
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Hot Chocolate Map, Paris loves Bears 🐻

I'm not making this up. Paris loves❤️ bears 🐻 I can prove it.

It seemed a natural.
 December hot chocolate map should have Bear on it. He's been a good sport about it. After all how much hot chocolate can a girl taste in one day. Bear to the rescue. Hot Chocolate Map on Etsy.

Deyrolle has a bear in the window and a whole winter scene upstairs.

We went to taste the butterfly buche de noel of chef patissiere Eddie Benghanem of the Versailles Trianon Palace, while the reindeer looked on.

You can eat a bear 🐻 buche at Dalloyau this year!

On Tuesday a superb exhibit opened in Jardins des Plants, Especes d'Ours. Everything you've ever wanted to know about bears.

And their place in history, art and culture.

I didn't know bear's 'hands' are very agile. They can manipulate anything including refrigerator doors. I didn't know their paws were called ‘hands’. I'm not the only one crazy for bears.

Bear feels the same way. He loved Printemps' Xmas window with the attractive red bear.

I was drawn to Jimmy Choos windows. 

A bear nativity scene

Au Vieux Paris on Cité always decorates for the holidays. I haven't been but I bet a PBer has.

Cyril Lignac's Chocolaterie, 25 rue Chancy, has divine chocolat chaud and marshmallow bears. Plus molds to DIY.

Bear has been to Angelina too many times.

Have you tried Italian cioccolati in Paris?

Pozzetto's is the real thing. So thick your spoon will stay vertical. at 16 rue Vielle du Temple.

Il Gelato del Marchese too has wonderfully thick Italian hot chocolate served with elegance.

If you're lucky you'll catch the Marchese Renato in his Santa costume at 3, rue des quatres vents 75006

It’s time to dream of bears and Christmas stockings. Thanks for reading Parisbreakfast. If you like this post and want to support it, buy Paris letters and watercolors or forward to a friend.
            🐻    🐻    🐻    🐻    🐻    🐻    🐻    🐻


  1. Such joy!

    All the little Bear's having hot chocolate - I am in heaven!

    Fabulous, Fabulous

  2. Lovely! Don't forget François Pompon Polar Bear at the Musée d'Orsay

    1. Thank you Robinta. I didn't know of this wonderful bear or Pompom!!
      Stripping away the trappings and details, he abandoned any realistic rendering and focused on "the very essence of the animal". This economy of means gives the work a presence which draws its true force from its monumental scale. Far from the anecdotal, it reveals a search for timelessness and permanence: under the silent outer appearance of fullness, the smooth sculpture nurtures an aspiration to universal form. "I keep a large number of details that will later go" said Pompon. "I first do the animal with almost all its trappings. Then I gradually eliminate them..." Colette was struck by the "thick, mute" paws of his animals.

      Pompon's sculptures are characterised by an intuitive understanding, rounded forms, a refusal of geometrical shapes, and a taste for traditional materials. "I love sculpture without holes or shadows" he used to say, preferring pale stone with nothing to stop the smooth flow of light over the volumes.
      Musée d'Orsay: François Pompon Polar Bear


  3. Anything about Bear and Angelina..and your art.

  4. Very appealing bear post!! Loved the hot chock map too.

    1. I have yet to meet a bear that wasn't appealing... :))

  5. Barbara F12:12 AM

    Thank you for this lovely gift.

    Happy Holidays Carol.

    1. Thank you Barbara!

      Happy Holidays Everyone!!!

  6. What a beautiful post!
    How I envy you in Paris.
    We do miss you and Bear here.
    Sending lots and lots of love.
    Elizabeth, Robert and the ghost of dear Buster.

    1. Ah...sweet Buster.

      Best loved doggie in New York!!

  7. Kathy H.11:13 AM

    WOW - the Il Gelato del Marchese looks like the hot chocolate you order before you die and go (hopefully - hah) to HEAVEN!

  8. Linda D12:38 PM

    Happy Holidays and thanks for all the pleasure Paris Breakfast brings me during the year! xx

  9. This actually makes me ACHE to be in Paris right this moment.

    You always manage to do that!

  10. Lovely bears but you have the best. Can't wait for the map as I aited until my 8th trip to Paris to try hot chocolate and now I want more.
    Happy Christmas, Carol, and may your New Year be truly special.

    1. Ahh..why the wait Suki? Paris may be the hot chocolate center of the world. I drink it everyday winter-summer. My go-to morning brew.

  11. Thanks for sharing the Christmas bears of Paris! Rather excited to get my Paris hot chocolate map in the post, they all look delicious but the prettiest is the up with the gold trim. Joyeux Noël!!!

  12. Beautiful post, Carol; it's always great to see Bear & be looking over his head to see what's got his attention.
    I love the decorations - the animals & especially the bears. The closing shot is gorgeous :)
    Have a great Christmas, Carol & Bear!!

  13. Thank YOU for all the BEARS MAGNIFIQUE from Matthew L Jankowski archive panama city Florida 32401 (a new york city transplant) abiento Matty J


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