
Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Tout Va Bien

Paris is being Paris again thank goodness!
The lines are back at Berthillon
This customer got 2 to make up for the days of deprivation. Way to go.
Cafes are buzzing
I passed pastry chef Cyril Lignac's new Chocolaterie yesterday and had to go in
Very yum and tempting goodies at 25 rue de Chanzy 75011
Just last weekend in the Aix train station I spotted on Paris Match's cover chef Cyril is now an item with hot movie star Sophie Monceau. Way to go Cyril!
Yesterday I was taken for a great lunch at classic bistro Paul Bert. The formule is just 19€ for a 3-course divine lunch and the best (and my first ever) confit de canard I have ever tasted. 18 rue Paul Bert 75011. And to top things off my neighbor M.Pig was seen tied up out side a Pâtisserie.
Special thanks to Michele T. For the lovely photo. We Have to meet this pig!


  1. Great to know that all is well in beautiful Paris, Carol. Let the sun shine and so forth.
    Sudden rainy afternoon here in NYC today. The chill is on for the evening, but perhaps tomorrow will have the city heating up again.
    Your new Parisienne chocolate source looks wonderful!
    Not too sure about that pig. There is a tv commercial currently running that features a couple walking their pet miniature pig with a wonderful song playing as backdrop. Think that the advertising company is some sort of financial planner who lets you do it your way. I only remember the tune and the pig, not the name of the advertiser.

    1. Hahaha sooo happy yesterday to see Parisians sittng out along the quai and the runners are back. So is the recently missing highway along the quai back.

    2. Love that pig commercial as the baby pig is adorable - think it's Chase Bank.

  2. What wonderful photos and lovely environment filled with life. Thanks for sharing and greetings!

  3. Doesn't it make the most tremendous difference when the sun comes out?!
    I love that place at Paul Bert. Great wines too. Cyril Lynac's other pastry boutique is at the end of the street but each time I get there at Paul Bert for dinner it's closed. Glad you tried the new chocolate boutique. Hehe - yes, I saw that on Paris Match. I literally bumped into Sophie Marceau ... in a maternity clothes shop when I was working in the 16th. We both came out of the changing rooms at the same time to look in the same mirror - can you imagine what my face looked like? Yep. Totally goofy, not like dear Cyril ;-)

    1. I just 'looked' in the Chocolaterie Jill.
      I didn't sample unfortunately
      Didn't want to spoil my appetite for Paul Bert!!

  4. Love duck confit and that looks delicious so I'll order it at Paul Bert (has been on my list to try). My list of patisseries and chocolate shops has gotten way too long - think I just need to move to Paris so I can try them all at a leisurely pace.

  5. Nice to see your daily life is back on track.
    Enjoy your sunny days in Paris

    1. What a relief to see the waters go down Barbara!!!

  6. I think pig and bear would do quite well as friends.
    I know my Bad Piggy and Frowny Bear do well.

  7. Terrific to see this and to vicariously enjoy so many basking in far better weather. Hooray! Confit de canard is always my favorite guilty pleasure, and the potatoes are sublime!

  8. You've been having a right jolly time, my friend! So lovely to see people out and the sun out too! You dinner sounds divine!

  9. So nice to see Paris returning to normal! As for M. pig, that seems a bit uncomfortably close to the kitchen! :-)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. That piggy is a hoot! He ought to be careful wandering the streets of Paris... he may end up in a croque monsieur!

  12. Merci for showing us Paris is okay and back to enjoying the sunshine! I agree my chocolate, ice cream etc shop list is now very long thanks to subscribing to your Paris Maps! I always love visiting Paris when I can but I don't think I'd get to visit every place on my list unless I moved there like you, maybe one day! :)


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