
Friday, February 02, 2007

La Maison Du Chocolat Saint-Valentin

La Maison Du Chocolat Saint-Valentin chocolate box
La Maison Valentine Chocolates, original watercolor, 9" x 11 1/2"
These birds have tastes I can't afford. I've told them, they must stay outside the door.

La Maison Du Chocolat Saint-Valentin candy boxBut they pay me no heed. They tell me they have other needs.

La Maison Du Chocolat Saint-Valentin + 2 birds eating chocolates
La Maison Valentine Boxes, original watercolor, 9" x 11 1/2"
La Maison du Chocolat
Is their favorite hangout.
Their taste is good.
There is no doubt.

La Maison Du Chocolat Saint-Valentin window displayFirst chance they get
They show their clout.

La Maison du Chocolat Heart Valentine Box, original watercolor, 9" x 11 1/2"
They flock in the door.
They always want much more.
They say I am an awful bore.

These birds will not settle for anything less
They insist upon the very best.

La Maison Du Chocolat Saint-Valentin window
While I'm left at home eating Whitman's
They've flown off to their favorite store.


  1. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Welcome back...Love the paintings expecially the top one...the colors, arrangement and subject matter are all wonderful.
    It's gonna be another Chocolate day. :-)

  2. Anonymous10:26 AM

    These are really sweet--all these color mixes are very refreshing and lovely. The birds are adorable as always!

  3. I live in a maison du chocolat...of sorts...the birds don't have a chance here.

    I love the birdie/chocolate combo :)

    Avec poemes of course.

  4. Mmmm, chocolates! The only reason Valentine’s Day doesn’t drive me completely insane.

    Beautiful juxtapositions!

  5. Are there words? Sooooo beautiful.

    I wanted to name our first daughter Valentina. Well, after three days as "Baby A" we finally decided on another Italian name fit enough for that beautiful creature. ;-)

  6. you have a beautiful blog. i'm trying to do something similar with food and watercolour sketches, but none of my stuff is as cool as yours.

  7. Even though I adore their brown packaging it looks equally gorgeous in red. I adore your paintings on this post. I can't wait to see Charlotte's painting in March. She keeps saying the raspberry colour leaps out of it and I bet the red in these does the same. Clever Gal!

  8. delicate and brilliant. love the colours.

  9. It's beautiful. Thank you! Love the colours and liveliness of the birds -- and your poetry!

  10. I am looking forward to the bird that is flying to the other side of the world to live here! With La maison du chocolate...

  11. beautiful pictures once again!

  12. Wonderfl watercolours! tell me, are you in France just right now?

  13. Lines of chocolates, flaming red and tiny yellow chickies. What could be better?!?

  14. From Caty tell me, are you in France just right now?
    I'm ALWAYS in France in my head..but for the moment I'm in NYC :)

  15. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Could those birds pick me some chocolates and fly over here!!?

  16. I adore these paintings. So, so beautiful!!

  17. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I just discovered your blog and it's already a new favourite!! Beautiful paintings xx

  18. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Staying outside the door can be so difficult! These are wonderful Carol!


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