
Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Chanel Spring 2017

Yesterday was the BIG event of PWF (Paris Fashion Week). Karl's Chanel show at the Grand Palais. Its well publicized and everybody shows up to gawp at the invitées including moi. Many more photos on Flickr!
Brandishing your invitation is essential for us gawkers so we know who to shoot.
Pandemonium and mayhem always but this year they had 3-4 entrances instead of just 1.
Ready - aim - shoot. And don't forget to push and then say Pardon!
Tension to for the invitées. Did you forget to bring your passport or ID? Can't get in without it. They are strict.
The perfectly dressed couple in head-to-toe Chanel.
And the not so perfectly dressed...ahem
The hot dress was this Chanel lace ruffled lampshade affair seen coming and going.
Non non non.
Inside the Grand Palais and then later on outside without the trimmings, the runway models.
NEON hair is IN?
Should Bear and I get this? And what color is it? White or? Love her cut too.
Always many jaw-dropping raving beauties at the Chanel show.
Only person I recognized was Franca Sozzani, Vogue Italia editor and chief. (The blondie).
Who are these people posing??? No idea..
The Chanel girls who run things out front are always decked out. Love this petal coat!
The bags of course. If you don't have a leather one try the shopping bag.
Hair, hair, so much beautiful, shiny hair. What are they using? Mine doesn't look like this ;(
Also very beautiful hair. I do want to say PBers Paris is safe as houses. Please leave your diamonds at home. There are plenty along the Seine. Thanks for reading Parisbreakfast! If you like this post and want to support it, buy my Paris letters and watercolors or forward this to someone who might enjoy it. Cheers !


  1. Fun photos--you take us there!
    I love that white haircut--it's short but not too harsh in the back. Nice shape.

  2. What a fun atmosphere that must be to experience, even if one is not invited inside- one day maybe... Neon hair has been a big thing in Australia for some years, and is still going. It's a bit more alternate rather than mainstream though I think.

    1. Although everyone outside would Love to be going inside, I sometimes thing the real show is on the outside. The shows last at most 10-15 minutes with a lot of waiting involved. Not nearly as amusing as the parade of invitées.

    2. Yes you can already watch the whole show on the internet- so much better to enjoy the real spectacle as you do Carol. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  3. Miranda5:12 AM

    Those models post-show 'look like something the cat dragged in'

  4. Merci Carol!! I was outside the Grand Palais once and got a glimpse of some of the models... very skinny girls. And red/orange hair was in that year. And I had absolutely no idea who I was looking at either! But it was fun! Keep posting and painting. I LOVE all my Paris newsletters! I am making a whole wall of them. Bisous! I'll be there in January! Wild horses couldn't keep me from Paris and I promise to leave all my jewels at home!

    1. HOORAY and Bravo theresa!
      Thanks for coming back to Paris!!

  5. Love the frill coat too..and the hair..I actually walked up to someone two days ago and told her I loved her hair..chin length..grey..but SO's not always the case..I want to know about shine too:)
    The best conditioner..I finally found it thanks to my daughter..Saryna Key..and smells heavenly..well it's good for us..
    certainly a ton of people watching at that show..great all my costume pearls are in.

    1. Names Sweetie darling..names Please..of that conditioner!!!

  6. Constanza10:36 AM

    Those people posing are Cecilia Boloco and her boyfriend ( Cecilia boloco is a former miss universe and local socialite in my country Chile) ��
    Love your blog

  7. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Dear Carol & Bear: LOVE LOVE LOVE this post (and all your posts bien sur). Eric and I are headed to Paris in a couple of weeks--cannot wait. Hope you are well. In appreciation! Patty and Eric Nauman, Minneapolis

    1. THANK YOU Patty and Eric in Minmeapolis. So glad you're coming to Paris!!

  8. I read your statement about Paris being safe. Yes, but only if you don't flash your jewels, as you wisely noted. That is why, when I go to Paris, stay in non-chic areas and I leave my $10 million worth of gems back in the US.

  9. Winewalker12:59 PM

    Love the photos and your comments. Did Bear enjoy?


  10. Love the pics of FW but think they come from an entirely different world than the one I live in. Thanks to La Table de Nana for the conditioner hint (I thought Saryna Key was her daughters name at first. I too feel Paris is as safe as anywhere else & nothing would stop me from returning except destitution.

  11. bill cunningham left
    a void...... you filled it well with your chanel
    !!!! great street fashion...

    1. Well I did buy one of Bill's blue workman jackets in Deauville so maybe it helps!

  12. Kathy H2:33 PM

    Wow...they all looked so chic!!! Parisian women have IT! (The Vogue editor/blondie - tres chic!!)

  13. What a fabulous way to enjoy the show without actually seeing any of it. I so agree, this is where the real show was, no one can afford the haute couture (well most of us can't) that is on display and sometimes it is so far out there that no one would wear it. But this, this was the icing on the cake, this I can imagine was so entertaining. I love the back view of the first couple all in black, so stylish.

    1. 'so stylish'!
      That's Paris. Fun to get a vicarious taste of it during Fashion Week.

  14. Loved the post. Felt I was 'there' in line (without being there...) ;-)

  15. Oh love this💖 Everyone so beautiful and glam! The hair is either sleek and shiny or perfectly messy!!

  16. ....and I like the ironic clown like outfit with odd slippers and unkempt toes!!! What a riot. I need a good laugh as we're getting a hurricane!!

  17. Great post!! can I ask what was in the show's goodie bag?

  18. Dear Carol, how lucky to have good weather on board for the big Chanel extravaganza! Your photography captured the cross section of faces and outfits in the crowd.
    I've seen mention of those fluffy slippers on the British Vogue website. Very odd trend, don't you think?
    The silver white short haircut reminded me of Andy Warhol.
    Isn't it grand that such gloriously frivolous events can still take place! xo

  19. I love your opening sketch, Carol, and then one beautiful photo after another. I love looking at the beautiful people there :)

  20. Anonymous12:45 AM

    use Furterer products or Phyto in parashop for shining hair

    i love so much chanel but people in the pic is not chic at all some so ridicolous maybe they need some lessons about glamour and elegance ...


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