
Tuesday, March 08, 2022

Mille et Une Orchidées, Jardin des Plants et Vanille

We went to see the orchids yesterday at Mille et Une Orchidées show at Jardins des Plants, 47 rue de Cuvier 75005

 had big dreams of climbing tropical trees. We browsed instead. 
There was plenty to browse. 1001 varieties of worldwide Orchids. The greenhouse known as Les Grandes Serres was build in the 1830s, redesigned in Art Deco style in 1930s and recently renovated in 2010.
The 9th annual orchid show is on till March 21. It’s easiest to buy your ticket online. This year’s poster was produced by photographer/plant lover Thibault Charpentier. You can discover 20 unmissable orchids by orchidist Romain Maire. Maire is collaborated with Corentin Pfeiffer to create a floral scene in the pool at the foot of the large rock.
The orchid idea was planted in my head at the Salon de l’Agriculture last week 

After inhaling the subtle fragrance of vanilla beans from Tahiti and Réunion, Madagascar at the Salon. Vanilla is produced from the orchid species, Vanilla planifolio
Its such an integral part of French culture and cuisine, perfumes and cosmetics because of the availability of top quality beans from Réunion (formerly named Bourbon), which provides 75% of the world’s supply. I bought vanilla beans, powder + extract from La Domaine de Bellevue, prize winners at the Salon.
In the end I did not see any Vanilla orchids at the show. 

The Vanilla orchid flowers for 24 hours once a year. Then wilts 
and dies. Not exactly the ideal example for a flower show. 
Still there were many tropical wonders to experience like reflection pools and walking on flat stones inside a cave over water.
And such a variety of colors, textures and fragrances.
Or so they told us, though you couldn’t get very close to the blooms to smell their perfume.
Its quite hot in there as well and in the 30s outside so one mustn’t grumble.
Thank goodness for the closeup power of camera/ iPad lenses. 
Everyone was taking pictures like mad. 
And I’ve been trying to paint orchids like mad for the last 2 days. I may need to go back for a refresher. Later on I saw the first cherry blossoms at Les Halls! Its hard to believe Spring is coming soon 🌸🌸🌸❤️❤️❤️


  1. Dorrance3:29 PM

    Those orchids at JDP (jardin des plantes!) are béa-OO-tiful! ❤️

  2. Can’t believe cherry blossoms are blooming in Paris…where I live everything is dead, dreary, and cold! No wonder we all love Paris…it’s fabulous! Plus, you have the Jardin des Plantes…with an orchid exhibit! Love your watercolors. They’re the next best thing to being there. ❤️

  3. Don't you just adore water droplets on blooms? Sigh. So photogenic! Looks like a wonderful time!

  4. I love orchids - they are so delicate and fragile looking- but, unfortunately I can never get them to bloom a second time. Can't wait to see more of your orchid water colors.

  5. GwenEllyn10:16 PM

    I scrolled and scrolled and was pleased to read and see that you have been painting the orchids.

  6. Being here in orchid country(FL), I have grown very fond of them with your many many different shapes and sizes and colors favorite now. I enjoyed yours.

  7. Lynn, Orchids are an acquired tasted I think.
    I didnt use to pay much attention to them, while others are completely obsessed. You simply have to look and discover.

  8. Foodwalker10:44 PM

    The only place in the world where Vanila is grown naturally is Mexico. Otherwise, it's artificially inseminated.
    The Mexican vanilla isn't as powerful though.

  9. Yes I know that 😊
    The Aztecs used it to flavor their hot chocolate. Cortes brought it to Europe and apothecary Hugh Morgan made sweetmeats in 1602 for queen Elizabeth I.
    The Melipone bees pollinate Mexican vanilla flowers (which are spicier)
    Hmmm…I thought I put that in. Anyway TMI.
    It was a 12-year old black slave who discovered how to hand-pollinate in Bourbon but he only gets credit now :((
    Last month I was a truffle expert. This month its vanilla…a lot easier to acquire! I’m doing a vanille map next !


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