
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Pissarro à Eragny, musee du Luxembourg

A Pissarro-inspired watercolor sketch I made after visiting the Pissarro ã Eragny exhibit at musee du Luxembourg on Monday.
Aside from being an uplifting and summery show, another reason to visit if you're in Paris at the moment is the fabulous AC in the museum! Way better than the yogurt case at Monoprix.
I didn't think I was a fan of Pissarro but these light, pastoral scenes are a breath of fresh air.
Pissarro moved from Pointoise to Éragny in 1884 and spent the last 20 years of his life there.
Thanks to a loan from his good friend Monet, he was able to buy a beautiful house for his large family.
You can feel the mid-day sun pouring down.
All the atmosphere of a perfect country afternoon.
I love his sturdy figure drawings.
Reminiscent of Jean-Francois Millet's wheat pickers.

Just the right balance of warm and cool colors here.
Many old photographs of Pissarro make him ever-present in the exhibition. Its on through July 9.
An old postcard of the artist's village.
Angelina has a tea salon at the museum - no AC FYI though you could eat on their terrasse. They created this special apple concoction named after Camille Pissarro with white chocolate coating and apple confit inside.
I indulged instead in their tarte de saison of rare fraise des bois - tiny red berries sitting on vanilla cream, a bit of yellow cake on a shortbread crust (pâte sablée). I ate the whole thing. Thank you for reading Parisbreakfast. The next subscribers to my Etsy Parisbreakfast letters or maps will receive one of these watercolors in your mailbox, stop by my shop. Cheers Carolg


  1. Wonderful post!Makes me like Pissaro. Your artwork is great., as always.

    1. I funny. I didnt care much either for him, but these are so joyful!!!

  2. Carolyn12:39 AM

    Love, love, love the watercolor!
    I too, really enjoyed the Pissarro exhibit!! Fabulous!

  3. Thank you for showing those lovely Pissaro paintings.

  4. Love your work..! I could swear we walked behind a tall blonde beauty somewhere quiet in Paris one day..and she had that blouse on:)

    1. Really! That is some crazy blouse. Had to take a pic!!

  5. We love this entry. Never knew about Monet loaning Pissarro money for his house. Wonderful piece of information. Thank you

  6. Lynne C11:10 AM

    Beautiful and educational too. This was fab

  7. Saw it with my friend Marval when I was there. Fabulous exhibit.

  8. SuzanneP11:17 AM

    I love Monet and the impressionists. Pissarro is another favorite of mine. I just love his paintings. I would be in heaven seeing this exhibit of his works.
    Thank you so much for sharing.

    You bring Paris to me. :)

  9. We especially enjoyed this exhibition in April. We had been disappointed in the crowds at the Louvre show of his work as there were people crowding the paintings 10 deep and the temperature in the Louver was unbearably hot even though outside temperatures were cool. The Luxembourg Museum is one of our favorites as a stroll after the show is a nice way to discuss the work and people watch. Pissarro has always been one of my favorite landscape painters.

    1. Sounds like a lovely choice Richard
      I'm late to this party but not too late!!

  10. Kathryn DM12:31 PM

    I gasped when I saw this sketch. Carol!!!!! you are incredible. The greens coming through the apron and the skirt of the two women in the foreground- gives an ethereal quality, a glimpse of the past. I LOVE IT!

  11. GwenEllyn12:35 PM

    Gees, you're good! I preferred your Pissarro-inspired water-color sketches to the original Pissarro's! :)

  12. I love your post today from the Pissarro expo. Thank you for reviving a best memory of Paris for me this morning. I saw it two weeks ago (before the heat set in) and was totally enchanted. He is ONE of my favs.

  13. So sorry this exhibit will be gone when we're there as I've always liked Pissarro & I've been to Luxembourg Gardens but never in the museum so I hope there is something good there when we are.

  14. KarenG9:25 PM

    I just finished reading Marriage of Opposites by Alice Hoffman. It is a novel that tells the. story of Pissarro and his family. He was supported by his mother all her life. I recommend it. Thanks for the photos.

  15. That's the best aggregation of art I've seen in a long time, Carol. Great from beginning to end.

    1. Thank Pissarro! Or the museum. A lovely exhibit indeed.

  16. I would be in seventh heaven at this exhibit. All my favorites in one room! And you!

  17. Carol, have you seen the Pisarro exhibit at Musee Marmottan? Was there in March, well worth it!

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