
Monday, July 27, 2020

Galerie Lafayette Gourmet, Notre Dame stamp

We are all 6-years old inside a Paris sweet shop. On the way to buy more stamps, I couldn't resist popping into GALERIE LAFAYETTE GOURMET. Dessert Alert! The ground floor is a selection of Paris' best pastry. You can save yourself a lot of time running around, but its also a test of your sweet tooth.
What did Oscar Wilde say? The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it". In French, Je peux résister à tout, sauf à la tentation”.  
Chocolate tresors from maitre Jean-Paul Hévin.
Perfect macarons from CHOCOLATIER Pierre Marcolini.
New strawberry babas from Yann Couvre. Its like Fashion Week here. New styles every visit.
A 4-pack box of mini ECLAIRS sooo tempting.
Galeries Lafayette's newest shop (they are constantly adding) is ice cream shop, La GlacerieA MOF chef who plays with shapes, color, geometry.
Cylindrical tubes of ice cream!
I finally stopped resisting and got a dip
 of Mange-Vanille. Could you resist?
Such a pretty avocado green square gateau of Matcha 'Opera' cake.
Inspired my sensible avocado green 
salad choice at Pret à Manger also inside Galeries Gourmet. At the stamp shop a brand new commemorative issued 17July for tresors de Notre Dame, created by line engraving artist, Sarah Bougault.  A single block with just 1 stamp. Impossible to resist. I bought 5 planches /sheets. Subscribe or renew to Paris letters/maps and receive your own Notre Dame beauty. Did you know the French are mad stamp collectors? Its why so few stamps are stick-on. The glue is destructive. There are new French issues almost every week. And almost none for overseas 😳 Your resistance in Paris is tested every single day. To give in or to resist? That is the question! 🥐🍦🍫❤️Please stay well dear PBers 🐻💋


  1. The little girl..the desserts..Pierre Marcolini:)
    I can honestly say I am not a big fan of our stamps here.

    1. Really not good Canadian stamps? That is sad..
      And you have the maple leaf!

  2. From beginning to the end, delightful!
    The desserts look yummy.

    How did you resist?!

    1. Years of sitting in a darkened room with pastry flashcards and chocolate aromas wafting around whilst straped in a chair have certainly helped. But occasionally I succumb to temptation..

  3. I think the sorbet mitosis looks good! Whatever that is! Marionberry?

    1. Muroises I think you mean = loganberry
      Which I've never tasted...

    2. The loganberry is a hybrid of the North American blackberry and the European raspberry. The plant and the fruit resemble the blackberry more than the raspberry, but the fruit color is a dark red, rather than black as in blackberries. Wikipedia

  4. Oh la la! The Longchamp chocolat would be my downfall, anything with chocolat noir...😛 la salade avocat looks very nice too. Are you allowed to byo containers in France, Carol? It is something I am trying hard to remember to do and to promote to others here in Oz as a way to reduce waste and single use plastic packaging. 🙂 Bon chance! ❤💟💙

    1. I think you depends
      They are already using a lot of disposible non-plastic materials fortunately.

  5. Oh, those stamps. I mean, ice cream is nice and macarons divine, but oh, those stamps! They are the best!

    1. I will show more stamp blocks..I've bought quite a few bc they are so witty!

  6. Love the stamps, Carol. The Cathedral looks massive!!!!!!!

    Stay well my friend.

  7. Bonelle11:18 PM

    Those pastries, and ice creams, do remind me of fashion week...a delight to the eye as well as to the taste buds!

  8. Dorrance11:19 PM

    I always check the stamp first when your pretty envelopes arrive at my house. Pastry, ice cream, fashion, stamps; everything is so beautiful!

  9. The imaginations of French bakers are a wonder to behold!

    1. Too true Lynn,
      I'm mostly at the stage of just womdering. The urge to taste has subsided fortunately.
      How can they taste as good as they look? most cases...

  10. Carol,

    I'm coming back from reading your "Cakes Glossary" article, dated Wednesday, October 11, 2006.
    Your work left me speechless for quite a while. As always, absolute perfection.

    1. Ooops I better go read it!
      I remember nothing :))

  11. That little girl in the first picture looks like she stepped out of a Renoir painting. Your mentioning stamp collecting in France reminds me of one of my favorite Audrey Hepburn movies, "Charade", with Cary Grant. I can almost taste that strawberry baba, I could never resist if I met it in person.

  12. Can't eat the sugar à cause de ma santé when in Paris ma tentation is found in les papeteries et les librairies...But they are pretty to look at, those sweet creations...


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