymous11:22 AM

    You shared another little cafe in New York recently and I can not find that post.
    Do you remember what it was?


  11. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Hello Carole, and Happy New Year to you!
    SO you've been to Austria? Oh Demel's! You remind me of our 2007 Christmas. I could walk and admire and drink chocolate all day. But of course I haven;t visited Paris yet...

  12. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Is it "petite four or petit four"?
    And why are they called little ovens?

  13. A petit four (plural: petits fours) is a small cake generally eaten at the end of a meal or served as part of a large buffet. The name is from the French petit four, meaning "small oven".

    Modern petits fours usually consist of a geometrically cut piece of sponge cake, topped with fondant and are approximately 25 millimetres square and about 40 millimetres high. The fondant which tops the cake is often pastel in color, and commonly decorated with piped icing flowers or other embellishments. The term petit four may also, however, refer to any of a variety of small confections, especially in France.
    Thank you Wikipedia!

  14. Mouthwatering! What does up the whazoo... mean?

  15. Wow.. if that place were only 8 minutes away I would be in BIG trouble. or I would be BIG. lol
    It not only looks lucious but the place looks very inviting too. Thanks for making me want to go tear the kitchen apart for some chocolate now. :)

  16. Yum... it would be lovely to have a delicious treat, cafe creme and a chat surrounded by the FAB smells that must be within the shop!

  17. Anonymous8:33 PM

    That incredibly folded chocolate cake under the chocolate bar!!! Fantastic imagination! And the candied violet box - toss the flowers!

  18. The cat tongues are fantastic.

  19. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Love the cat box "langues de chat" and the pink cake !!! Hummm....

  20. Demel. The dream of every baking & pastry apprentice in Austria. To work at Demel's for a season or two. To learn some of those secrets and then vagabond around the world with your trade.

    Great post!

  21. I feel like having a generous helping of that chocolate gateaux now.:)

    Carol, I reached here from Merisi's and what a lovely blog of goodies do you have here!

    - celine

  22. WOW so many amazing desserts and your drawings are LOVELY!

    Jen Ramos
    'Cards & Prints You'll Love...'

  23. I cannot think of anything more amazing that Langues de chat. I'm staring this post in my google reader.

  24. Thanks for the tour of the New York Demel! I really enjoyed it. Your watercolors are lovely.

  25. Anonymous3:24 PM

    lovely paintings - you have a good hand matching a good eye !
    I'm lucky enough to live near Demel Salzburg, and when in Vienna... but there are other 'Kaffeehaus' there I love.
    The rule is that the waiter only comes once and won't come again if you do not call him, you can sit there for ages and read, write or converse as if at home !
    The pink petit four has to be a square sponge cake + alcool (Punschkrapferl);
    the Sacher Torte, a chocolate cake, is ... from Franz Sacher, who worked at Demel's before he created his own place, Sacher's. He took his recepy with him.
    The only 'real' Sacher therefore, is... at Sacher's, the one from Demel is slightly different (jam layers for instance).
    Anna Torte is a multi-layered cake filled with nougat cream, and a wavy chocolate topping - now, this has been created by Demel's alright for the daughter of the founder...
    Torte = cake,
    a small petit four would be in translation a twice (small) small oven,
    mit (Schlag) = with (whipped cream),
    Bon (not 'bonne') appetit!


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