
Thursday, September 02, 2021

Pain Swiss and Audrey

PBer Suki asked me what was the flat thing with the chocolate bits next to the pain au raisin?

My inner Sherlock sent me running back to Boulanger de la Tour for further research. So where does ‘Pain Swiss’ come from. What is Swiss about it? This I am still pursuing.

If you’re wondering about the chopsticks on the plate…

Watch Bright Side on how to use them to get your tired brain buzzing at #5 and perhaps lose some weight.

A pain Swiss is made with the same light, buttery pâte feuilletté as a croissant🥐 Which takes us to Vienna and entrepreneur August Zang, who is believed to have invented the croissant🥐!

He moved his boulangerie to Paris (92, rue de Richelieu) in 1837 and gave us Viennoisseries (chausson au pomme, pain au chocolat, pain au raisin, etc.) How did the croissant become so ‘French’ ? Because French bakers in the late 19th century, reinvented
 it by replacing the brioche dough with puff pastry.

Don’t you love the old pictures of bakers proudly lined up outside the shop?

You can investigate further into the origins of le croissant 🥐 if you like. 

We can’t discuss croissants in depth without Audrey Hepburn and BAT (Breakfast at Tiffanys) coming into the picture.

Evidently she told director Blake Edwards she’d rather eat an ice cream cone 🍦  Imagine what havoc that would have caused for world-wide boulangeries! Would we be eating ice cream year-round instead of 🥐 It does not bare thinking about.

*Do not miss hot-off-the presses in-depth analysis of BAT from Be kind-Rewind on Youtube, even if the croissant issue is left on the counter.
Me, I’m still doing daily drawings ✏️ of Audrey’s inimitable face for possible future AH letters (shout Yes Please! if you’re interested in more Audrey) and all my huckleberry friends


  1. I wonder if Audrey ever ate a Pain Swiss while living in Switzerland?
    Surely someone has some thoughts on this!

  2. YES, PLEASE. And I'll take my croissant any way except with almonds. Thanks, Carol. Hugs to Bear.

  3. Yes! Always more Audrey! You are so funny…I thought this was a patisserie post…but you squeezed Audrey in there…but of course! Your sketches are perfection, Carol.

  4. Yes to anything puff pastry and Audrey🥐🕶

  5. Uh oh Further IN-depth research reveals Holly was breakfasting on coffee and a DANISH pastry…not a croissant. Proof of Hepburn's acting skills, since she hated pastries.
    I would love to hate pastries…

  6. I love it when you share the history! Oh, and what history. Here's to the croissant and all its variations. Pain Swiss. Works for me!


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