
Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Volterra Workshop

I loved my Urban Sketchers sketching workshop in Volterra..
A shot from the bus into Volterra (about 2 hours ride from Florence)

One of our painting sites near the Dolciolo archway.

Painting in the park.

My pool at Hotel San Lino. The water is 🧊 cube-cold. Perfect dip 🏊 for a hot day.

Volterra must be

A town with a thousand archways.

Easy to get away from the tourists.

To quiet beautiful spots. Quite hilly by the way. 

Must paint this

The Villa Guadalupe outside town (and Volterra's thick medieval city walls which made wifi and posting impossible).

Everything is exquisite in this villa.

Amazing frescos to come.

First painting session was with Majid Modir of IL PUNTO in the studio with watermelon from his garden. Which we ate to get the full essence…yum yum

Italian for watermelon is melone.

Is 'cocomero' not melone I learned from the Italian participants.
A watermelon/Tuscany watercolor sale coming soon to my Etsy shop! 
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  1. Volterra is stunning, I was there in all seasons and it is always beautiful and not too crowded. Enjoy your Tuscan summer

  2. I love your is you ..and your first one here..Volterra is indeed a favorite spot of both Jacques and I.It's hard to not love everything about Tuscany and Umbria..
    gorgeous swatches bleeding into each other.

  3. Does this beautiful place called Volterra actually exist, or is it a place only in one's dreams?

    Carol, it seems to be an artist's heaven on earth.

    How clever to have watermelon as the initial watercolor subject. The results you created with your paint and brush and eyes and hand are superb!


  4. Envy oozing from every pore along with fabulous admiration for your beautiful work!

  5. Volterra looks charming & I love your watermelon watercolor - but I need some of that beautiful gelato.

  6. Your road/trees painting is perfect! And Volterra looks fantastic, a lovely place to wander around.

  7. I love this part of the world and so want to return now to Volterra - it looks stunning, Carol and can see why it's a painter's dream. Love that watermelon - you make it so mouth-watering and who would have thought to add that blue? It's fabulous.

  8. Jane G.7:03 PM

    figs! wine! melon! pool!
    it all looks good!

  9. Owls Head7:06 PM

    Beautiful. You clearly sucked the marrow, as always. Love the watermelon watercolor, or should I say cocomero! Hugs, K

  10. Beverly7:09 PM

    Loved this post.....Great paintings as usual. I love your work!!!

    1. Thank you Beverly,
      No wonder every painter went to Italy!
      So Inspiring

  11. Vincent7:16 PM

    how did you come to know about Volterra Workshop?
    Any more water color workshops?

    1. Its Urban Sketchers Vincent,
      There's a link in the post first line..

  12. Fantastic place! So much to see and paint and Urban Sketcher workshop, too! Heaven!

    1. Please join up Jeanette!
      Next year in Chicago. Be there!!

  13. What a wonderful visit. Love your pix.

  14. Anonymous12:50 AM

    melone cocomero anguria we call it in a different way dpending where you are in Italy ...its so funny to paint a cocomero in Tuscany and not grapes this season vineyards are amazing in that region ...

    1. Not at all A.
      Grapes are molto defifficle to paint. Have you tried?
      A watermelon is not so hard :)

  15. Bonnie3:39 AM

    Melone watercolor = scrumptious

  16. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Hi Carol its true grapes are complicate to paint..have You planned to go to San Giminiano ? Its the towers's village so beautyful maybe it can ispiring your amazing work , Taste the " schiacciata con uva "... its a focaccia white pizza with black grapes so good gnammi !!!


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