
Monday, December 03, 2018

Alphonse Mucha - Musee Luxembourg

I was late visiting the MUCHA EXPO at MUSEE LUXEMBOURG, but not too late to become inspired to draw his lavish swirls and loops. Don't miss this terrific video on YOUTUBE if you can't make it to Paris by 27 January 2019.
You might think you've seen all the Mucha you need to see (like me...).
Not so. The exhibition is eye-opening. Czech artist Mucha studied art all over Europe thanks to a hometown sponser, before he made a big splash in Paris with this poster of SARAH BERNHARDT in 1895.
Mucha's agility at drawings is nothing short of spectacular.
The layered patterns. The complexity of geometric design.
Fabulous tonal figure drawings show he planned ahead every image in detail.
A sickly green woman seems perfectly normal when Mucha paints her.
His delicate colorations are superb.
The French Champagne industry adored Mucha's effervescent style.
As did the biscuit, soap and cosmetics industries.
He put his hand to store design
Including the ornate interior furnishings.
And scupture and jewelry design. Was there anything this man could not do?
Plus he was renown for his photography.
Mucha was the toast of Paris no doubt, living in luxe bohemian digs to the hilt.
Until I suppose too much of a good thing turned his head to an obsession with the mystical.
Mucha's watercolor costume designs for a Shakespearian production.
After his bout with mysticism he became patriotic, returning to his homeland to paint big historic mural  paintings but you'll have to go see those for yourself.
We're strictly all frills at PB. Patisserie Angelina has a small tea salon at the museum.
A ruby red raspberry delight was specially created for the Luxembourg Mucha show. Another reason to go non? It was grey and drizzly on Saturday. But even with the yellow jacket chaos on the Champs-Elysées, Parisians were busy shopping, eating macarons and 'footing' (as they call jogging).Thanks for reading Parisbreakfast. If you'd like to receive Parisbreakfast letters, watercolors and mapin your mailbox, look in my Etsy shop. 
Bon(ne) Semaine PBers ❤️ 🐻


  1. Looks great love your ladies! Mucha!
    The yellow jackets ..we watch TV5 Monde,FRance 2..and the news of it is plentiful..
    So many diverse opinions..
    Your advent calendar is oustanding :)Applause applause applause!

  2. Bev in CA12:16 PM

    Again you put a spin on an event that I experienced and you connect it to your own artistic talent. Both with water color and your writing style!

  3. Familiar with the work but not the man - very interesting and love your ladies with their frills and swirls. The raspberry delight looks like reason enough to attend.

    1. I didn't know about his checkered past dabbling in mysticism and giving it all up to paint his Czech homeland. Sadly He was the first one arrested when Prague was invaded.

  4. I was there when it opened - so crowded it was almost impossible to see the art, but still great to see them in the paint!

    1. I was surprised too at the crowds but so worth it.

      What a draftsman!

  5. Kathleen2:07 PM

    thanks! when i clicked on your link to the video i found another, longer one that was also enchanting, about the mysterious sculpture called La Nature.

    1. Thank you Kathleen
      The correct museum video is there now.

  6. Sally V10:18 PM

    His lettering style is so interesting for me. Thanks.

    1. Mucha started the whole Art Nouveau design style !

  7. Cindy S10:23 PM

    How fun! I discovered Mucha during my hippie days of the early 70’s. His whole look was prefect for the fern bar days, non? I still have a decoupage of one of his images, a gift from my first real boyfriend. ( don’t tell my lovely husband!). Wish I could see the show

    1. I know Cindy!
      Didnt we all :))
      Why I was not so eager to go...haha

  8. G in Australia10:39 PM

    What a fabulous exhibition and thanks so much for the link to the video on Youtube. Apart from looking at any recent posts from you I am working my way through all your old posts in chronological order...backwards... as I eat my Australian breakfast. You are certainly a master of figures and faces. I am up to 2007 February, starting 2006. Wonderful stuff. Thankyou so much


    If you ever get to Prague, these MUCHA windows are a must

    1. Thanks Ladee!
      I would lve to go to Prague ❤️

  10. Chef Ann10:46 PM

    Love this Carol!

    Merci beaucoup!

  11. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Love your work. This posting on Mucha was special; I have always been a fan of his but sadly just learned from your post of his complete work and life. The film was also enlightening. Where was it filmed? If I ever can get to Paris again, I would love to pay a visit to this restaurant. A fan

    1. It was filmed in Bouillon Racine...going there on Friday!

    2. Dear Carol, Must be the onset of senility! Didn't recognize the interior. My daughter and I dined at Bouillon Racine three years ago on our last joint visit to Paris. You will undoubtedly enjoy it as well. Bon Appetit.
      Regards, Elvira

  12. Jane Gabin9:55 AM

    Such wonderful excesses! I went to the Mucha museum in Prague. Yum!
    Got your envelope today!
    I want to come to Paris,

  13. Oh oh, I had a feeling my comment didn't take. Teach me to open a post and not comment right away! I'm so glad you were able to see this fabulous exhibit. I had a very tough time deciding on whether this or the Atelier was my favorite Paris experience and I gave them a pretty close tie. I was agog! I loved how you viewed this from the artist's perspective (of course!). I saw it in the historical context of his life, although the art simply blew me away. (Check out my take: I'll not forget it. Ever! Thanks for the youtube link so I can revisit!

    And by the way, your Mucha-inspired women are quite wonderful! I think you could give him a run for his money!

    1. Thanks for comme ting Jeanie!
      Blogger is making it more and more difficult to leave a comme t with their endless captcha photos. Such a Waste of time and I can't seem to turn it off.
      Very Interesting to read your point of view on the exhibit.
      I always find copying an artist is a good way to get in their shoes and understand what they're up to..

  14. I was in Paris in September, but my time was much to short and I didn't get to one museum. The Luxemborg is a favorite. Love your Mucha ladies! The advent calendar is magnificant. I need to subscribe again. I miss your charming monthly mail. Happy Holidays, Carol.


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