
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Salon de l'Agriculture 2015

Yesterday I went back to the Agriculture Salon spur of the moment for another look..

Like the little paw anxiously waiting to pet the cow, I can't get enough of this country fair in a sophisticated city like Paris.

Naturally there is judging and parading of cows and horses.

Goliath won naturally.

Dress like a cow if you're going to hang with the cows. It's de rigeur.

I passed through the Alsacien goodies so fast with hardly a glance.

Though these crepes made with Alsacienne biere beckoned. Next time.

Terroire is everywhere. French food tastes decidedly different depending where it is grown.

Tiny blueberry(myrtilles) local boulangere makes these. Is he from the Lorraine?

A stunning wall of golden honeys from Aquitaine.

If you're not going to taste wine sparkling apple juice will do.

Otherwise taste the fine wines of all France at the Salon. Everything is interactive.

Even Mathew McConaughey showed up to offer tastes of Comte cheese from Franche-Comte, Coco's home region.

I decided to get interactive with Le Fromage Fouette Madame Loik of Paysan Breton.

You could taste a 'flight' of flavors, just like wine, from 'nature' (plain), to fig to fine herbes to chevre(goat). Like rich cottage cheese I think..

French kiddies were interacting with I don't know what? I just heard the instructor saying,
'Melangee. mélangee" (Mix it up, mix it up!) 
I managed not to get too interactive with any sweets at the salon yesterday like Breton butter cookies. A first for me.
This French girl got a little too interactive with that Jersey cow as she tried to take a Selfie portrait. Suddenly the cow looked up and gave her a tremendously appreciative lick on the chest. She leaped in the air in surprise and I couldn't stop laughing :)

Monday, February 23, 2015

Salon de l'Agriculture 2015

February is Salon de l'Agriculture time.

And the winner is...

You have 10 days to meet this lovely creature.

Or these baby lambs.

I was assured that these sheep

Made this Corsican Tomme Sardanaise. They were standing right beside the cheese so it has to be non?

I went with Solli,a vegetarian opening day to Porte de Versailles Metro #12

We shared many tastes but no jambon..

These tempting Alsacien cheese and ham-covered pretzels were off limits.

We did share a Bretonne crepe. No problem.

And half a dozen oysters(7,50).

Non-stop shucking on the spot.

We each got our own sheep (brebis) ice cream cones (3 euros) - coffee and rose flavors. Utterly delicious.

And champignon de Paris (4,50 kilo) from Marianne of Ile de France. They taste so much better than anything you'll find in stores or the marche.

Having a companion keeps you from making a fool of yourself over Alcasien pain d'epice cookies.

Or buying a whole kuglehoph and wolfing it down.

Temptation beckons everywhere at the Salon. Food from every region in France is here for tasting and buying - a unique opportunity.

Wild horses couldn't keep me from buying Clementine jam from Corsica.

Chunky Clementine confiture. You'd have to go to Corsica to find this. Heaven.

The Salon is nothing if not educational.

We inhaled huge truffles but did not take them home.

This is just Halle1 with all the farm animals.
I'll be going back for a pet or two.
If you're in Paris Don't-miss this event!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Meert Lille

How is your weather?

Paris has been relentlessly grey, gloomy and overcast this week. I know one mustn't grumble. We don't have snow or extremely low temperatures but the greyness can chip away at you.

I'm taking you to Lille with me two Weeks ago and my visit to Meert with Solli.

Satin ribbons anyone? Yes please. Meert is nothing if you don't immediately think of satin ribbon after thinking waffles(gaufre) of course.

Meert in Lille is quite possibly the prettiest confection shop in Europe if not the world.

The interior dates back to 1761 and perhaps before.

You're walking into a time machine.

Don't forget to look up at the balconies.

Eye candy everywhere.

Mad about the antique touches.

Their most famous patron Lilloise, General de Gaulle keeps guard in the window. He received his weekly dozen gaufres(filled waffles) at the Palais Elysees. I believe I forgot to show them . I ate the 2 citron confit I bought yesterday at the Paris Meert at 6, rue Jacques Callot 75006.

Everyone leches le vitrines at Meert.
The pastries eagerly await on Saturday mornings.

If you're in Paris, pastries are shipped up on Saturday mornings so do run over!

Solli and I arrived early and decided to take afternoon tea.

A good idea since it gets very crowded later on with long lines.

Solli ordered a marron glace waffle. Still recovering from my Brussels excursion where I ODed on chocolate I abstained.

Their cookies are so special and the flavors change from week to week.

Yesterday at the Paris Meert I discovered their adorable feve (favors) - tiny golden chefs clutching the famous gaufres.
Remember (like in Paddington) dogs at Meert, must be carried.
I hope you're duely cheered up no matter the weather where ever you are PBers!