
Monday, July 05, 2021

Bee yellow + tarte au citron map

 I decided I was not going to do a tarte au citron 🍋 map 🗺 It entailed too much citron tarte eating.

Then I found this old pastry doodle. I love drawing ✏️ round shape.

And down the rabbit hole I went 😳 A border of pastry boxes instead of lemons 🍋 as originally planned, seemed appropriate since there are plenty of boxes floating around here at the moment. Hmmm…
Ta da ! It’s in my Etsy shop now.

I managed to catch the yellow La Poste truck Saturday just in time to get them off to you. The rest went out today 💌📮🌻

Did you know ‘Bee 🐝 Yellow’ is a big color for 2021? It will make us feel jolly, even though in the past it was used for quarantine and is still used for ‘Danger’ signs in the Metro.

Naturally I kept seeing it 🐝 everywhere immediately…along with eating too much of it.

Especially in the Marais. Have you noticed a lot of 🐝 yellow where you are?
Sunday I stalked this family with a Bee Yellow baby carriage. It even has an attached umbrella 🌂!
I easily got talked into buying a yellow sunflower in the Marais. 
They are not easy to paint…at least so far.

Can you believe the Champs-Elysées theatre group dipped a tulip into Bee yellow for their metro poster. Me neither. Crazy no?
This morning I popped into my favorite all-time bee yellow madeleine shop, Mado à Paris, at 252 rue de Rivoli. They now have citron 🍋 meringues. They‘ve always had very yummy citron 🍋 confit madeleines. I met the owner, who was in from Cannes. She said ‘Mado’ was her auntie and they use only her recipes. *Definitely stop in for tea when you come back to Paris. And if you’re missing tarte au citron🍋 you know where you can get it.  I hope you had a Happy mellow yellow 4th of July US PBers🎉🐝🐻☺️🍋


  1. Love the citron map, can't get too much lemon ever. Thank you for doing the map - I love it.

  2. This yellow bee colour looks great, not sure there’s much here but I do have a yellow raincoat that I enjoy wearing in cooler months. Your tarte citron map is awesome. Enjoy!

  3. Yes! I’m definitely in the love-everything-lemon camp. Lemon desserts deserve their own map! And…if edibles are not available, the color yellow is almost enough to make me forget. Love your map, Carol. Envy your research. Mado à Paris is on my must visit list!

  4. I look forward to the next letter and hope it the citroen cakes that showed up in your email post today. It looks amazing and citroen tarts are simply my favourite.

  5. Sybille3:14 AM

    Love your new lemon map…hope I’ll be able to find a lemon dessert left in Paris after you’re finished with your “research”!

  6. What a naughty thing to say!
    I am on the citron tarte wagon for a while…I hope
    Praying I stay clear 🙏🙏🙏

  7. Marie-Noël3:18 AM

    J'en profite pour vous remercier chaleureusement pour votre délicieux bulletin, auquel je suis abonnée depuis plusieurs années. Étant parisienne d'origine mais " expat " au Canada depuis longtemps, je savoure vos écrits, vos photos... et votre humour avec un immense plaisir. Oserais-je vous dire, cependant, que votre passion pour les pâtisseries m'inquiète un peu, pour votre cholestérol?

  8. What is cholesterol Marie-Noël?
    I dont like to think about those things. And in France its considered healthy.
    Plus I counter-balance it with lots of fruit and veg…plus…swimming?

  9. I think your post oozes the delight of enjoying a tarte au citron🍋.
    Love the map, I can carry it with me and know precisely where to head for my tarte fix!
    My front door is yellow. Warm and inviting. Might there be a lemony surprise waiting inside😋?

  10. J'adore la couleur jaune..partculièrement un jaune doux:)Perfect lemon lovers map!

  11. Alison9:31 AM

    The yellow is beautiful, but I need to stay faithful to Luxembourg green. The same can't be said for latest purchase - the Citron tarte map! Yummy!!!

  12. ‘Lemon lovers map’
    You’re hired Nana for the Citron PR team!
    The think tanks needs brains like yours 👏👏👏

  13. I truly love the constant color
    throughout the pictures....I think
    you'll want to do it again?

  14. Thank U so much Carol!
    U will welcome at MADO à Paris every Time U wish 💛💛💛
    MADO à Paris

  15. Fantastic yellow!! :D

  16. Kathryn DM4:06 AM

    I was decidedly not going to do a tarte au citron map It entailed too much citron tarte eating…

    ...And what is wrong with that!!! xo K

  17. Hmm…Please check out yr Country Store and Owl’s Head Cafe for tarte citron.
    Probably not on the menu. Hmmm


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