
Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Jill Butler, La Palette, Meert, Gout de Brioche

Last week designer-artist Jill Butler came to town. Do you know her adorable books and artwork?
My first visit to La Palette at 43, rue de Seine, 75006 but a favorite hangout of Jill's from her Paris days.
I would give their hot chocolate a 4
But for ambience and decor they get a 10. Trés branché evidently...
Jill included the above wall ceramic in her terrific book, Wandering Paris. You'll find her perfectly-sized-for-travel books on amazon or her site.
Jill gabs away in French.
I insist on taking Jill into Meert around the corner at 3, rue Jacques Callot.
Jill bites into her first Meert gaufre.
We get a private view inside Meert's chocolate Halloween pumpkin. Heaven.
We part ways and as I'm walking up rue Mazarine (#54) this amazing brioche thing in the window calls out my name.
I've been meaning to visit guy savoy's Gout de Brioche. The pastry is a secret combination of brioche and feuilletee (classic puff pastry). Its madly puffy and so tempting.
Instead I go for the 'briche' (a combo of quiche and brioche) with roasted duck on top. You could get salmon or spinach with parmigiano. Trés delish..the perfect lunch.
A trés chic shop.
I'm desperately seeking to get orderly thanks to Jill's Butler organizing station. Fingers crossed. Thanks for reading Parisbreakfast! If you like this post and want to support it, buy Paris letters and watercolors or forward to someone who might enjoy it. Cheers!


  1. Love the eye candy today. Think I am going to have to get one more travel book. I want some really good brioche. I like your last pic it includes Bear your finished work and I like the saying at the back "Fight for your talent". You have got it together. Talent - talent

    1. Bear thanks you profusely for noticing him Marilyn!!!
      Bear hugs

  2. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Briche? With roasted duck on top? I am soooooo there!!!
    Cheers, Stephan

  3. I love being organized my art room..well art/ironing/craft/wine making/computer /fax't want it to sound pretty and's not..but I have a a drafting table where I keep "stuff"..and a card table for the boys..

    sooo..this method looks great!

    I love your big full ceramic vessels..

    And that ..those brioches in the asian type steamer basket bottoms.

    I did buy one of Jill's books before our trip to Paris..the Wandering Paris one..
    I love my Jill Butler dishes and glasses bought a number of years ago,and yes one of the dishes is inscribed:"La Palette"♥

    Bear looks happy..probably because he is smelling Shalimar.

    I bet you two had a ball!

  4. Playing a bit of catch up on your posts this evening Carol. The chocolate salon has stolen my chocolate-loving heart. (I bought a bag of very ordinary chocs for potential trick or treaters in my building...but none arrived. So, yesterday the entire bag of choc was placed into the welcoming hands of the building staff.

    The chocolates that you saw and shared with us are on an entirely different level.

    I also enjoyed everything in this post and will no doubt be giving it a longer look tomorrow. xo

    1. French chocolate is extraterestial.

    2. I forgot to mention that I have a tin of French cocoa in my kitchen cabinet...a gift from friends, and quite a luxurious way to make my own hot chocolate! xo

  5. I love Jill's work and in fact Wandering Paris was one of the few guide books I took with me because a) it didn't weigh two pounds and b) it had a wealth of information. Besides, I just was happy looking at the photos!

    It looks like the two of you had a fabulous time. And isn't La Palette a wonderful and appropriate restaurant for a couple of artists?

  6. Yes very fun and informative little books!
    I want to do one too

  7. How lovely to meet up. Jill looks great fun and her books sound super too. And very arty at La Palette - totally agree on the great atmosphere. The Kirs are not great but it's fun. I'm so glad you chose the savoury briche things - I'd go for them over the sweet ones too, Carol...

    1. You Must go would be inspired.

  8. My list of must sees & must eats for my next trip is getting so long I may have to move to Paris for a few years to get through it. Loved seeing Bear overseeing your organization.

    1. Say when Suki.
      I'll be at CDG to greet you. It wou,d be such fun. Its true I never ran around NYC like I do in Paris. Much more to do here and much better. Cheaper too if you can believe it.

  9. Wonderful post, photos and lovely to see Jill B too! Have her three little, wonderful books on my shelf -- fell in love with 'Paintbrush I Paris' 20+ (!! just checked - 1994!) years ago and the others since then. Look forward to your Paris book!

    Cheers across the Channel,
    Carolyn B.

  10. 'Paintbrush *in* Paris' obviously. Love that cat!

  11. Thanks for intifucing me to Jill, off to do some online shopping now.....

  12. Fantastic, candid photos, Carol.
    Your photography is outstanding.


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