
Friday, April 05, 2024

PAD Paris 2024 Tuileries


Yesterday I went to PAD Paris vernissage held in a long tent in Tuileries. The art show is on thru Sunday April 7. Run 🏃‍♀️ don’t walk. Fun!

Dogs are allowed I think…I saw 2 🐶 Breed vague.

74 international galleries are represented at this annual Spring show.

Many galleries are small. All are 
PAD fairs cultivate eclecticism, authenticity and connoisseurship with unparalleled passion and flair. Their refined setting is designed to inspire collectors, art consultants, museum curators, interior specialists, design practitioners and the public, making PAD the only event of its kind.

The ambience is like visiting someone’s private apartment

Maybe on another planet? Did you watch 3 Body Problem yet?

One gallerist told me he sold out of his apartment in Palais Royale by appointment.

Like Pulp in the 9th. Wouldn’t that be a fun browse 🤔

The crowd was pretty eclectic. According to Focusldn, If you're attending an art gallery opening, you may wish to wear something a little more relaxed. A silk oversized blouse with cigarette pants, leggings, or skinny jeans will look great. Choose a chunky pendant or layered necklace to complete your look.

Mucho noir bien sur. 

I was drooling over this jacket. Turns out she got it in Cambridge, Mass. Go figure.

Parisian painter Aurélie Galois lived in Boston for 5 years & loved it. That’s her black & white painting on the wall at galerie Movements Modernes in Palais Royale.

Artiste Béatrice Serre
went appropriately for the goddess look

With her own immersive temple-like structure called ‘Cosmosaïque’ of 30 boxes for each year she’s been working - Galerie Yved Gastou 12, rue Bonaparte. She won the prize 🥇 at Pad Paris

Does it look like fun? Bonjour François-Xavier Lalanne birds 🐦 

It was! Oh by the way there’s a Fête de la Laine 🐑 on Sunday. France = land of fêtes🎉 

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                    ☕️ Or you can buy me a KO-FI ☕️
PAD Paris entrance🚪 is exactly across from Angelina on 226,rue de Rivoli. Subscribe to ParisBreakfast Newsletter


  1. You go to all the best places! Wondering if the Lalanne birds would fit in my appartment? ❤️🗼

    1. Anonymous7:11 AM

      I try Daina 😂
      Get the sheep def 🐑

  2. Bonnie L8:22 AM

    How fun! Love these salons, where ‘hypothetically’ you can buy. Quite an arty crowd. Love your people watching photos. ❤️

    1. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Thanks I wanna be the ‘Carol’ Cunningham of art shows when I grow up

  3. Dorrance8:37 AM

    Land of fêtes, indeed! They sure do keep you busy. Hard to believe that all took place in a tent. Very glam. Those Lalanne birds seem large for Paris apartments…maybe intended for the garden? I definitely prefer the sheep. Looking forward to your visit to the wool fête.

    1. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Practicality must never be a factor when buying artworks Dorrance 🎨

  4. Anonymous10:31 AM

    You always entertain and make the world seem bright.

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      That is a lovely thing to say 💋

  5. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I loved this post! Tell me, please: how do these beautiful women who are wearing such precious clothing travel to and fro? Do they arrive via Uber sans outerwear? Is there a ‘coat check’ where they leave their coats? Or do they wander around Paris in these stylish getups? Maybe they arrive with an entourage of helpers….

    1. Anonymous12:09 PM

      Good question. I was wondering too as I shlepped around in my Japanese raincoat. Yes, there is a coat check. And we got a classy PAD Paris black bag when we left so we could be walking adverts 😀

    2. Anonymous11:18 AM


  6. ll these are way too modern for me.. About as far from my style as you could get. BUT, those SHEEP! I love those sheep! I'd like every single one!

    1. Anonymous2:15 AM

      Agreed…very extraterrestrial in some cases. A lot of hard edges. You could hurt yrself if you fell on some of these coffee tables…

  7. Anonymous4:23 AM

    I loved this ❤️ Lynne

    1. Anonymous4:24 AM

      Yes, very fun event..a good people watching!


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