
Thursday, October 12, 2006

Your Comments...

"Anonymous" inspired yesterday's post. I often get my blog ideas from your comments...I'm easily influenced. EVERYONE wants to see more Paris macarons. And more on Ladurée...
Ms. Glaze did a post on cherry clafoutis and I remembered all the cherries I'd seen and painted in Paris...
Someone said they'd like a look in my sketchbooks...
Ed in Australia said, "I love your wine sketches. sketches went on the menu.
M. in Paris asked me...
Which birdie do you like best?Is Piu Piu still singing?

Let me know if you have a favorite topic on Paris, pastry, paints or anything at all. Someone said they'd like to see my studio...
Maybe tomorrow if I can straighten things up a bit.
I'm easily influenced :)


  1. My heart beats a little faster at the photos of doorways and the architecture of doors in Paris...each has its own story...would not mind seeing a watercolor off you brush depicting beautiful entrances!!!

  2. Ummm...I don't do windows and I don't do doorways.
    Too tough :(

  3. Finally blogger let you in and give us our daily treat!! Parisbreakfest, you could paint anything and I would love it...really! But since you ask... how about the eiffel tower!

  4. "how about the eiffel tower!"
    I think I'm sticking with doorways
    Thanks anyhoo

  5. Carol:

    Such a wonderful entry - and each painting more inspirational and awesome than the next! How generous you are to respond to our requests!!! I agree with tongue in cheek - ANYTHING you paint is sheer bliss for us ...your candies tingle my teeth wishing to eat them!!! LOL Do you do landscapes?

  6. I have yet to explore your blog I'm wondering if you can paint people...a person you saw in Paris as best as you can from memory.

  7. No don't straighten the studio! I want to see how you work and work in progress in the studio.

  8. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Your post today was...different. Kind of like a delicious CHICKEN SOUP! A little bit of this; a dash of that.

  9. Anonymous8:18 PM

    I love tea and particularly your teapots and cups. Vos aquarelles sont de vraies gâteries, merci de nous les offrir toutes fondantes.

  10. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Since I've been coming to youre blog I must of gaines some weight. :) Youre so kind to let us know about Paris living while I sit here in the stated drolling over the wonderful food and Art supplies. So every thing is fine hear for me. The paintings are wonderful Im being a self taught wc and youre work has helped so much. Studio and paints is there any way to get a wc box like youve been showing?
    Enough now I could ask a million questions cause Paris has been in my soul for such along time.
    Have a great dayLinda

  11. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Okay, I have to ask... How does one pronounce "piu piu"?
    pyew pyew? poo poo? LOL!


  12. We had 3 very short days in Paris in May this yr. We stayed in a suitably 'seedy' hotel and went everywhere we could on le metro and walked and walked. It felt like a 2nd home to me and the Bear. I posted a couple of pieces in my blog, but it did nothing to allay wistful feelings!

    I took some pics of the typical double opening window ( covered with old lace) in our room. They did not come out too well. Do you have any sketches?

    Your blog is so evocative of our time there. And everyone we met, and I mean everyone, was so helpful and patient with my appalling french!

    I'll stop now, or I'll ramble on forever.

  13. I should read other comments before commenting myself, you don't do windows. Boo!
    OK, how about crusty bread and brie?
    Or breakfast baguette and a jug of coffee?
    Or creme brulee in a brown earthenware dish?

  14. OK, how about crusty bread and brie?
    Or breakfast baguette and a jug of coffee?
    Or creme brulee in a brown earthenware dish?
    Thems I can do..
    Cheese too. I've been meaning to do some cheese for a long time-it's on my "to-do" list.
    your teapots and cups-I LOVE painting those!
    "piu piu" = pyew pyew correct!
    Memory drawings of a typical Parisian..not my cup of tea :(
    Well this has proved to be interesting.
    I think I may stick with the spontaneous suggestions that inspire a post..
    On verra bien
    Linda - you can get a paintbox from Kremer Pigments in NYC

  15. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Parisian dogs?

  16. As someone else who tends to focus on the small things nearby, I love your still lifes. I love the teapots, cups, spoons, sugar cubes, cherries.....

    My favorite from this post is the last one. I love how the teapot sort of fades out, into the light in the background....

    -- Vicki in Michigan

  17. I am glad I did not miss this opportunity. If you are looking for suggestions for future posts. Excuse me, but I want a look in that "Mary Poppins" closet of yours.

    I think a great children's book could be written about it.Carol's magical traveling closet.

  18. God your paintings are stunning. I was in Paris once, but I hope to return again someday. I felt a surge of joy with fresh Pan Chocolat.

    The comments here are so well written. Chicken soup? I love that metaphor! I too love architectural details. Something in the art of the building makes me swoon.

  19. That green on green photo is one of my favourites...

  20. Anonymous7:43 AM

    This is way too cute ! Love it ! :) I don't normally go for cute in paintings but, this I can't pass up. :)

  21. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Hi there. Glad to see that you like our village - Roussillon!

  22. Anonymous8:31 PM

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