
Thursday, June 07, 2018

La Tete dans les Olives, Paris Picnic Map, M. P. Samie

When I asked DAVID LEBOVITZ where he got the anchovies for his fabulous Pasta Puttanesca recipe, he said go to LA TETE DANS LES OLIVES, 2 rue du Coedic, 14e.Mission accomplished last Saturday. What a delightful epicerie! Pick out your Sicilian olive oil.

Taste everything in the shop. There's an open jar of whatever you like. Definitely try the crema de pistachio.
Every Monday the famous Sicilian lemons and other fresh vegetables are delivered. I figured while there why not get a bite?
The blackboard offered 5-6 different antipasti (7,50€). Idiot moi, I said, "I'll have the antipasti" forgetting to choose. I was thinking the lentil salad with tuna and pecorino sounded nice.

Instead I got capers, 2-3 kinds of eggplant and some other mysterious condiment, all tasting wonderful. Bread is home made on the premises. Its probably best to leave it up to the chef anyway.

I left La Tete dans les Olives with a 350 gram jar of anchovies that should make lots of David's pasta puttanescas. You don't have to refrigerate it - they're preserved in salt. Its too big for my tiny Frigo.

On the corner of rue du Couedic and Avenue du General Leclerc I had spotted a huge china shop.

Irresistable. Three floors of goodies.

Et pas cher!

Naturally you think at these prices everything must be made in China. Not at all. M.P.Samie china is all made in Limoges. The red coffee cup said take me home. I did (2,50€).

A good way to get through chilly Paris winters is with a red-checked table cloth. The new red cup will assist.

I was going to do Paris cheese shops for the June map

But on second thought that seemed silly.
Parisians love nothing better than to picnic by the Seine at the earliest opportunity. I see them out there daily.
First the thumbnail doodle. Second what do they eat?

By the way, if you're around, you can attend a grand pique-nique at Domaine Chantilly, June 23rd.
Voila! The June fruits of my labors. I recommend for your picnic the Brie de Melun from MOF fromager, Laurent Dubois. I'm off today to pique-nique in Aix-en-Provence at COTE SUD SALON VIVRE. More to come. Parisbreakfast letters, maps and watercolors are available on EtsyLet me know if you'd like to receive Paris maps in your mailbox. Cheers, Carolg


  1. I like your picnic menu! And the olive shop is wonderful--even better than just an olive shop because you can eat there. I am sure just passing in front can make a person hungry.

    1. I meant to include La Tete on the map/blanket! 😳
      Such a terrific place. Do go.
      Yes, the French do not take pbj on their picnics or egg salad merci dieu

  2. I am soooo jealous. I have read your past posts about the Cote du Sud and want to go and was going to ask if you were going and could I, a humble follower, come with!?! Oh well, can't wait to see what you see. Maybe next year.

    1. I would LOV company Nancy! ❤️
      Course I just walked up maybe 5 flights of tiny stairs to my abode. The door weirdly opens outwards so you cou,d easily get knocked backwards. There is AC and WiFi and a desk! Hooray. I'm right over Place Richelm- the Aix marché, so the cheese guy will give me a wakeup call if I oversleep. Travel is always an adventure!

  3. I love that sight:) I remember it so well..Cours Mirabeau was sparkling in sunshine♥
    Do you wander off to the newish old are where every boutique is upper scale?
    That was something too.
    I think I remember a very cute papeterie w/ watercolor section..:)♥
    Love Le Pique ~Nique!

    1. Papeterie Michel, 62 cours Mirabeau!
      I left y makeup and my paper at home 😳
      Had to make a beeline to Monop and the papeterie.
      The fancy street is rue Aude..
      Beautiful town ❤️

  4. Kathleen12:38 PM

    Fun! La Tete dans les Olives - how does that translate? (tete = head, right?)

  5. Gwen Ellen12:43 PM

    You go to the most interesting places! Thanks for sharing them with us!

  6. Sally V12:45 PM

    all wonderful...the unusual...I read David's book...thanks.

  7. How cute w/ the checks..Un vrai pique-nique!:)

  8. You do have good sources and so do we, as we have you. Both shops went on my list. I loved Aix when I was there in 1992, but I would imagine much has changed.

    1. I dont think it is changed that much. I was here is '87...definitely more shops. But they haven't put in new buildings. The architecture and colors are still stunning!

  9. You surely already know, but the best market days in Aix-en-Provence are Saturday, Thursday, and Tuesday. You're going to get an eyeful and a bellyful on this excursion...enjoy! And we'll enjoy it vicariously through you.

    1. I didnt know that Marjorie. Thanks! I found some wonderful chevre/goat cheese in the town. And there's a new restaurant/shop, Fromagerie au passage...gorgeous cheeses!
      Chevre + olive bread + chevre was my dinner.


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