
Monday, July 06, 2020

Quatrehomme, June Paris Fromage letter

Why is there always a truck or scaffolding in front of Quatrehomme Fromager?
One of Paris' best CHEESE shops, open since 1953.
The metro is full of giant French cheese posters including this cheesy wedding cake inspiring June's Paris letter. (Mailed last week by the way so go stand by your mailbox svp).The family establishment is sitting over a huge cellar where their cheeses are aged. Not open for viewing. I asked.
But they will answer all your cheese questions about their vast selection. Mme. Marie Quatrehomme was made the 1st cheese MOF in 2000. Coming from the post, I turned down rue Saint Paul by chance. 
Its been a long time since I stepped inside AU PETIT BONHEUR LE CHANCE. Have you been?
The name means some thing like; aimlessly, happy-go-lucky, haphazardly... I asked if they had any cheesy things.
By chance they did.
I came home with a nice old school cow rubber stamp (see above) and an ice cream dixie cup covered in cows, all for the Paris CHEESY map going out this week! 
Outside AU PETIT I saw this scooter rider. Her French terrier is going to sue me.
An update on my cloud studies. Please click on empty box to see Notre Dame svp.
I'm painting atmospheric Notre Dames with the steeple still attached. A  bit of artistic plastic surgery is OK  sometimes. There is a new ribbony gift/renewal/subscription 💌 ENVELOPE 
in my Etsy shop
. Please stay well dear PBers💋❤️🐻xxx


  1. Love your and new stamp..and what a feat the blank leading to a pic!Have a good week!

    1. I dont know why Notre Dame didn't load...must be mystical reasons...
      Though another picture didn't load either
      C'est la vie

  2. I love your Notre Dame series...

  3. Carol, thank you for your special visual treats, vintage looking tins, stacks of red and white linens that make me want a slice of Paris on a kitchen shelf. Love your cloud watercolors and for making Paris a morning treat with my a cup of coffee or chai. Sometimes I paint sketches from your photos, a virtual trip without leaving my little black bistro table.

  4. Another wonderful post. I am living in Paris through you.

  5. I'm standing by my mailbox waiting. Love clicking on that blank spot & seeing ND appear. I see lots of temptation as the apt we've rented next May is on rue St Paul.

    1. Rue St Paul has many treasures. Dont miss an old book/poster store specializing on Paris at #5 called, Sur le fil de paris

    2. Fabulous website too

  6. Bill Ternay5:02 PM

    Wow...great cloud studies, Carol.

  7. Bonelle5:04 PM

    Love your Quatrehomme letter...and the cheese!...glad to see my fav, époisses, made the cut. The metro posters are a hoot...I’m totally on board with having a wheel of cheese for a wedding cake or a birthday cake!

    1. Only the French could dream up a cheese wedding cake imho...maybe the Swiss?

  8. Dorrance5:05 PM

    Au Petit Bonheur le Chance looks fabulous, Carol. Thanks for providing a link to their site. I am coveting everything in that shop!

  9. Your posts have been uplifting and inspirational during this time of quarantine.

  10. I will always paint Notre Dame with the steeple because that's how all my photos are and that's how it should be. So there! I applaud your steeple and fabulous skies. I think you are motivating me to start painting skies more carefully. Today I painted Paris things. Made me happy but I'd rather look at yours!

    1. Please do Jeanie. I am in sky hell but hope to get to sky heaven soon 🙏🏻🤞🏼

  11. Enjoying your instagram posts about cloud painting. Looks very nice.

  12. I love the subtle government comment below the metro posters..."For your health, avoid eating too much fat, sugar and salt." :) :) :) mais le fromage est trop yummy!!

    1. I know...what a joke. Almost everything to eat in this country has 1 or all 3 of those elements.

  13. Also wanted to tell you how much joy I get from your newsletter. Please keep them coming.
    Hope to be back in Paris soon.

  14. I would go crazy in that cute shop. Love the red and white dishtowels, but like my granny, I would think they were too beautiful to get dirty. Why do the French have such mountains of practical and lovely things? Why is everything French so chic? Yes, I suppose it's just a perception we have here across the pond. I loved your cloud paintings and the expression on the doggie's face. Too funny. I hope he doesn't tell his mistress that you stole a shot!

  15. Oooh the clouds...watercolor lusciousness!


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