
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Paris Basque 2016

They said wear red and black to the PARIS BASQUE 2016 event. My latest acquisition fillled the bill.
What the Real Basquese were wearing was more correct.
As someone wwho Loves RED with a capitol R, you would think I would have more of it in my wardrobe than I do. I'm in the 'add a touch of red' school both in watercolor and dress.
The king of top Basque chefs was onboard.
Here caught passing the baton/whip to an underling.
Unfortunately I arrived late afternoon and all the lunch specialties were gone to be served again at 8 o'clock same evening. Hmmm...most Paris fetes never stop serving throughout the day. I should have arrived earlier.
There were ample sweets available like Maison Pariès out of this world caramel Kanougas. They now have a shop in Paris. 9 bis, rue Saint Placide.
Cherry gateaux Basque also from Pariès.
The all-boy Basque band was terrific. The Russkies in Metro Concorde have been replacd in my heart.
Brilliantly colored sud-ouest awning stripes from Bayadera.
Ice cream!
Pariès has excellent glacé.
And they had Two chariots de glacé!!
On the way to Paris Basque I caught thiswitty chariot de crepes near Notre Dame.
I 'collect' chariots btw. At Le Petit Duc, new/old traditional  biscuit shop under le canopée at Les Halles you can get Berthillon ice cream.
That's why June's Paris map is full of chariots..
More RED from singing soccer fans on the Metro Sunday.
There is no escaping them.


  1. I loved the chariots I spotted while there..the man in the red scarf serving has a lovely face..friendly:)
    looking at the metro I found interesting was the one that has all the names of writers,artists etc..could it be La Sorbonne../Cluny?

    What wind tunnels they are.
    looks like fun:)

    1. Please come back again SOON Monique!!!
      Wind tunnels I dont know about

    2. LOL every time we took the soon as you get down the steps.. a little wind tunnel..maybe it's the length of my hair;)

  2. Que tu as de la chance, Carol!
    And today is La Fête de la Musique!!
    Amuse-toi bien-

  3. Miranda9:49 AM

    Basque style (noir et rouge) is ultra chic non?

  4. Oh, what a simple red scarf can do!!!

  5. Love the beret and the scarves, but your choice for red attire tops them all!

  6. I loved the map with the chariots & agree that red is spectacular. I always feel good when I wear it.

  7. Kathleen12:58 PM

    Always looks colorful and fun!

  8. Does Bayadera have a shop in Paris

    1. No but LES TOILES DE SOLEIL does on rue du Bac

  9. Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!
    The awning stripes! Ahhhhhhhhh...
    Are those purses?

  10. Bonnie1:13 PM

    the photo of man from Parie's handing ice cream is award winning. He is a darling.
    Glad your rain has ceased...we are in 110 degree record breaker over here...

    1. We still have rain. Just taking a little break..
      I'm shooting between the drizzle

  11. Killer opening shot, Carol, then everything in between :)
    I love the kids & the ice cream salesman with his smile & strong "lean" serving the glace to a customer - love that one.
    The subway as the closer is a gift, too.

  12. Carol, your photographs and commentary really allowed me to believe I was visiting the Basque fete (wearing my red shoes.)

    Your chariots map is a brilliant concept beautifully realized! xo


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