
Friday, December 07, 2007

More Croissants

Last trip I made deep investigations into the Parisian croissant.

Half eaten croissant at Les Deux Magots Previously I would take a bite and leave the rest...
I was not truly committed to crossanterie investigations sad to say.
#110 - croissant and confiture#110 - croissant and confiture

But closer study endeared the croissant to me.

The creme de la creme of croissants resides at patisserie PIERRE HERME. This croissant MUST NOT BE MISSED under any conditions!   

Look at the multitude of fine layers here - dense yet so light and crunchy.."The noise of the croissant is also very important," said Pierre Herme. "I can almost hear them shout when people tear them apart."

Truly an elevated tasting experience and often overlooked by the madness of the macaron obsessed.
Here is Stohrer's croissant...Stohrer's croissantAnd Stohrer's innards - nice, but not in the realm of Le Roi de croissants. I was inspired by astute Parisian food critic Francois Simon (and possibly the model for critic Anton Ego in RATATOUILLE) by the Figaro team in their blind tasting investigations of Paris' BEST CROISSANT!.I tried to do my OWN tasting, but frankly I didn't do so hot.*Notice how they just taste BITES of croissant. THEY ARE NOT EATING THE WHOLE DAMN THING! I messed up and forgot this was a test, and not a feast. I will undoubtedly have to do this test over - not so bad as redoing one's SAT's.I reccommend you do your own croissant test next time in Paris.
Be guided by the Le Figaro's research.
You can't go wrong
Figaro test tastes Paris' croissants


  1. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Paris Breakfast's Paris breakfasts... such a comfort 1st thing in the morning! Thank you

  2. The HUNGREY BEARS MUST BE FED only the BEST croissants! :)

  3. Ah Breakfast is served. With the finest croissants smothered in thick yummy Jam & served with tea or maybe hot chocolate.. How lovely is that first thing in the morning!!?
    As for tasting bites only... I don't think so. ;)
    Wonder how long a virtual breakfast will last?? Is that like eating Chinese food? lol

  4. OMG! Look at those layers in the Pierre Hermé croissant! Now I am craving that buttery crispy crunch...with some confiture superb...yum.
    Mouth watering this am. I love croissants as they should be.

    All best, Jan

  5. Oh yes cris with hot chocolate or some cafe au lait!! That is even better. Thanks for feeding this hungry bear PB. JC

  6. I can almost smell their aroma... how good, especially first thing in the morning, while they're still warm out of the oven... There is only one city where I've found croissants nearly as good as Paris': Barcelona.

  7. I think your version of the taste test sounds much more satisfying. I am adding the Pierre Herme croissant to my must do's for my upcoming trip in July.
    Your paintings are delicious.

  8. Oh, those sacrifices in the name of in depth research! :-)
    I love the Italian version, the cornetti. Outside Italy, I don't ever touch croissants. Maybe I will make an exception, if I ever make it to Paris.

  9. Anonymous3:16 PM

    I put off the Pierre Herme croissant for a long time, not wanting to believe that the Roi de Macarons could be equally successful with the flaky pastry. Boy, was I wrong. They are deliceux! It's best to get them in the morning when they are freshly baked. And once they run out, that's it for the day as I've tried unsuccesfully several times to nab one in the afternoon. Your watercolors are gorgeous. More beautiful than the real thing! Bises, Ms. Glaze

  10. I love my croissant dipped into coffe or even better hot chocolate. Am I a Philistine?

  11. Delectable! I am not in Paris, but I am going to rustle me up a local croissant right now. A pale substitute I'm sure, but one can pretend :)

  12. Anonymous5:10 PM

    I loove these!! I remember I use to have them on Newbury St I gain 20lbs thyroid pooped the bed! I loove your water colors that medium was my first love! Denise

  13. Anonymous4:53 AM

    I like them for breakfast with my black coffee...
    But we're not brave enough to go and get them every Sunday... When we do, I warm them up before serving them...

  14. This is so true Ms. Glaze!
    YOU MUST EAT your croissants in the morning, the earlier the better.
    Preferably hot out of the oven.
    This is motivation enought to get out of your bed and rush out to the patisserie.
    Don't be surprised to find others seeking the same Mecca of taste.
    7AM is not too early to start out on your croissant search.
    Please save the little paper bags for me..I collect them
    Another one of my stupid but very cheap collectibles :)

  15. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Lemon tarte tastings
    Macaron tastings
    And now croissant tests and tasting.
    Your intentions are not honorable!
    You wish us to blow up like a balloon..
    oh I forgot all the chocolate tastings..
    And then there are the mashmallows!
    Really it's all too, too much.
    I'm going to Iceland next vacation.
    At least I know I'll fit in my narrow plane seat on the ride home :(

    Party Pooper

  16. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Party Pooper-
    I like those miniature croissants they make now for the calorie conscious
    They really are just bite sized so you can have your cake etc...

    Alice in Wonderland

  17. Leave it to a true artist to present croissants as you do, Carol.

    I am ashamed to say I took no photos of croissants while in Paris, probably because I ate them too quickly.

  18. Anonymous11:37 AM

    There is nothing, and I do mean NOTHING like a true French croissant!!!!

    My Melange

  19. Another blow to my pre-Christmas diet! Tomorrow I'm definitely going to wake up needing a croissant.

  20. I look forward to my own taste test when I visit Paris in Aug/08...I am making notes!! I have NOT been by for some time//lots going on ...your art work continues to be my favorite water colors!! hugs NG

  21. Sigh...nothing to do but sigh dreamily after looking at all of these beautiful goodies.

  22. When we were in Fano, Italy, awaiting a train, we stopped by a cafe for croissants and hot chocolate - but I passed on the beverage, because the croissants were filled with chocolate... pudding? custard? some yummy, chocolately-creamy thing and heavily dusted with powdered sugar... Wow... I'm still craving those croissants...

  23. Beautiful artwork, I've been to Paris three times, I also go GA-GA! pour les beaux desserts!

  24. I do not see any pain au chocolat, dommage. :(

    I just can't get enough of them...the ever-so-slightly-melted slim bar of chocolat inside the flaky, airy croissant....miam!

  25. I just read your comment about saving the papers. I am obsessed with savingthe paper bags and papers to hold onto the bread with too. When we lived in France, I included them in my letters to friends....and no one seemed to understand why I sent them.


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