
Thursday, April 19, 2007

Lots of Macarons

Macarons - Paris Breakfasts Macaron Box with Macarons, watercolor, 9" x 11 1/2"
I'm back 2 weeks from Paris and I haven't mentioned the 'M' word.
Macarons - Paris Breakfasts There are still macarons all over Paris. EVERYWHERE macarons in all shapes and sizes.
photograph by Corey Amaro Directly across from my hotel on 79, rue de Seine was a Champion Supermarche and they have damn good macarons - a 12-pack costs 6.50 Euros.I bought them as still life models but they served double duty - and very tasty they were.
Macarons These bright jazzy babes are from patisserie Gerard Mulot. I bought them to paint. When the vendeuse asked, did I want them in a boite/box or for right now?' in French, I just mumbled, oui, oui'. They ended up in a sac /bag. Later on they were cracked and a mess, so I tossed them. Lecon learned - never buy macarons for emporte /take-away again.
photograph by Corey Amaro When Corey heard I'd thrown out the macs, she begged me PLEASE rescue them from the trash but I forgot. I made it up by getting her two Pierre Herme macarons - a rose and a caramel.
Macarons The new Christophe Felder macaron book with an accompanying mac hanging in a window.I HEART this palette of macarons...
MacaronsMacarons with a Peonie, watercolor, 9" x 11 1/2"
Macarons - Paris BreakfastsClick on this picture Please for a mac movie.
Marie-Noelle sent me this Renault commercial called "Les Gourmandises" See LES MACARONS are EVERY WHERE !


  1. Anonymous6:24 AM

    It is high time to introduce the Ms in Norway, don't you think so. May be it's an idea for The Blue Café to start.
    Come over with your paintings, and we can do it together :-) Norway will never be the same.

  2. Britt-Arnhild:
    Your trip to Vienna will do double-duty: macarons even here! (And I would have never touched them without Carol's tempting, I thought they looked to artificial - and then, what did I know?).
    I thank Ilva for her yogurt recipe, that I mixed up for lunch, otherwise it would have meant a walk to Dommayer's. ;-)
    Everything looks so enticing, and all those props! Do you keep a props manager?

    props manager

  3. Merisi you can apply to be my prop manager :)
    Corey was not as co-operative as planned, required constant feedings of macarons and has consequently been fired from the job.
    There IS an opening!
    She did finally bring along her best rosebud cup after much arm-twisting...
    Have you some good cups for me Merisi?

    britt I'd be interested in coming to Norway in the summer months ONLY!
    Do they have any summer months there???

  4. my fav! just got some macarons from henri charpentier here in japan! loved them. so jealous of all the macarons that you were able to try in paris!

  5. K & S
    Hmmm...Macarons I ate in Paris
    An accounting - not that many I regret to say..

    The first day, 4 Laduree macs (petite) bought on Printemps food floor

    2 packs of Champion macs (NOT ALL OF THEM!) spread over 9 days

    1 caramel lid of Corey's 2 macs

    I did try La Maison du Chocolat's new 6-pack filled with chocolate ganache. Again mostly lids. I'm not a huge ganache fan.


  6. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Love the paintings. Especially the one with the peonie in it. The Laduree box looks like a little jewel box it's so pretty. The rest of the blog it yummy too. ;-)
    Cris in OR

  7. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Sure we have summer :-) Just take a look:
    And I could do with a few macroons when we celebrate the French Fete Nationale:

    I'll book you in :-)

  8. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Hm, I see that parts of my links my only idea than is to have you over in July/August some time, our best summer months.

  9. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I have really been enjoying your newsletters - your watercolors are just beautiful.

    I am wondering if you can give me a more exact address for the Champion Supermarche that you mention in the letter - we will be back in Paris in May and I would like to buy some Macarons at the Champion Supermarche on rue de Seine.

  10. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Beautiful painting!!! I love anything Laduree! I am wondering what you favorite macaron flavor is and which 'brand' do you prefer?

  11. WHAT you trashed broken macarons - are you mad, you could have mailed them to me.
    AND that Peonie painting is as I always say - AMAZING

  12. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I am really loving the Peony 'M' painting... (is it still available?) One of the cooks in the take-out diner next to my 'CASTLE' just figured out how to make incredibly dreamy tasting green Macarons!!! Talk about melt-in-your-mouth temptations... !!! Oh, and the rose-fouchon painting - still available???

  13. Anonymous1:29 PM

    I love to see how you work the images in different watercolor compositions--very nice!
    The box is nicely detailed next to the simplicity of the macarons and cup.
    And wonderful flower -
    anemone? poppy? peony?
    It directs the eye into the image of the cup --
    The detail on the box draws one into the image from the right. Fragile, lovely pastel watercolors.

  14. Anonymous4:39 PM

    I spent probably an hour salivating over the Lauderée website last night, I can't wait to go to Paris. ;)

  15. Anonymous6:41 PM

    I stumbled upon your weblog and I was happy to see that I'm not the only one passionate about Paris and French Patisserie.
    I just want to say that I like you paintings and the whole outlook of your blog.

  16. anything for research, Carol! I'm still jealous :)

  17. Anonymous7:26 PM

    I've seen them here in Melbourne in Laurent - - and I thought they looked too artificial. But now I want to try them! They look just like the real Paris ones, too :-)

    But when you live in a city with a Paris end, there should be some compensations!

  18. Anonymous1:23 AM

    The quality of light in Laduree Green Box with Macarons, watercolor is right on for breakfast in Paris, it's insanely parfait!

  19. Anonymous2:15 AM

    I wonder whether Renault offer their Clios in those "gourmandise" colours...
    I've seen a few pale green cars around but none of those...yet.
    When I spot one, I must have my camera ready!

  20. Anonymous4:53 AM

    Amazing photos! I can't wait go to out there and try these out. They are on my "to eat" list. haha. have a great day!

  21. Anonymous4:29 AM

    Britt Arnhild, Ms are in Norway!!!
    Try Danora in Oslo:


  22. you're absolutley lovley and i absolutley love everything about your blog. and les macarons really are divine. we see to it that we buy a few every visit we make to paris. keep up the good work!

  23. Anonymous12:01 PM

    What I am fired from my job titled: Eater of Props---
    Eating your props was hard work! I did a great job didn't I? ;)
    Darn it!
    I loved that job too.
    Imagine Parisbreakfast readers...
    Being the person who eats what Carol paints? It was heavenly, delicious, daunting (yes daunting to eat sooooooooooooooo many MS hour after hour, day after day, but I gladly did it!!)okay, okay, in all fairness....I did sometimes eat the props before they were painted! How could I resist?
    Rose MS Violet Ms and I woun't even mention the stacks of chocolates, cups of coffee and pots of hot whipped chocolate!

    My hips and lips thank you for the best cushy job ever.

    Are you really firing me? I'll pay you to keep me?

    :)Remember rose and antique blue cups ...... Remember French husband's good advice about living in France


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