
Thursday, November 09, 2006

Eiffel Tower...

Eiffel Tower In October I asked Paris Breakfasts' readers for blog post and painting ideas. I got a lot of interesting suggestions...


One reader wanted me to visit the Eiffel Tower and:
  • To paint the Eiffel Tower
  • To go up in it
  • To eat at the Jules Verne Restaurant in the Eiffel Tower
I saw these bonbon-filled towers in La Mere du Famille's candy shop I'm not that keen on heights. And I don't paint monuments. Unless you call painting a macaron a Paris monument. I do.Eiffel Tower Consequently everywhere I turned in Paris I was confronted with an Eiffel Tower in one form or another. Was the Tour Eiffel stalking me? Then it became a misson to see how many I could find... This tower is definitively the iconic symbol of Paris.
Eiffel Tower If you walk into Bloomingdales, you will not see New York City's symbolic Big Apple everywhere. Not the case with Paris' Galerie Lafayette. This is one Tour Eiffel I could go for! Who doesn't love a snow globe?
I loved this Eiffel Tower...


  1. =D
    really loved your blog ^^


  2. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Seeing Coreys Dream with your eyes... Bliss!

  3. Ok I am in love...I just found you via "Run Around Paris." The Lauderee was just about all I can handle! I can draw but it is a talent that I need to develop - I have always wanted to watercolor. Thank you for your lovely blog.

  4. I watched The Devil Wears Prada in the week end. And Amelie is another favorite for French sight seeing...

  5. What a delightful surprise!!
    Oh Carol you
    crack me up!!
    This is fun fun fun!!
    Merci Beaucoup!
    It seems
    the Eiffel tower
    was following you,

    love was in the air???

  6. I wonder if the skating rink on the first floor of the eiffel tower will open again this winter?

    What fun.

  7. A post dedicated to Corey...I love it :)

    The French certainly love their Eiffel tower!

  8. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Ah! ... it truly is everywhere and many of us never get tired of seeing it.

  9. Fabuulous post. Who knew The Eiffle Tower was lurking everywhere. k

  10. I so much enjoy the Parisian photos on your blog as well as the beautiful water colors. Paris is my favourite capital town in Europe, I've been there so many this. Here's another nice Eifel Tour photo, I am sure you know this view, don't you? :-))

    (Photos taken during our trip to Paris this summer)

  11. :o)

    Not a fan of monuments myself. I think i get stressed standing with all the tourists..

    I did like the bread shop about a block away though, and the little old car they used for deliveries!

  12. Anonymous6:42 PM

    wow! the first pic looks awesome!

  13. WHAT FUN images of the Eiffel Tower! Love the one on the head, though -- that's a winner!! LOL

  14. Still waiting for some crusty old door or window vignette...

    but loving the wait as I gaze on other specialties.

  15. Even though this was for Corey...It was also a gift to moi ! I love the tower.There, I said it! hee hee! Merci !

  16. ps my friend in Paris calls her the "Iron Lady"... at night through the window of my room she did look good lit up.
    ( the tower I mean.. well both really) ;o)

  17. one day I'll see it in person:)Until then thank you. Love the cake! Nel

  18. This is an amazing blog. Your so creative and everything is beautiful. Great work.


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