
Sunday, March 24, 2019

Patisserie Stohrer letter, Fund for Kiosquiers

The best way to start work on the monthly letter art is making thumbnails while eating pastry 🥮 if possible.
PATISSERIE STOHRER at 51, rue Montorgueil, 75002 is Paris' oldest and prettiest pastry shop.
The story goes, Polish pastry chef Nicolas Stohrer accompanied King Stanislas' daughter Princess Marie when she married King Louis XV to Versailles. Moving to a new place is hard when you don't have your national pastries.
Many times I've dreamed of a NYC cheese Danish pastry but to no avail. I briefly considered baking my own. FYI, there is a touch of l’abricotage on top.
Stohrer's big contribution to Paris pastry is the rhum syrup-soaked baba. 
The rum was a Paris addition. Also available with whipped cream and fruits.
Both exterior and interior are exceptional. The graceful painted-glass figures inside are by PAUL-JACQUES BAUDRY, who painted frescos in Opera Garnier's foyer. Not your usual straw-hatted boulangerie hay slingers.
The awning at Patisserie has always been egg yoke yellow. This week I noticed it is now ultramarine blue like the exterior. Plus it is listing. Neither one is an improvement IMHO but they chose not to consult me, so I kept it yellow in the March Paris letter.
Look up at the Venetian chandelier and painted ceiling. And spend ample time browsing the divine savory and sweets. Prices are reasonable for an haute patisserie (4,90€ for pastries)
For research purposes, of course I got their winning chocolate eclair, puits d'amour, baba au rhum and Paris Brest (bottom left). Pastry chef JEFFREY CAGNES is among Paris' best. 
One of my first Paris maps was pedestrian street, rue Montorgueil. Subscribe to the letters and get the map too. Hmmm...I painted the whole shop yellow in 2015. Wishful thinking. And I did a little watercolor.
Speaking of the color yellow, I woke up late last night and read GUARDIAN journalist JOHN LITCHFIELD's story on the Champs-Élysées news kiosques destroyed by the Gilets Jaunes. Litchfield has set up crowdfunder appeal for stricken kiosque operators. I'm offering two Paris Kiosque watercolors on ETSY . 100% (minus shipping) will be donated to the fund. Or go over and donate directly. Who doesn't love Paris kiosques? 
Thank you for reading and sharing Parisbreakfasts. 
With love💋 from Paris🐻 Xxx


  1. Beautiful!!! You should make post cards of your art ,

  2. Jeanne Long10:28 AM

    Lovely!! Perfect!!!

  3. I'm so upset by what's happening there!! Thank you for doing this.xx

    1. Yes a very frustrating, damaging situation

  4. Love the art work and enjoy the stories.

  5. Sally V12:23 PM

    I like the posture of the red-scarfed woman in the yellow awning picture. That says French to me. S.

  6. Susan E Bradley2:03 PM

    Did you already sell them? As I love the thought!

    1. They went so fast! I was surprised..
      I will start drawing them more soon

  7. Hi Carol - I was too slow to buy your beautiful Kiosk watercolours on etsy. Will you be painting any more?

    1. I will definately painting more news kiosques in general.
      And buying more magazines too!
      I love the shape of them

  8. Bonnie in CA1:41 AM

    I love the chunky graph paper tablet you are sketching on. Fabulous.
    Also, where is the link for your kiosk sketches on Etsy site to support crowdfunding? How does that work?
    My heart breaks for the kiosk owners. So so unfair.

    1. Those are just cheap little notebooks from Clairefontaine.
      The fundraiser link was only in my post and in the Guardian story here Bonnie
      Its a worthy cause in my opinion 👍🏻😄

  9. Carolyn1:45 AM

    I am loving your kiosk painting!! I am loving all of your paintings though! Did you eat those yummy pastries you picked up as models?? Yummers

    1. Good question Carolyn!
      I felt a deep obligation to eat the pastries. Otherwise how to draw the true essence of Patisserie Stohrer? But i ate thm little by little...sointense. And fortunately the Paris-Brest does not do well in the fridge. The inner whipped cream turned into a solid butter-like mass making it inedible. The baba I nibbled at slowly...not like me at all. The Puits d'amour was too easy to eat, as was the chocolate eclaire ;(

  10. Glad you added a link..I searched after your IG post for the article to no avail.How nice of you!
    I want to straighten that awning;)

    1. No links on IG except in yr profile is so annoying!
      Such a good story with good intentions 👍🏻

  11. Laura C1:36 AM

    Oh Carol!! How wonderful! Nothing like French pastry...LOVE so much...Thank you for sharing

    1. I wish I could SHARE my daily mignon (not so little either) a pain au taison from Boulanger de la Tour...sooo addictive ;(()

  12. I've added it to my to-do "list"!

    It's near the Passage du Grand-Cerf.

  13. I LOVE everyday Paris & the way you paint it:).
    BTW: have you heard of a New York artist named Elise Engler? 5 years ago she did “A Year on Broadway” where she painted small scenes of each street on Broadway.

    1. Thank you Carol !
      Found it

  14. William Ternay1:53 AM

    I had an enjoyable moment seeing the raw sketches leading up to the final lovely as usual finishes.
    No wonder your many fans love your blog. I brag about you and you blog all the time.

    1. Thanks Bill
      I love showing the baby steps to the finished art. It isnt magic.

  15. I've loved your work (and your blog) for a long time and I seem to remember you once sold boxes of notecards with your drawings (before the map subscroptions, perhaps). Do you still sell those?

  16. How about a collection of thumbnail drawings?

  17. I much prefer your yellow to the new blue. And the listing is disturbing. I don't know if that's an easy fix or not but I would want to be on it for appearances sake if nothing else!


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