
Sunday, July 07, 2019

What to wear in Cannes

1st impression can be so wrong. Cannes is not about glitz. Simplicity is key. And keeping cool. White always works in any hot place.

White lacy tops are de riguer. I saw them in Ventimiglia in the Friday market for 14€. 

An older gal in Sephora, a good place to spot local looks.

Bold prints, pure color. White. White. white.

Not too much Brittany stripes. 

Big name brands don't cut it. In Paris wear a paperbag and carry a Chanel. You're OK. I haven't seen Chanel anything here.

Kay askd me what lipstick I was wearing? I was trying to copy gorgeous Nadia, vendeuse at Sonia Rykiel.Ha! Fat chance.Keeping cool is more important than 'names Sweetie darling'. Greg, my makeup artist in Sephora said the Cannoise are very laid back.

Decontracté the French call it. Relaxed. Wear a granny linen nightshirt. This one is Sonia so 350€ Ouch But plenty can be found in any flea for a whole lot less. Maybe why I feel so comfortable here. Not much makeup. A healthy glow.
definitely a lot of individuality.  

I ❤️ Love this nine-year old Cannoise  - tiny bun, orange pinafore, silver sandals. They 'get it' early.

I'm headed 'Back to Black'. I got the Riviera Bleus. Thanks for reading and sharing PB. If you'd like a
 watercolor or letters from Paris let me know🥂🍾🍒. Love❤️ from Carolg 😎 🌴missing Cannes 


  1. I started to read it, and the giggling started non stop, again! You're so funny! I suspect you don't even realize it! Love this new post

    1. Bear insists on keeping it light at PB.
      Seriousness is never the flavor of the day.

  2. Love that white eyelet dress...effortless chic! Me thinks you are better suited to warmer climes?! ��

    1. Me thinks so too Bonnie
      Cannes Breakfasts anyone?

  3. Yes white was everywhere:) I love all the south of France style.

  4. Your mention of white..I saw white everywhere:)Too:)Ad my fave clothes are all my Provence market dresses:) In summer of course

  5. I love the relaxed easy-going vibe - cool and comfortable always wins in my book. Love the watercolors as always. Give Bear a hug from me.

    1. Maybe like LA but yiur allowed to walk in the street?
      In fact Parisians are looking pretty darn easy-going at the moment..
      Just gave Bear a bear hug for ya Suki

  6. Kathleen3:58 PM

    Love the views from Cannes!!!

  7. Vicki N11:46 PM

    Carol, you are looking so glam! Hooray for you and whatever it is that you are doing to make the years melt away.

    1. Haha There is something in the air in the Riviera. Y'all come

  8. How fun. Reminds me of my recent trip from Paris to Barcelona. The Barcelonans are sooo relaxed and casual by comparison, but like Cannes, it's a beach town. :)

  9. These just keep getting better and better, Miss Carol.
    I burst out laughing re: paper bag /Chanel.
    The gal with the lipstick is fabulous.
    What a great trip!

  10. There is something very special with the lighting in the south of France

    1. There is indeed ! Gotta love it ❤️

  11. MJ Rose11:52 PM

    Just missed you there - was there till June 29th. Heaven.
    I'd love to buy a watercolor of cannes..

  12. The boys are so beautifully yet comfortablly dressed without those awful tee shirts and surfer shorts kids in LA wear. Pink polos and pale blue summer shorts..

  13. I could just FEEL the heat in the pictures.
    It has stayed very hot here in NC, and then the last few days it’s finally broken with intense rain. But half an hour later, after the steam has risen from the streets, it’s hot again.


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