
Sunday, June 21, 2020

Painting Clouds, Boudin, rue du Tresor

Rows and flows of angel hair
And ice cream castles in the air
And feather canyons every where
I've looked at clouds that way (Joni Mitchell)
The cloud show out my window is ever changing. Always a spectacle.
How-to books say paint/draw the sky everyday for a year. I'm on day #1.  
EUGENE BOUDIN known as 'roi des ciels', wanted to "swim in the sky". He made hundreds of studies of skies and clouds in pencil, pastel, watercolor and oil. I visited the Le Havre Boudin exhibit 2 years back. Cloud paintings TBC. PBer, Irv mentioned he longed to visit his place on rue Tresor. I went there on Friday to look for washi tapes.
Irv said I'd know it by Cafe Philosophes on the corner.
A lovely tree-lined cul de sac full of small restaurants in the Marais
Just off rue du Veille du Temples.
Mark's Tokyo is a haven for paper fanatics.
I found the sweet Laduree tapes there.
Walking home on rue Saint Antoine the streets are full of cherries and flowers. 
These days each little trip outside seems such an adventure. Everything looks fresh and new.
Maybe some day I'll sit along the Seine and paint... There is a new 6-pack of MARIE-ANTOINETTE THEMED LETTERS in my 💌 Etsy shop. Thank you Marilyn. What a good idea! Happy Dad's Day out there🥂❤️


  1. Bonelle8:03 PM

    Alex Lobrano says Les Philosophes has the BEST onion soup in Paris. You’ll need to go back in the fall, sit on the terrace, eat your soup, and watch the world go by. Heaven.

    1. thanks for the hot yonion soup tip! Why wait?

  2. Love your clouds. Hope we DO get to see an entire year of them.

  3. What a view you have from your atelier.

    1. My 'atelier'...
      Love to hear that...must think atelier..atelier
      Much Better han 'vordel'

    2. Is that word "vordel" French? I could not find the meaning anywhere.

  4. Carole2:07 AM

    Your posts are an incredible pleasure ... because you are smart, talented ,and charming and because Paris has my heart and I fantasized to live there.

  5. It must feel like discovering Paris anew now that lockdown has eased and you can actually go places with no time limit or restrictions (or maybe there are, but far less limited than before!). I love the clouds. I need to work on my skies -- they are surprisingly difficult for me -- this could be a very good exercise. Every day, paint the sky and paint it first. Or last, depending on the time of day, to really see it all. Big smiles here. I need to get to your etsy page. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. It does feel very freeing to go anywhere these days, though i'm reluctant to take the metro on busy days so far....missing ontmartre a lot.

    2. I have been terrified of skies ever since i moved here yet wanted to paint them. Turns out its not so hard after all. I wasted a lot of time dreaming :((

    3. Also...I dont know why, maybe its an altitude thing but paris has way better skies than NYC ever had as I recall. Blue skies yes. Varied cloud formations no.

  6. That pretty street:) Your clouds..Marie Antoinette:) Mark's Tokyo♥Have a great week..The Ladurée washis are the cutest!

  7. Kathleen10:32 AM

    Loved it all!

  8. I know this neighborhood very well because I frequently stay or visit friends on rue du Vieille du Temple - I think you made a typo and wrote temps.
    I frequent that cafe a lot too - it is my go to when in doubt, hungry and can’t be bothered to do something more original. It is consistently good.

    1. I knew i messed with the street name but i like old times better than old temple.
      I'm dyslexic. Thats my excuse ;))

  9. Very cool! Carol. What a great idea paint the sky everyday for one year. I like this objective.

  10. Thank you for sharing all your treasures with us.
    What a treat!

  11. That's Fred, a senior waiter at Les Philosophes, in the center of one of the photos.

  12. Your view of the Seine, with not so many people, is looking like my memories...
    Very clean and calm

  13. Susan M1:55 PM

    Joni wrote and sang it? I've only heard Judy "BlueEyes"

    1. first had Judy's version in the link but thought better of it after watching Joni's doc. Judy did not write it! Who knew?

  14. This is another beautiful post! Thanks!

  15. Many years ago I heard a w/c artist say that she used pieces of old desk/ink blotters to
    blot out clouds in her skies.

    1. The French love pens and handwriting so there must be blotters here...there are many, many cloud tips and tricks evidently like cotton wool. And kleenex tissues. And...

  16. Leslie7:16 PM

    Today’s post was especially charming and made me want to be walking Paris streets...

  17. I want to be there it looks amazing!

  18. Jose marie11:05 PM

    I enjoy your posts very much but am a recent subscriber.

    Have you ever been to the Mobilier National/Les Gobelins?

    It was closed for renovation when I was in Paris and I always wonder what I missed!

    1. I finally went during their Christmas celebration but did not get to report.
      I dont know when they are open.. good idea!

  19. Lovely, lovely, lovely edition. Thank you.


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