
Thursday, May 24, 2018

Journees des Plantes de Chantilly 2018

Last Saturday Jane came with me to see château de CHANTILLY for the first time (my 5th visit but there are always new discoveries).
It was JOURNEES DES PLANTES weekend to boot. Have you been to Chantilly? A 20 minute train ride out of Paris on the Picardie line at Gare de Nord & so worth it!
Hundreds of top floral garden specialists show up to tempt you 🌸
My mother would have been enthralled with these garden 🪴 fetes. I used to touch her gardenia petals no matter how many times warned. My dad used to pay me a penny for every beetle 🪲 I collected off the rose bushes. Maybe I have a green pinkie after all.
My favorite citrus supplier was back from last year, OSCAR TINTORI of Pescia, Italy.
Gorgeous huge clay pots.
Whimsical clay pot 'plates' and 'cups' set à table on a mossy 'tablecloth'
Jane was eager to see Chantilly's fabulous collection of art, biggest next to the Louvre in France.
They used to let you enter via the grand stairway, but now they send you outside to climb up the original chateau entrance, in fact a better experience.
Very grand.
I always discover artworks I'd previously missed like all the Ingres paintings in the red room.

In the past I always turned left and missed the 90 Clouet portrait room.
Renaissance artists, François and Jean Clouet painted all the kings and queens of Europe, including Francois the 1st, Mary Queen of Scots and Catherine de Medici. The portraits are painted on wood with egg tempera, delicate and refined. There's a slew of 300 Clouet drawings hiding somewhere in the castle, yet to be discovered.
The view out the gallery windows of the Le Notre gardens is stunning. We would have loved to sketch on the balcony but not this time..
A captivating view back in the 1600s of Chantilly.
We happily parked ourselves outside to paint.
And eat our picnic lunch.
We were not alone. Many families were picnicing along the banks.
Bring your own eats. Food lines can be long and the wait daunting.
We were lucky 🍀 to have perfectly sunny weather and we had Chantilly mostly to ourselves till the royal wedding watchers arrived later on in droves. Ice cream may be a no-no but its impossible to resist fresh Chantilly whipped cream at its namesake, oui? TAKE A LOOK on Etsy for more Chantilly watercolors.
Monet's Giverny gardens await tomorrow. 
Xxx Cheers PBers 🍦 


  1. Terrific watercolors from.the Chantlly excursion!!!##!!

  2. Carole, It sure looks like the wait in line for the Chantilly on top of ice cream cone was worth it! Going to Chantilly is now high on my list for my next trip to France. Thanks for the wonderful views. Your watercolors are very beautiful. You captured the elegance of the architecture. Cheers! Fan From Oregon

    1. It was nice to see so many families gathered, many small children and very multi-culti. This is not a society exclusive event at all.

  3. Wonderful post ... how nice to be so near to this beautiful setting! Not to mention the plein air opportunity. Your insight reminds me of a very recent trip with my daughter; I quietly noticed her surprisingly frequent stops to photograph flowers and thought “I’ve done my job well.”💕😌

    1. A very sweet insight. I think my mother would be surprised how much I got to garden events.
      Back in the day...I turned up my nose 😄

  4. A beautiful trip and then garden suppliers . I went to the Columbia Road Flower Market in London one year and had to buy another piece of luggage. It is the clay pieces that are hard to resist. But back to the Chateau, it is stunning and has it all.

    1. I dream of attending the Chelsea Flower show in London. Maybe next year. Must plan ahead.

    2. The Chelsea flower Show is so amazing. It will knock your socks off. They encompass creative gardening, colorful shopping AND you can walk around sipping Pimm's.It is fabulous. Pencil it in !Fan from Oregon

  5. We went to Chantilly last September because you recommended it and found it enchanting - a truly delightful chateau. We went to the horse show which was fun and unusual. Thanks, Carol.

    1. So pleased to hear that Sukie!❤️
      I didnt even get to show the horse museum pics...

  6. It was wonderful, Carol, to visit Chantilly, specially with sun and flowers, and it is wonderful to read your comments and see your photos and beautiful sketches ! Thanks. I enjoy

  7. Castles, flowers and ice cream! What a great day, I need to visit Chantilly next time. Love your sketches Carol.

    1. Definitely made for you Kirra! ❤️

  8. LibbyCarol2:58 PM

    so wonderous!


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