
Friday, December 03, 2021

Salon Coqs d’Or


Two Sundays ago I went to the annual November Salon Coqs d’Or with my Spanish neighbor Beatriz from Madrid. First thing we tasted the super lush Kanougas caramels from Basque Maison Paries, They have a shop near Bon Marché. 

Beatriz doesn’t  like to take the metro. And buses weren’t running because of a gilet jaune demo, so we walked down to Bercy Village -a good hour walk. But what a discovery Parc de Bercy was! Wild, almost savage, unexpected in well-manicured, civilized Paris. We definitely worked up an appetite.

The salon is a superb collection of top French artisanal producteurs. Many never come to Paris except for this pre-Christmas tasting salon. 

You’ll have to travel all over France(not a bad idea actually) to buy their excellent products, so its great to have them back!

Some of the most divine, onctueus ganache chocolates🍫 from Joel Durand of St.Remy I’ve ever tasted and he wasn’t selling them! Just loading us with lemony 🍋chocolate free tastes.
We both bought little bags of fabulous garlic from Caillot and Spain has great garlic. Garlic tastes more subtle, less sharp or assertive here. More fruity. Now I must order more. I meant to buy those walnuts (a classic Fall French item) but I couldn’t carry anymore stuff after the olives, anchovies, garlic, loaves of bread. 

We both bought this yummy mackerel after tasting. Irresistible. 
We bought grainy and olive loaves from renown boulangier Jean-Luc Poujauran (& son), only available once a year at the salon. The rest of the year you must own a restaurant to buy it. 

Somehow we did not taste these chocolates🙁!?
A plate of freshly shucked 🦪  was my raison d’être for attending the Salon. These Brittany oysters 🦪  from Saint Kerber , in Cancale, made me want to pick up and move so I can eat them 3X a day. Are you nuts for oysters? 

I’m so nuts (and I never ate them in New York), when I saw Picard has frozen oysters 🦪 for the holiday, I had to try. I ate them so fast I forgot to take a picture 📸 Simply defrost in the fridge for 5 hours et voila.
I really need one of those trolley things every French person has. I hope 🙏 next November, PBers can be in Paris for the Salon Coqs d’Or in ‘22. We will go ensemble 🤸‍♂️and you can carry my shopping 🛍 while I instruct what to taste. Deal? Thanks for stopping by. Your support of Parisbreakfast is so appreciated and helps me put free Paris 🥐  content into your inbox each week. ❤️💋🐻😊🦪
Info on 2022 Salon Coqs d’Or in Bercy. Bus 72 goes there too.


  1. St-Rémy ♥♥♥♥I wish I had spotted when there.
    Your neighbour looks so kind like my friend Nancy.
    Looks like fun..I would have to skip the oysters lol..

  2. I wish I had bought a it:)

  3. Thinking of you with all these oysters. . .

  4. Yes! I’m definitely nuts for oysters! They are so wonderful in France this time of the year. This looked like a fabulous Salon, Carol. I’ve looked up Maison Paries on the map, will definitely search out those Kalougas this weekend. ❤️

  5. Umbrellas seem to be the design objects this year. Have not seen them here (southcentral PA) yet. Maybe never will. But eating fine local items - yes! Holiday wishes.

  6. Sybille9:56 AM

    You definitely need a granny cart…I am SO surprised you do not have one! Think of all the Picard you could stock up on! 🦪🦪🦪

  7. Do not forget my freezer compartment is très petite.
    One has limited space.

  8. The Coqs d’Or definitely looked fabulous. So many temptations. Good for you and your neighbor walking there, lessened the calories on all of those irresistible yummies!

  9. Yes, NUTS for oysters - wish I could find them frozen (that's a great idea). I can attest to your expertise in showing the inexperienced what and how to taste at a food fair. Would love to enjoy another one with you.

  10. Trolley is a good idea. However, could be tricky on stairs. Metro, bus,etc.
    I have never had an oyster & never intend to.


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