
Friday, April 02, 2021

Bunnies in the house/Part 2


I don’t know but only 1/2 the post went out. Go figure. I went into the toy shop of course looking for an automated rouge gorge/robin. This is proving challenging, even in a town with many, many toy shops, but I am not giving up. My parents used to frequently say,”Carol, when are you going to grow up?” Not any time soon ๐Ÿ˜ƒ 

Just because I’ve told you all these glorious and rather pricy chocolate Easter rabbits,  chickens and eggs are filled with tiny chocolate fish/friture doesn’t mean you believe me. I didn’t believe it either when I first came here. It implies an element of not so friendly destruction is essential. 

But here it is. New rabbit is no more. A view of the inside is necessary. The two halves of the chocolate molds/moulage are held together with big jazzy ribbon bows. Simply untie et voila. More chocolate to eat as if it wasn’t enough already. In France, if someone calls you a ‘gourmande’ it means ‘greedy’ but in a good way. It means you like good things. 

There are many ways to practice this skill here. Right now I’m greedy to paint the new irises in town. There is always something to be ‘greedy’ about in Paris.

                  ๐Ÿฅ Joyeuse Paques dear PBers ๐Ÿฐ 


  1. Omonique3:08 PM


  2. There can NEVER be trop de Paris Breakfast, Carol!

  3. HPSauce3:10 PM

    Happy Easter to my favorite Paris Gourmand!

  4. Fred S3:11 PM

    Merci pour le deuxieme part de ton courriel! (Thanks for the second part of your email!)

  5. Kathleen3:17 PM

    Have a wonderful easter and eat a fish for me. (lol, why are there fish in the chocolate rabbits?)

  6. That,s a good question. I know they are called ‘garni’. Garnishes?
    Maybe since the chocolate molds come in 2 pieces...and the ribbon ties them together, it makes sense to put something inside.
    Plus its more fun. I go up to chocolate rabbits and chickens etc. And shake them to be sure there is something inside them. Who wants an empty chicken?
    I remember an American friend saying, “The French are layered..or its a layered society”...or?

  7. Loving the watercolors....especially the English Robin
    (is that what it is called in France?)
    The chocolate looks scrumptious...thank you for
    including it.

  8. I just love this fantasy.

  9. That’s me..always told I was deep in fantasy land, head in the clouds, MIA

  10. What fantastic goodies inside the Rabbit!
    Thank you for not "growing up."
    We are the recipients of your wonderful imagination.

  11. I know Carol. Its a lovely surprise when moving here...the way some things are so different.
    The remembered joys of childhood are cherished.

  12. Sybille2:39 AM

    Bon dimanche, Carol, put on your Easter bonnet and start a new tradition...a stroll down the champs d’ร‰lysรฉe ala NYC’s Fifth Avenue.

  13. Shirley3:20 AM

    Happy Easter Carol. I also have to eat a chocolate Easter Bunny. I bite the ears off first. Love receiving Paris Breakfasts. Thank you

  14. Thanks Shirley,
    I think they eat the insides first here...just guessing
    I know I do ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  15. I enjoy your posts so much! Thank you for the ‘insiders’ views of Paris!

  16. Dear Carol,
    Happy Easter and happy days and many thanks for giving me so much pleasure


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