
Friday, June 22, 2007

Make Believe Cafe...

Cafe day today!
And I'm sick of looking at desserts I can't have...
There are lots of little chatchkas you can bring home.
Cafe stuff for sale at the cafes...
You'll find these signature souvenirs only at posh cafes like Flore and Deux Magots.. Not the same as being there...
But you can have your own little make believe cafe in your own kitchen
I've got a cafe table and chairs in mine...
A few French sugar cubes, a cafe cup or two and a glass...
Your bottle of Vittel and you're set up!
You need the aroma of French roast coffee too...And nothing like a bit of cafe music playing in the background...
Who knew Cafe de Flore has their own music CDs?
They've kindly thought of everything for your make believe cafe recreation..
One thing I wish I'd bought.A Cafe Flore key chain as a reminder of where I'd like to be,
as I go out the door to the real world...Here the cafe boutique where you can get your cafe gear.
26, rue Saint-Benoit, 75006
Just don't go before noon
Do you have any cafe souvenirs in your kitchen?


  1. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I'm liking all the accoutrements for the Make believe cafe.
    How auditious of the 'Cafe de Flore' not to open till 12:00!
    I want a key chain too.

  2. i loe make believe...i have a few cafe memories...blessings, rebecca

  3. I don't have any Paris memories in my kitchen. But after seeing this post I want some! :)

  4. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Hey, Carol,

    I do have a couple of tiny Paris souvenirs in my kitchen: three rectangular sugar cubes wrapped in paper that depicts various firefighting scenes. My husband and I brought them home from a trip to la belle France. He's a firefighter, so it seemed that much more necessary that we bring them home.

    Sarah B

  5. yes have some lovely towels I picked up when last in Paris (sigh)

  6. Yes I do have some in my kitchen...but love the idea of the actual table & chairs.....

  7. A café that does not open til noon? I have got to go to Paris to see for myself, otherwise I don't believe it. This definitely would never happen in Vienna. The Viennese would revolt.

  8. I have a little bistro table in my kitchen, where I love to drink Cafe au lait in the morning. Also my two antique prints I bought in Paris...wish I was there right now!

  9. Anonymous7:48 AM

    when I was going to school in Paris I would start my day with petit dejeuner a La Maison d'Italie-oeuves etoufees,pain avec confiteurre et beurre et un chocolat..afternoon snack une madeleine..

  10. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Delightful post..
    Makes me think I should do my new kitchen in a "cafe" style by all means!

  11. Thanks for not putting any desserts on this one. You're killing me. No Paris memories in my kitchen but I had a very good meal at Cafe Moutarde in Brooklyn the other night.

  12. Too much Paris dreaming!
    I had a nightmare last night that I had a ticket to go off to Paris but I didn't know the time of the flight!
    I started rushing around, but I got to the airport too late to get on board!
    And worse, it was not an AirFrance flight :(
    Ryan Air...

  13. You poor thing! :-(
    (On the bright side, Ryan Air could have save you a bundle! *smile*)

  14. i have TONS
    of those Eliance sugar tubes...
    [by Elior]
    does that count?

    some day i will be arrested
    for stealing sugar tubes...

    what a way to extend a paris vacation...


  15. Carol,

    I have featured your blog in mine. Please visit me....hope it's okay.

  16. I can't believe all of these derivative objects based on the Café Flore. I guess things are changing in Paris...

  17. Anonymous4:25 PM

    HI rebecca...

    Im living in provence for 4 years but I am a parisian!
    wenesday I take the train in Aix en Provence to Paris for the SOLDES !
    as soon as my train arrive on the gare station of Paris, I go to a café like all the parisian..
    have a good week ...

  18. quelle belle transparence dans ce verre d'eau!

  19. Your blog is very nice, I link it in my blog (
    See you soon!

  20. As much as I like your make believe Cafe', it's Monday and past noon here in Vienna and I have house arrest, but I am ready to go out virtually with you. :-)Where are you going to take us today? *goodmorning!*

  21. Anonymous7:44 AM


    That is too funny about the cafe CD! Who knew!! I have 2 flea market pictures of Paris in my kitchen along with a French press and cafe au lait bowls. That does it for me every day!

  22. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Didn't know about this "Cafe de Flore" store!! THANKS!!! I'll check it out next time I'm back in beautiful Paris... Je t'embrasse.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.


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