
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Lots of Macarons

Afternoon Macaron Tea, original watercolor

A few days ago, when I gave the lesson on Macaron Mathematics , I got a challenging request.

c_fluffy said:Gosh, that's a lot of Pierre Herme mini macs...
Can we see all your miniature macs piled together?

Fluffy, this post is for you. I am proud to admit I've got 66 mini macarons :)

I probably have the most mini macarons ON THE PLANET. Not that I have ever eaten 66 REAL macarons. Well not at one sitting anyway.
I was toying with the idea of creating one of these towers of power with my minis...Hmmm...should I or shouldn't I? Now for some REAL macarons and from Pierre Herme too.Remember how I was telling you his macarons are "FAT"?
The picture says it best.
I've never gone in much for the big individual or grand macaron (note at 3.20 a piece). Why ever buy one, when you can get 6 different flavors/ parfums for 7.90 euros like at La Maison du Chocolat? Course there is nothing wrong with these little pups from the Champion Supermarche either and you get 12 for 6.50.

It requires all your French politesse to divide those babies in a genteel manner, without grabbing your favorite flavor first. You always turn the plate to your guest and offer her/him the first cookie. Why I always go alone. No sharingExcept in this case...Please do take one?BONNE JOURNEE!


  1. Your watercolor here is simple and beautiful. Love the "gang of four." I went to a bistro one time where I couldn't decide which wine to have, and the waiter told me I could "take a night flight." I didn't know that that meant I could get 4 different wines but just little samples of each. When he explained that, I told him, "oh yeah, I'll be takin' a night flight." Reminded me of your gang of four for some reason. ;)) By the way, that's a LOT of macarons!! (That must be a day flight.)

  2. Wow fabulous painting today. It's the colours isn't it that make macarons so tempting?

  3. Those macarons are very small Sue!
    VERY!!! That's a BIG closeup..
    They are just a snack really :)

  4. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Being somewhat new to the group, would you please corrolate the colors with the parfum? Are the colors natural or "a scary variation"?



  5. parfum means flavors
    Colors are another thing...well supposed to relate to the flavors but sometimes out of a little bottle except for pistachio and chocolate.
    It's the filling that has the flavors.
    Et voila!

  6. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Thank yuo for the beautiful watercolors on your site and for introducing me to these delightful macarons. I hope to have a taste of one before the year is over. I don't understand how I missed the macaron train. My mom is French and I have been fortunate to travel to France from time to time throughout my life and of COURSE I have frequented les patisseries... and I have NEVER had the occassion to sample a single macaron like these in my 39 years! How did these escape my pastry-loving radar?

  7. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I tried a cup and thought of you all the time

  8. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Carol, now l have seen todays macaron's l am going mad as haven't had one since1999 in a French Cafe in Scotland. I live in England now and its harad to get a custard creme ( another fave )
    Is there anyone online that you can get them from even if there three days out of date, am sucking a mint sweet just now and its not great but couldn't find anything else,

  9. Carol,
    I would much rather see a PAINTING by you of your stacked mini macs, than a photo, anyday. As Monet supposedly said to Bonnard; "EMBELISH, Bonnard!
    EMBELISH!" And that's what you do so very well with your luscious color, and wet much nicer than the real thing.

  10. That's because you've never eaten a MACARON william thomas terney!
    How can you possibly get it?
    Honestly...these are times that try women's hearts bla bla bla..

  11. If you use reversible tape you could create your macaron tower then after you finished painting and sketching you can take it apart and use it separately.

  12. Carol,

    Have you seen the current issue of Gourmet magazine? It's dedicated entirely to Paris and even includes a recipe for macarons. Of course I thought of you!

    Sarah B

  13. Lovely painting. Your Minis are paying off big time as you are producing wonderful paintings and not losing your props or gaining weight. :)
    I think one of those towers would be a great painting. I love the colors, and if anyone can do it you can.

  14. I may have to stop reading your blog as it sets me into a macaron frenzy nearly every time! And there are no macarons here in Southern California!!

    Just kidding about the stopping of the reading part. I need my Paris Breakfast ... but the macaron part? Dang, it's been too long since I had a "real" macaron.


  15. Anonymous1:47 PM

    This is sooooo cute. Coincidentally, I'm giving away two full sets of Pierre herme miniature on my blog as a tribute for his inspiration in my business! :D

  16. Anonymous2:01 PM

    You naughty, naughty girl you, offering us a treat we can't get at like that, titch, titch, titch indeed ;)

    I found macarons in a French bakery in St. Louis, Missouri that they had flown in from France. Look around California Sue, I'll bet there is a French bakery that has them. (Or maybe you could persuade them.)


  17. Gang of Four and a Night Flight, please. ;-)

    Those fat ones look delicious, okay they ALL look yummy. Have you ever priced one of those towers at the bakery?

  18. I would take a Paris shopping tour with you just to discover the best macaron combinations to eat together.

  19. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Macarrons in a supermarket??? I need a Champion here!!!! And how DARE Anonymous post work of a French Bakery in St. Louis without naming it??? I go there quite regularly (especially for an irregular person like me, but I digress) and will have to sleuth it out! Those chocolate macarons in the Champion they seem suspiciously dark to you?

  20. Oh, macarons! :-))

    Have I told you that a few weeks ago my Litte Rose Macaron paid a short visit to Demel's? That girl has become so successful, all over broadway, hardly ever comes back to Kohlmarkt. :-(

    Would you believe it that I have almost forgotten that there are pastry shops in my town too? ;-)

  21. The tour starts Oct 28, 9AM
    We will meet at the chocolate show at the giant chocolate bar on the right side.
    Please be on time and bring your notebooks and good walking shoes.
    And no monkey business
    This is serious work kindly remember Class.
    Your Teacher and Choco Guide.

  22. Anonymous3:39 AM

    I have a query: What happens to all the leftover macarons and other wonderful pastries at the end of the day? Are they all gone or do they give them away to orphanages or shelters?

  23. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Greetings from wet Salzburg..thought of you when passing through Cafe
    Demel and picking up macarons...had to snap a carolesque picture
    ...but finished the trip at Hotel Sacher's cafe for the single most
    wonderful Sachertorte on the planet.

  24. Anonymous3:41 AM

    No matter how my day starts out, your posts always bring a smile.
    Thank you!


  25. Anonymous3:48 AM

    Oh Yum, this post really makes me yearn for a real French macaron. My first trip to Paris was last fall and I Never would have tried them if your posts had not sung their praises - and Yowsa, are they ever good!!! At least I can drool over your gorgeous paintings.

  26. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Can I sign up for extra credit???
    And, when you say no monkey business you ae saying that we will not be eating anything that involves bananas--do I understand you correctly?;-)

    Your hungry student,

  27. LOL @ "...divide these babies in a genteel manner".

    Divide. As in share? Certainly you jest! How does one share four tiny, delicious macarons? Let them get their own is what I say.

    Share. Oh how novel and dreadfully ridiculous a concept!

  28. Can't share those! Too precious! We were both in a macaron mood tuesday!

  29. j'adore ton blog, je voudrais me joindre Γ  tes amis mais je n'arrive pas!


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